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I'm Obsessed With Him

I'm Obsessed With Him

Purple You


she's not beautiful but why is she still being fought over? He tried to avoid it but he couldn't avoid the wind brought by the kings. He was stuck with the so-called kings of Esteban University. he is especially afraid of the King of Devil, Greyson Martin Esteban, the worst creature he has ever met. In contrast to his admirer Lincoln Porter Smith, the king who is an Angel, Kind, and Gentleman to him. he never wished that it would happen to him to be liked by two kings who he thought were the nightmare of his life.

Chapter 1 1

I wiped sweat before sitting down and leaning against the locker. I took off the gloves from my hands and I saw how hard my hands were. I took the band aid from my pants pocket and bit the end of it to open the wrapper. I applied the band aid to my wound and rested deeply while caressing the part with the band aid.

How many more wounds will be applied to my hand before I can get out of this misery?

I shook my head and managed to smile to cheer myself up. just be patient and when I graduate from the education course I will be able to leave here. I probably won't experience getting my hands injured again because of my cleaning. imagine I'm cleaning this whole building, of course I have people with me but because that's still not enough because of the size of this building. I even wipe the huge mirror of the building even though I am very afraid of heights. but I can handle it if I want to earn money to supplement my pocket and my other needs.

"Be careful on your way home, Juliet!"

I smiled and waved at my co-workers, Mylene. Their house has a different destination than mine, so I always go home alone. even though I'm tired, I still have to walk a long way just to get to the apartment where I live. I will be alone in life, because I don't have parents anymore, I don't have siblings either. so even though I was young, I was drawn to work so that I could study from high school to college. Fortunately, I am a scholar in college.

I passed many more open establishments and ended up at a fast food chain. I stopped and swallowed because my stomach suddenly started to growl while looking at the delicious food that people eating inside the fast food chain. People who can afford to buy their food at expensive restaurants are envious. I have never been in there before.

"Oh, Juliet!"

I smiled at Aling Rose who owns a cafeteria. Here, this is the only place I always go to eat. My budget can only go so far.

"Which Rose, you already know."

I sat on a bench seat while the table was long and plastick. The television was in front of me so I watched while waiting for Aling Rose to cook my order.

"The Esteban Empire Group heir was spotted messing around in a bar. Rumor has it that it was only because Greyson Martin Esteban was paralyzed that he beat some men who now rushed to the hospital and took their lives."

"Truly blessed rich youths just waste money on useless things." Aling Rose commented and put down the rice even my favorite dish of all. Ground with quail eggs.

"Isn't that where you study at Esteban University, Juliet?"

I nodded to Mang Rey who was wiping the table left by the customer who had just left. Aling Rose's husband is Mang Rey, who are both good to me, so because of their good manners, I never eat at other restaurants because I want what I pay to go to them.


I put my hands together and prayed for a moment before starting to eat the food placed in front of me.

"Edi you see the heir of the Esteban Empire?" asked Mang Rey out of curiosity.

"No.." I replied even though my mouth was still full of what I was eating.


I can see the surprise on their faces and even Aling Rose has gotten attention just because of Esteban's heir.

"It's because I'm not at the same level as that high school. That's why they have their own building compared to a low standard student like me."

"Wow! The Estebans are really rich."

"You said it!" I agreed and took one bite of the rice mixed with the dish until my mouth was full.

I don't care about the likes of the Estebans. With the amount of problems I have, will I still think about people like them? I know that many people know them because they are famous throughout the country and even abroad. Poor people like me are afraid of rich people like them. So who am I to care and think like them? imagine that even the rice production of the scraping farmers is in their hands. So what I'm eating is Esteban brand. So who among those like me will not be treated like them? I'm afraid of being hungry, so I'm grateful for being the wind at school. yes, I'm just like the air that high profile students in Esteban pass through. There is nothing as remarkable, someone like me is beautiful. the only thing I'm proud of is my high score so that somehow I'm not a poor student at Esteban University.

"Goodbye, Aling Rose, Mang Rey!"

They waved at me and smiled so I smiled and turned and left their cafeteria. I held my stomach because of fullness. My stomach is very upset, so I will only focus on cleaning my body and studying when I get home. because the next day I have to go back to the school that will only lift me up from the state I'm in now.

"Sister Juliet!"

I stopped walking when I was greeted by young fog. young dew because of their young age they scratch even at night, to sell tulips, candy, and other products that are sold to them by their employer.

"Oh, are you leaving?"

I became friends with Tolits, Chichay, Potpot, and Kring-kring who are like my friends here in the squatter area where I also belong. These children are only seven and eight years old, so even if I wanted to help them, I couldn't because we are in the same state.

"Yes! You?" said Chichay who was still dirty and didn't seem to have bathed in a day. what he is wearing today is the same as what he was wearing yesterday. Be them Tolits, Kring-Kring, and Potpot.

"I'm going home and studying. You guys, you should be careful on the road and when there are bad people, call the police immediately so you don't get hurt."

They nodded and smiled before they hugged me at the same time so I smiled and ruffled their hair.

"Go ahead, Sister Juliet!"

They ran so I watched them until they disappeared from my sight. if the lord of god gives me a lot of money i will use it first for all the people here. I consider them all family even though they are not related to me by blood. They are the only ones I can call because I don't have any family to call.

I looked at my parents' picture after I showered and finished studying. I caressed their picture. They died because of a car accident. No one wants that and maybe that is what is destined when the almighty god will take them.

"Pa, Ma, guide me again tomorrow. And I hope you ask that I graduate quickly so that I can teach and earn a lot."

I lay down on my hard bed with only a sheet of cardboard. the pillow was filled with plastick, while the blanket was patchwork fabric sewn for me by my neighbor Aling Baby. Pity pity people like me. I don't have anything to buy pillows, sheets, and blankets. How come my salary ends up here in the apartment, and then a little more. only this small room becomes my living room and kitchen. There is a small bathroom where I can only sit in the bowl and take a shower while standing. The only space is very small. I'm used to it because I've been here for several years. even mosquitoes, ants, and any other insects are irrelevant to me because even they have given up on me. They couldn't get blood from me because of my thinness. Some say I'm petite and sexy, but they're just blind so they can't see that I'm like bamboo..

I removed the ponytail from my long hair. I fixed my bangs and closed my eyes to go to sleep to gain strength to use for the new tomorrow that is coming to my future.

"Juliet is awake.. Child.."

Suddenly I opened my eyes, I looked around before my eyes closed. It was clear, so I quickly got up. I made my bed first before I hurriedly took the towel that I had been hanging on that I somehow managed to buy but it was also old because of how long I had been using it.

I easily did the ceremony in the bathroom before going out to put on the matching uniform of the school I was attending. I also brushed my hair and only applied powder to my face before I left while combing my hair even though I was already on the way. I don't care about my appearance as long as I can get to my school quickly.I just walked that too and when I got to the Esteban University property road, I saw only a few people walking, while in the middle of the road there was a rush of fancy cars with high profile students.


I stopped in front of the flag pole where the open ground is. June, a young man wearing glasses and braces on his teeth, smiled. A nerdy one I knew at school. He just got out of the car where his driver took him. June is also rich, but not like the others who are high profile. June is a kind and humble rich man I met. He goes along even with a low profile like me. I don't even know why he goes with me, if he can mingle with someone with such a high profile.

"Oh June!"

He revealed something so my eyes seemed to twinkle at what he showed. A favorite book of mine that is a romance genre. It's not obvious, but maybe one of my hobbies is reading fictional love stories. because I really like gentlemanly, kind, and assertive men as I read in books that I know that in real life there are probably very few people who have the same behavior as in the book.

"Lincoln Porter Smith!"

Suddenly someone yelled so June and I looked at the students who immediately came out and were still crowding to see the rider of a stylish motorcycle that was another sport racer.

"Greyson Martin Esteban!"

Next came the speeding and careless braking of a fancy white car. Its car door lifted which I admit was amazing because it was strange, but not its occupant.

I stared at the motorcycle rider when he removed his helmet. the shaking of his head seemed to glow so that even his golden hair shone. Her face was so gentle, so smooth and so white as snow. her beautiful eyes that are so beautifully shaped, her nose that is perfectly pointed, her lips that are so red, and the shape of her face is so beautiful that it perfects her face.

He pulled down the zipper of his leather jacket so his school uniform was exposed. It looks very clean. Very cozy. His standing up from sitting on the motorcycle showed his stature. He is very beautiful for a man. everything about him is praiseworthy.

The ride in the white car is different. When it came down it was like everyone was in a cemetery. Her hair is a mess with some strands covering her forehead and eyebrows. It has two earrings in one ear. I can't say the look on his face is that of a gentleman and kind. He can be perfect because he is handsome especially since he is the son of a handsome and beautiful couple Mr. Gab and Mrs. Maqi Esteban, but if that's the only basis, he doesn't want to fantasize. just in his eyes with a sharp look. Because of his piercing nose, the elders say that when they see his face on the news, it is a sign that he is a womanizer. And his lips are even more terrifying. Because of his grin that always seemed to be planning something.

He could hear him closing the door of his car like he didn't care if it broke. He combed his hair with his fingers while smiling and closing his eyes. He was wearing almost all black. black leather jacket, black v-neck t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He is taller than Lincoln so he looks like a caper. His body is also big and I think when I bump into him, I will definitely feel like a piece of paper that will fly away.

The students were focused especially now that two kings had arrived at the same time. Their branches also appeared as if a war was brewing.

I looked at Lincoln who ignored Greyson who was smiling at him. Lincoln's face is really gentle, so Greyson's day would be ruined if he ever showed his face.

I followed Lincoln's gaze and it stopped but went straight after that. I hugged the book I was reading before secretly smiling. he's like a prince in the book I'm reading. That's why I rely on the book and believe a little bit in what I'm reading because with men like him, I can really prove that there really are more like what I read.

Suddenly the wind seemed to blow so I looked at Greyson and I don't know if I was just looking around? But I saw that he was looking straight at me. Suddenly my body protected me and simply hid behind June. I don't want him to look at me, I don't know what will happen to me when that happens.

"What's her name?"

I quickly turned around as I pulled June. He seemed to know what I meant so we left right where Greyson was looking.


We immediately hid in the wall where the hallway in my building is. I gasped for air while panting. The strength of my chest beat. I'm nervous.

"Juliet, I think...you are the one he is teaching."

I shook my head at June while shaking.

"N-No. B-Why would I be noticed?"

"I hope no one notices us high profile students, because if that happens you'll definitely be done when they find out it's you."

"I didn't say that!"

Nope. that was not me. I do not want. I don't want it now. Letche really! I hope it's not me.

I grabbed my I.D to use it as a fan because I felt like I couldn't breathe, but I was so nervous when I lifted the strap only to find that my I.D was gone.

"J-June, my I.D..."

He looked at me from peeking through the wall.

"What? Don't say..."

"N-It fell on the open ground."

We both turned pale, but I was even more pale because I felt like I was going to pass out because I was so pale. I closed my eyes and my hand holding the rope was shaking.

I hope... I hope he didn't get it. My God, what the hell is happening to me?

It's okay to focus on other things, just don't get Greyson Martin Esteban's attention. because when that happens I don't know if my previous quiet life in this school will be good. .

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