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Let's Divorced

Let's Divorced

Juwita Abdillah


3 years old, Naya was married to her cousin, Calista. The husband — Yudha promised to be fair. But it turns out that Yuda spends more time with Calista. His second wife. Naya survived in the hope that her two daughters would not lose their father. Treatment for her second daughter's leukemia also requires a lot of money, so Naya absolutely survives for the sake of her children even though she is hurt. But unexpectedly, her first daughter, Yesi, asked for a divorce. If divorced... What about the treatment of her second daughter, who needed 2-3 dialysis treatments in one week. Naya is afraid that after the divorce the man will lose his responsibility because most men, once divorced from their ex-wives, forget about the children from their previous marriage. Will Naya agree to her daughter's proposal?

Chapter 1 Let's Divorced


Chapter 1. Let's get a divorce!?

"Let's divorce Mas..." Naya said in a soft voice. Her face was calm.

I, who was waiting to hear from the doctor, widened my eyes and turned to her.

"Divorce? Didn't you say something wrong, Naya? How can you ask for a divorce when our child is sick? This is a hospital, Naya! Don't talk carelessly!" I snapped.

Realizing that this was in a public place, I took a deep breath to calm my emotions.

Naya, my first wife was quiet again.

"I'm tired, Mas..." Naya stared blankly and gave me a smile.

Tired she said? Her face was so calm, she could still smile, then she said she was tired? What nonsense!

"Tired of what Naya? You just stay at home and take care of our child. I always send my monthly allowance on time. So you're talking about being tired? Isn't that wrong?"

I blasted Naya with a sarcastic question, I hoped she could understand the situation, maybe she was in a rut, that's why she was talking out of her ass.

"The one who should be tired is me! I came all the way from Jakarta to Bandung to meet you. But what did you say in return? You asked for a divorce! It's totally unexpected! It just makes me emotional!"

I ended up nagging. It wasn't me who was fussy, but Naya who was inconsiderate, how could she say she was tired when all she did was stay at home and take care of the kids.

"Tired is what I mean, tired of heart."

Naya said as she looked up at the ceiling of the hospital.

I squinted my eyes at her not understanding.

"I have a husband but you are always away from me and the children. Even when my youngest was sick, you weren't there for us. And..."

"If you had told me earlier, I might have been late to see you guys! How could I have missed seeing Yunita!" I cut off Naya's words to explain, so that she would understand that my rarely coming home wasn't due to irresponsibility. Especially when I'm under pressure.

Naya smiled and then turned to me with a sad look.

"Don't I send you incoming messages every day? I also called you every day to let you know how Yunita was doing when she had a seizure. When she had a bloody nose? And now you're saying that I should have informed you earlier?" he asked with a sarcastic smile.

I was silent for a moment, I just remembered that a month ago my second wife, Calista did give me a new cell phone, a new number and that's what I've been using every day since I passed the days with Calista.


"Tick two Mas! It should have been logged in, it just wasn't opened so I didn't see the blue double tick." Naya explained.

I was silent for a moment, looking for the right reason that I changed my cell phone number and the new cell phone that Calista, my second wife, bought me. I didn't want Naya to take offense.

"Don't tell me that you have two cell phones?" she asked.

"Then you only focus on the other one, the new one. Then you ignore the old one, just like you ignore the old wife and care more about the new one. Don't you think?"

Naya said sarcastically, making me lose my mind to refute her words.

"This is the reason why I want a divorce from you! I feel wasted as a wife who has accompanied you from the beginning. That's why I want us to divorce," Naya said calmly.

"Naya! What are you talking about!" criticized a voice from the other direction.

Naya and I turned our heads towards the owner of the voice.


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