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My Casanova's Slave

My Casanova's Slave

Purple You


with the beauty and charm that Arwena has, no man can even come close and touch her. She works in a club as a manager, so she is used to men fantasizing about her. until the student friends landed at the paradise club where he worked, and something caught his attention. One of the students stared at him. He was used to that kind of look so he just ignored it. but he didn't think it would lead to the point that Edward, younger than him, would like him. He passionately coaxes her until she does everything he commands even if she becomes a woman just for obeying all his commands. he couldn't help but fall for it despite the long distance and his unspeakable past to the young man. She falls again for a man who will eventually leave her because of delusions. she fell in love first with her ex-boyfriend, Max, which made her personality full of bitterness and coldness. She wanted to explain to Edward but he didn't listen to any of her explanations, instead calling her his father's mistress. Arwena did everything to prove herself and achieve something for herself. Edward returned after a few years, and when he returned he was met with a cold and rude treatment. can things be restored if the truth will be the reason for him to feel bitter and angry for Edward? Can love fix what caused everything? And finally, will he be able to get the justice that he can only find in Edward?

Chapter 1 1

The men were very comfortable in their seats. Who wouldn't be entertained if a beautiful beauty and overflowing sexiness will be exposed in front of them.

I smiled because our club sells to men young and old.

It's good to see what's going on from here on the monitor. I can see what's going on even when I'm inside the office. I took a deep breath and felt my senses as it hurt, even my neck was hurting. this has been my job since I got into this industry. It's hard, so it's hard for your health, but that doesn't matter because you can make money quickly.

I heard a bang on my door signaling that someone wanted to enter my office. I leaned back in my seat and looked at the door.

"Come in..."

My door immediately opened and Hannah entered.

"Miss A, there's a new dancer joining us. Levi said to check if you approve."

I nodded, "Alright, I'll follow."

He nodded and immediately went out and closed the door.

This bar is elusive to the police. It's illegal so we have to be careful not to get caught. The bar where it is located is hidden so the police in this town will only know about the bar if someone reports it.

I stood up and adjusted my fitted skirt. I was also wearing a white blouse with three buttons open so my cleavage was exposed. I'm used to it because even though I'm the highest position here, I also have to take care of my body and appearance to be pleasing to the customers. My make-up is also thick to make me look bolder and more attractive especially because I like red lipstick on my lips which can easily attract men.

I left the office and went to the dressing room of the female dancers of our club. I immediately looked at Levi who was still innocent and young.

"Miss A, her mother brought her in. Maybe she can be asked."

I looked at the woman from head to toe. I nodded because it was possible because it was smooth, white, and also had a beauty. just a little self-confident, I'm sure her beauty will come out.

"Okay, dress him up and teach him what to do. I don't want any embarrassment here, understand?"

The woman nodded slowly so I blinked so Levi and I immediately took action to fix the woman. I folded my arms and looked at the women who were busy getting ready.

"Miss A!"

I turned to Hannah and saw that she was excited and happy to quickly come to me.

"Miss A, we have an important guest. They are Mister Lim."

I smiled..

"Okay.help them Levi in ​​fixing our performer. I'll take care of it Mister Lim."

He smiled and immediately nodded.

I can understand why he is so happy. For the reason that we are definitely surprised by the payment that the Chinese Mister Lim will give.

I left the dressing room and walked confidently.

I am confident in myself because I can carry myself. Before entering this bar I make sure that I look presentable but have something sexy.

I smile at the customers I meet who greet me. Bar customers already.

"Wiwit! You're really sexy, Miss A."

"I know. Thanks for the compliment, Boy."

There are many others who follow me but they know they can't touch me. I looked for Mister Lim and saw him at a table with his colleagues. There were already women at their table so I approached with a smile.

"Hi, Mister Lim."

He looked at me and smiled, "Oh, A! Still hot and gorgeous." praise it.

I smiled and sat next to him. I looked at his companions and smiled. They were stunned while looking at my chest.

"Your pets are younger and prettier now, A."

I looked at Mister Lim and smiled at him again.

"Of course, every day we always have a new dish for you. But you know our rules, Mister Lim."

It laughed and nodded.

You can see the luxury in his body, especially since his personality is covered with expensive things. what I know is that Mister Lim is the country's biggest investor so it's no wonder that it's so easy for him to squander money on alcohol and women.

"No s*x to your girls."

I smiled and squeezed his cheek.

Obedient elder.

"I just heard that... maybe even now, Miss."

I looked at one of Mister Lim's companions who I think is in his forties.

I smiled and shook my head. 'Lintek also at this old man's nastiness.'

"No, Mister. I take care of my girls' bodies here, so whenever possible I want them to be fresh and yummy."

"Anyway, you have a point."

I smiled, "You can touch and kiss them, but sex is not allowed, is that clear?"

They nodded like obedient dogs. I just look at men and I know they will fall in love with me and follow.

I stood up because I saw that I had an unpleasant visitor.

"If you don't need anything, I have to go, Guys."

"Sure, until next time, Miss A."

I smiled at them again and left. I walked over and looked at the group of high school students who seemed to have wandered into our bar. They immediately stopped when I interrupted. I pulled out my hair before folding them so they swallowed and looked at me from head to toe.

"What are you doing here?"

"Miss, we are eighteen, we can be here now."

I laughed a little. Mind you, they were four boys and I looked at one of them. He was staring at me and his eyes seemed to be full of desire.

"Boys, don't fool me.." I touched the face of one of them so that it froze and I swallowed when I caressed its face, "So, you better leave."

"We'll pay big."

I looked at the strangely handsome man. I folded my arms again because it seemed to know what to offer me.

"Okay, but you're only here until seven, is that clear?"

The two immediately nodded so I looked at them as I shook my head and turned away. I feel their gaze behind me and obedience. I grinned because they were still whispering but I could hear them describing my body.

I approached the empty table and faced them so they stopped.

"You are here. Make sure you pay and leave immediately. because if you disobey my order you won't be able to enter here, understand?"

"Yes, Miss." replied the three except for one who had been staring at me for a while.

The three sat down immediately so I approached one who didn't want to stop staring at me. I held it to my chest so I could feel the tension in his body. I caressed his chest until my hand reached his shoulder.

"Sit down and stop staring because you might regret it."

I sat him in the chair next to him. it looked up at me while swallowing steadily. I patted his cheek and shook my head before letting him go. I called the waiter Alex who immediately came over.

"Take their order and keep an eye on them. They only last until seven."

"Okay, Miss A."

I left after ordering Alex. I approached a customer at the counter bar.

"Hi, Mr. Jao."

He faced me by turning his seat around. I sat on the empty high chair and crossed my legs. I don't care if people see me because I'm used to showing skin.

"Hi, Miss A. Still hot."

I smiled and ignored his compliment.

"Why don't you want to take girls? We have a lot of new ones."

He grinned while staring at my chest and legs.

"Can't you?"

He held my legs so I smiled and grabbed one of his fingers and lifted it away from my legs.

"I'm sorry but I'm not one of the girls.. Just choose someone else, if you don't want to never come here again."

He laughed, "You're really hard to get."

He drank and shook his head. I just ignored him and left next to Mister Jao. I walked around and looked at my customers before folding my arms. I looked up to the high school students.

His friends were enjoying themselves, especially some women at the table, but one of them seemed elusive and was still staring at me.

"Miss A."

I looked at Alex who had just finished bringing the order to the high school students.


"I noticed the way that student looked at you. You seem to be the type."

"Don't be malicious, Alex."

He scratched his head, "It's just an opinion. But you know I've seen him before but I just can't remember where.."

I shook my head because Alex was really into gossiping things. A waiter at our bar who has been serving for a long time. A loyal employee that's why he has a high status as a waiter who is now a captain waiter.

"Stop thinking, Alex. just take care of them and when seven o'clock comes, send them home."

"Okay, Miss A."

I looked at the high school students one more time before turning away.

Young people. As long as there is money, it will be wasted somewhere. but that's in our favor so I shouldn't care where they take their money. As long as the club is beautiful, it's fine, but if it's not, action needs to be taken.

I went back to my office again and took a deep breath before reaching my senses.

Monitoring the club is also tiring. The enemy is staying awake and talking to men you can't even say are trustworthy. others may have serious brain damage, especially after drinking.

I leaned back on the recliner I was sitting on and looked at the monitor.

The Paraiso Girls are starting to perform. the name of our club is paradise because as soon as the costumer enters, they immediately feel like paradise with the alcohol, women, and place of our club.

I am not the owner because it was entrusted to me by someone I know who helped me when I needed help. So I'm just returning the favor.

I closed my eyes for a while to take a nap. maybe due to tiredness and lack of sleep, the nap turned into sleep. I just woke up when Alex woke me up. I caressed my neck because it hurt when I adjusted my seat.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Miss A. But there is a high school student who was left at the table. drunk so I don't know what to do because I can't see any identification with him."

I took a deep breath because he was about to reveal a problem to me.

I fixed myself first before standing up. I followed Alex and we headed to the table of the previous students.

I saw the man who was staring at me earlier. Blinded at the table and seemed to be very drunk. I shook my head and came closer before I grabbed his waist and kicked his leg.

"Get up there, kid. Wake up."

Alex woke up the young man but he just took Alex's hand away.

"He seems very drunk, Miss. How is it? Where shall we take him?"

I was blown away and wondered where to take this rebuke. I looked at my wrist watch and it turns out we are closing. I looked at Alex trying to wake up the young man.

"Take it with you first."

"Huh? Why us, Miss? It's already crowded with us because Mrs. has just given birth."

I'm secretly pissed off because it can't be left here. I looked at the man and I was just surprised that his companions left him.

"What, Miss A?"

I took another deep breath at the thoughtlessness of the way.

"Alright, take that to my car."

"Will you take me home with you, Miss A?"

"What's the matter? Go ahead, get moving and I'll just get my things."

He nodded so I turned around and felt the sensation because that student really gave me a headache. When his parents find out where he is, the club might be ruined.

I just grabbed my bag and turned off the monitor and lights before leaving the office. I saw that they had returned to Alex and signaled that they had boarded.

"Close the club well before you leave. Clean up the mess."

"Next, Miss A."

I nodded and made my way out. When I got to my car, I got in. I looked at the student in the backseat. I shook my head and put my bag on the front seat.

I drove the car out of the club's parking lot. The bar is just a few blocks away from the condo unit I live in. Boss gave me that condo as a gift. that's why I hardly have any problems anymore because I'm also alone in life.

Every time the past comes to my mind, I can't stop the anger in my chest.

I dismissed that from my mind and looked at the student from the rear mirror. For a high school student like him, he is tall because when we faced each other, he was taller than me. My height is 5'6 but this is definitely beyond my height. he is still young so he will grow taller.

I took my eyes off the man and looked at the road before turning the car. A few moments later we also arrived at the condo building. It is not a luxurious condo but I can say that it can be compared to other condos that have good facilities and good ambience.

After I parked in the first parking lot in front of the condo, I removed my seatbelt and got out. I couldn't lift this student so I called security. The two security guards immediately responded.

"Please pick up this child and take him to my condo."

"Sure, Mom."

I faked a smile at them and opened the front seat door to get my bag. they already carried the man so I closed the car door in the backseat before I locked it so no one could open my car.

They lifted the man as if he was burdening them especially since he was tall. I shook my head as I followed them. there are many gossiping neighbors who are watching. I don't care what they say. Women here who have husbands are very annoying to me. Is it my fault if their wives expect me?

I opened the door of my condo using the unlock code. when it was opened I put in the safes.

"Let him lie down on the sofa, please.."

"Okay, Mom."

When they put the student to bed, I grabbed a little tip so they could have another snack.

"Here. Thanks, boys."

They rubbed the back of their necks and smiled at me.

"Don't, Mom." they refused so I shrugged.

"Okay.. Alright, let's go, boys."

They still hesitated so I shook my head when they got out. I closed the door and walked towards the student. Didn't even wake up from doing it to him.

I threw my bag on a sofa and sat down. I took off my high heels before standing up. I put my high heels in my shoe rack and put on my house slippers.

I left the man in the living room and went to my room. I did my routine every time I got home. While cleaning my body, I felt like someone was looking at me. I turned to the door but there was nothing there.

I shrugged, maybe I was imagining it. When I finished, I hung a towel. I'm used to this especially since I live alone.

I also used to sleep naked but this time I had someone with me. So after applying lotion, I somehow still wore short-shorts and a black spaghetti strap shirt. I'm not used to wearing a bra when I sleep so that's better than not wearing a cover.

When I was done, I went out to look at the student and I saw that he was about to fall on the sofa. I approached it and kicked the leg.

"Wake up, get up."

It growled so I tried to wake it up. He woke up but he couldn't seem to get up. So I sighed in irritation. How many sighs have I breathed today because of this student who caused me trouble.

"Can't you stand up?"

He shook his head so I had no choice but to help him. I put his arm on my shoulder and held him by the waist. He is also heavy but good and does not make him heavy.

When I got to the room, I was so heavy that I knocked him down on the bed and because he was clinging to me too much, I ended up with him. I looked at her as I was supercilious about her. He opened his eyes. He grabbed my waist so I smiled.

"Lay down and I don't want to be naughty, understand?"

He nodded like an obedient child so I got off of him and got up. I looked at him before I turned to close the bedroom door. When I closed it, I came back to the bed and looked at him.

I sat on the other side of the bed and removed my hair tie. I saw him straightening his bed so I secretly smiled because it turned out to be obedient.

I lay down and covered myself. He also spread the blanket so I reached for the lamp holder and turned my back on it.

I fell asleep for a while. That's why this job is right for me. Because when I get home, I'll just go to sleep and not think about anything else.

The next day I woke up at noon. I yawned and opened my eyes. I looked at the student's arm hugging my waist. I looked at it. He was very close to me and he was holding one of my breasts.

"Wake up, boy."

I patted his cheek. It widened. I saw how handsome he was the more clearly I could see the court of his face.

"Sorry." he said when he noticed that he was holding my chest.

I grinned, "You're a naughty sleeper, huh?"

He blushed. I shook my head as I got up and stretched out my arm. I leaned my hands on the bed and looked up to shake off the sleepiness.

"It won't happen again.. I won't mess around anymore."

I looked at this man and laughed as his face turned red again.

"It really won't happen again because this is the last time I'll make you sleep. move on and wash up."

I removed the blanket from my body and got up from the bed. I took my ponytail and tied my long hair in a ponytail even though I hadn't combed it yet.

I went to the bathroom to wash up. I looked at the student who also entered.

"You go first.."

He followed what I said, so I folded my arms and leaned against the wall while looking at it. He turned on the faucet and washed himself.

She's sexy to wash so it's not bad anymore.

I grinned and shook my head. He looked from the mirror. I looked at the towel holder and took the towel from there. He faced me so I reached for the towel. He held it but didn't take it from my hand. He brought my hand to his face and looked at me as if he wanted me to wipe him.

"You're too big for me to wipe."

I saw him bend down so I grinned and touched his face. He looked up. Innocent but this student looks like a thorn in form.

"I want you." he declared without hesitation.

I smiled and stopped wiping his face.

"Really? you want me?"

He swallowed and nodded. I wanted to laugh because lust was devouring his feelings. Really guys.

"Sorry but I don't hit the kid."

I was about to leave when he blocked me. He is angry.

"Why? why don't you try me?"

I smiled seductively and grabbed her chest which she swallowed again.

"I don't want to be naughty, okay? And you're too young to give in to temptation.."

I shook his polo shirt and patted his cheek.

"Alright. Get out and I'll wash up."

He was staring at my lips so I took a deep breath. I pushed him in the chest so he backed away. Until he gets out.

"You better leave because I don't like nasty people."

I closed the door so I took another deep breath and shook my head. I did my morning ritual and what I expected when I came out was that the student had left but I was surprised to see that he was still sitting on the bed. He even made my bed.

"What else are you doing here?"

I just put on a towel because I thought it was gone. I ignored it while I was getting something to wear.

"Ah, I want to know your name?"

"And why?"

I looked at her while wearing panties. He was staring at my legs so I grinned.

"I want to know.." he demanded.

I grinned even more and took my bra. this kid looks like fun to play with. I turned my back to him and removed the towel. I put on the bra strap before touching its cup. I looked at him and as expected he was swallowing steadily while staring at my body.

"Can you unhook my bra?"

He stood up suddenly and looked at me as if he didn't expect that. I smiled and parted my hair. When I felt him behind me I smiled.

"You're shaking too much.. How can you close that well?"

"H-Here it is.."

When he locked it, I adjusted my bra. I took a loose shirt and put it on. I faced him and held him by the shoulder. I smiled at him so he swallowed. He swallowed even more when I brought my face closer to him. at the touch of my lips, he immediately became aggressive and completely occupied my lips. I felt his grip on my waist and his eagerness to kiss.

I smiled as I let go and looked at him hanging from my lips.

"Thank you, Good boy. because you are obedient I gave you a kiss."

"Can you call me Edward, Ed, or Fier?"

I looked at his hand that came down from my seat. I looked at him again and held his hand.

"What ever your name, I prefer to call you good boy."


I stopped his lips and wiped them because they were so red especially since I had just kissed them.

"Follow me, okay?"

He nodded so I smiled. I patted his cheek before removing his hand from my waist. I left in front of him to go out and he followed.

I approached the door of the condo and opened it. I faced him and signaled him to come out.

He came closer and looked at me. It doesn't seem to want to leave. So rather than linger and become a problem, it needs to be evicted.

"Go away."

He hesitated so I smiled and pulled his neck. I kissed him which he immediately liked. I looked at my two neighbor girls and I grinned at them while they were gossiping about me.

I have stopped this student who was enjoying kissing my lips. He looked at me like crazy when I stopped him.

"Go away.."

It nodded so I smiled. When he got out, I closed the door.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. even if you do something good or bad, other people will still say something about you. So it's good that I do something that will annoy them even more.

I opened my eyes and grinned because the whole building would definitely be talking about me again.

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