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Bound By Scandals

Bound By Scandals

E. Duke


The woman advanced on her in fury. "Shut up! I know exactly who you are. The conniving slut who seduced my fiancé Luke for his money!" Samantha's eyes widened in shock. Before she could respond, the enraged stranger drew back her hand and slapped Samantha hard across the face. "Luke was mine until you came along!" she shrieked. "You fake, social climbing bimbo!" Samantha's head was still reeling from the slap when two security guards rushed in and restrained the woman. She thrashed in their grip.

Chapter 1 A Chance Meeting

Samantha sunk back into the plush leather seat, watching the twinkling lights of San Francisco fade into the distance as the plane soared higher. She had always loved this view after take-off, the exact moment her problems felt miniature and the world brimmed with possibility.

She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. Packing up her life on a whim to jet off to Italy alone. It was so unlike her usual measured, pragmatic style. But the last few years had taken their toll, dimming the fiery optimism that fueled her early success. She needed this. A break from the breathless hustle, the pressure to achieve and uphold her “girl boss” persona. The startup world had started to feel more like a gilded cage than the fantasyland she initially saw.

“Goodbye for now, city of dreams...or disenchantment,” Samantha murmured, pressing her forehead to the oval window.

She was jolted from her brooding by the deep voice of a man in the seat beside her.

“Not a fan of San Francisco?”

Samantha turned to see an impeccably dressed man in an expensive tailored suit regarding her with curiosity. His dark hair was peppered at the temples in a distinguished way, and faint laugh lines crinkled around his slate blue eyes.

“Oh, no it’s a great city. Just maybe too much for me lately,” she replied with an embarrassed shrug.

“I know that feeling all too well,” he said. “I’m Luke, by the way.”

He extended a hand and she shook it. “Samantha here.” She shyly replied.

Luke flagged down a passing flight attendant. “Two glasses of champagne, please.”

When the bubbly golden glasses arrived, Luke passed one to her in a toast. “To much needed breaks and new adventures.”

The champagne was dry and effervescent. She could tell it was expensive. “Are you headed on an adventure too?”

Luke nodded. “A working one unfortunately. I have business meetings in Milan this week. Not quite as exciting as your Italian getaway I presume.”

“Oh I don’t know, I didn’t really plan anything so who knows how this will go,” Samantha said with a self-conscious laugh.

“Well if you need any recommendations - restaurants, museums, day trips - just ask. I’ve been to Italy more times than I can count.”

“I may just take you up on that,” she replied, warming to his gracious offer.

They tapped glasses again. Samantha studied him over the rim, noting the watch that likely cost more than her monthly rent. Everything about him screamed luxury and class.

“So,” she ventured casually, “what kind of work takes you to Italy so often?”

He gave a modest shrug. “I’m in tech. My company has offices all over Europe.”

“No way, me too!” Samantha said. “I actually founded a mobile app startup in Silicon Valley a few years ago.”

“Is that so?” Luke raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed. “Well, here’s to fellow tech entrepreneurs. You’ll have to tell me more about this amazing app over dinner tonight.”

Samantha nearly choked on her champagne. Was this gorgeous, sophisticated man asking her out on a date? She regained her composure. “Um, dinner?”

“Yes, once we land in Milan, you must let me take you out to this phenomenal little trattoria I know,” Luke said smoothly. “Unless you have other plans?”

She detected a glint of mischief in those steel blue eyes. Samantha’s pulse quickened. No harm in one date, she reasoned.

“Dinner sounds lovely,” she answered, hoping she appeared cooler than the butterflies now fluttering inside.

“Excellent.” Luke flashed a dazzling white smile that made her blush.

Maybe this spontaneous trip was just the fresh start she needed after all.

Finally the plane landed and they boarded a car together.

By the time the town car dropped them at the cozy side-street trattoria, Samantha’s nerves had settled. Luke ordered a bottle of velvety red wine and they fell into an easy rapport. Over pasta and rippling glasses of vino, her story began spilling out.

How she scraped together funds right out of college to launch her app design startup. The dizzying period when growth exploded and investor sharks started circling. Late nights coding in her studio apartment subsisting on ramen and Red Bull. Until finally the day came when she walked out of a VC pitch meeting with a multi-million dollar cheque and key to the Silicon Valley castle.

Luke listened intently, chin propped on his hand. “That’s seriously impressive, Samantha. You were so young to build something so successful.”

She waved off the praise. “It’s not tech-genius stuff like the Elon Musks of the world. I just tried to build something useful, make life a little easier, you know?”

“Now you’re just being humble.” Luke topped up her wine glass. “But I am curious - why the spontaneous soul-searching Italian escape if things were going so well?”

Samantha contemplated the question. “I guess after the dust settled, I started questioning if this was really the dream. So much of my identity and self-worth got wrapped up in work, in being this rising star. Lately it just feels...suffocating.”

She took a pensive sip of wine. “Sorry, not trying to be a buzzkill. I’m sure you know all about the pressures of success.”

Luke was silent for a moment before responding. “My journey had some unusual circumstances. But yes, I know something about the loneliness that seems to come with ambition.”

Their eyes met in a moment of wordless understanding. Samantha suddenly saw past the polish and wealth to the flicker of humanity within. Her heart softened.

Luke shook off the introspective mood and grinned. “What do you say we get out of here? I want to show you my favorite view of the city.”

Samantha didn’t hesitate. She grabbed her coat and followed him into the balmy Milan night, the wise voices of caution muffled by the song of spontaneity in her veins.

Later Luke hired a taxi to drive them to the shadowy base of a hilltop cathedral. They climbed stone steps through gardens fragrant with night flowers while soft lantern light lit their path.

At the summit, Milan unfurled before them like an illuminated tapestry. Samantha drank in the scene - terracotta rooftops, soaring spires, distant Alps - speechless.

Luke smiled, leaning against the sun-warmed balustrade. “Breathtaking, isn’t it?”

“I’ll say. How did you find this place?” she asked.

“I stayed in a villa near here once for a few weeks. It became my sanctuary.” Luke’s eyes held a faraway look, as if glimpsing some past version of himself.

Samantha joined him at the overlook, hyperaware of his proximity. “It’s so easy to get caught up in chaos of life. Forget to stop and appreciate the beauty right in front of us.”

Luke turned, his face now inches from hers. “What if this trip helped you rediscover that appreciation? Recall the parts of yourself that faded along the way.”

His voice was soft, full of tenderness. Samantha’s cheeks flushed. “Maybe it could,” she whispered.

Luke slowly reached up and brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucking it gently behind her ear. When his hand grazed her cheek, she felt it spark and sizzle through her whole body.

They drew closer as if pulled by some invisible force. Samantha’s lips parted, pulse racing. This was madness, some part of her warned - she just met this man! But a deeper instinct drowned out the protest.

She tilted her chin up as Luke’s mouth found hers. The kiss was slow and searching at first, then built into something hungrier. Under the Italian moonlight, worries of past and future evaporated. Samantha was fully present in the miraculous now.

When they finally broke apart, faces flushed and breathless, neither spoke right away. The silence said enough.

Looking at Luke’s tender expression, Samantha realized she was in serious danger here. Danger of losing her heart irrevocably. And for once, she didn’t feel compelled to resist.

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