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Blind Dating the Grumpy Billionaire

Blind Dating the Grumpy Billionaire

Michael Ross


Elizabeth Browney struggles to find love due to her busy life with her sick grandmother, mother, and education. She moves to the city with her best friend, Jade, and uses a blind dating app to find a date. She gets mixed up with Roland Virmot, a multi-billionaire business tycoon who is interested in a Japanese government project. Despite their miscommunication, they agree to marry and live together. However, news of their wedding comes to Elizabeth's mom, who disowns her. A recording of their conversation is leaked, and Elizabeth threatens to publicize it if Roland doesn't give her the exact money involved in the contract. Elizabeth stands by Roland, showing him her feelings for him, even if their marriage is fake. After a year, the contract can be cut off, and Elizabeth lives alone in her dream house and buys a studio to start her business. Roland is no longer with her and she loses her family. Roland proposes to her, confessing his love and commitment to her.

Chapter 1 Unexpected Encounters


I checked my wristwatch for the umpteenth time as I sat waiting for my supposed date, who had made me wait for approximately forty-nine minutes! I hoped against all odds that this would be an entirely different guy, as all the other guys I have met on the dating site are either too short, rough-looking, or excessively rude. I patiently sipped the Chardonnay wine I ordered and stopped sipping almost immediately to avoid choking on the wine. All my frustration disappeared! Did an angel just walk into the restaurant? Is the angel coming in my direction? I thought as I saw a tall, young, and handsome man with black raven hair, hazel eyes, and neatly shaved beards walk towards my table.

I was lost in my world as my eyes took in every detail about this young man; from his fur suit to his Rolex watch and his black leather shoes, he was looking so expensive!

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, jolting me back to reality.

"Ermm? Hi." For the first time in my entire life, I was at a loss for words. I could not imagine that such a sexy man was who I'd been chatting with online.

The Cherub dating site seems to be doing better these days. I hoped to God he would be as attractive on the inside as well. I forgot about chiding him for coming late.

"I am Roland, your date. We have been talking for some time now, and I believe you understand why you're here." He said it with a very masculine voice.

"Yes, yes. I do understand." I replied sharply. My breath is shaking as I feel intoxicated only by staring at his face. He didn't even apologize for coming late.

"So, once the contract is signed, you know what to do. The rest of the details have been included in the paper work." Roland said.

"Errmm, I do not..."

"Do not worry. We would not be in each other's way, I promise." Roland cut in before I could finish my sentence.

I could sense that something was definitely not right, but I could not afford to lose this handsome emerald, so I decided to pretend to understand the whole conversation and often nodded briefly.

Roland swiftly beckoned on the waiter and requested my order, made his order as well, and faced me again.

"If you can wait it out for close to two years, you stand a chance of getting ten million dollars."

I spurted out the wine, utterly soiling my red dress.

"Oh my god!"

"All I need is a woman who will stand by me as my partner in all ramifications. There's an event coming up soon, and I'll like you to be present," he continued to ramble, ignoring the dramatic reaction I just put out. "As my partner, that is."

I stared wide-eyed at this man, who would have passed for crazy if he wasn't looking too rich and healthy. His hazel eyes bore into my soul, almost as if there was no life behind those eyes. His eyes slowly moved lower and lingered on my chest, which was fairly exposed, before I realized I was nudging on that part to clean the stain.

"Oh, sorry. I...er..."

"What did you say your name was again? Apart from the sexy.bitch you put on your dating site profile,

I frowned. That doesn't sound like me. He raised a brow, and I didn't want to keep him waiting. Immediately, my name flew out of my lips.

"Elizabeth Browney. But you can call me Liz for short."

"Beth." He muttered and paused when the waiter brought our orders. "I like Beth better."

Throughout the dinner, I kept fiddling with the fork, my heart palpitating and beating hard against my chest. Sexy.bitch? Who the hell is he talking about? I looked up at him, but he seemed to be too engrossed in his food, his grim expression not loosening a muscle. I had lots of questions, but before I could ask them, a text caught my attention.

"I'm so sorry I stood you up. I will do better next time. What do you say to another fancy date?"

From the guy I'd been texting on Cherub for months. This was a mixup, and I went along with it. What the hell? I looked at this tall, fine man before me once again. There is no way in hell that this man would have chosen to meet me. Listen to who he was supposed to meet. Sexy bitch! Someone who probably has a goddess or divine figure has a silky and wavy mop of black, healthy hair, and tanned skin. I'm here with my blonde hair almost as white as the lights in the restaurant and skin as pale as a ghost. My lips must be cracked as well. I should have reapplied lipgloss on them since I entered. What about my nails? I didn't go to my technician to get them done but instead did them myself while watching an hour of DIY nail polishing. I was a mess.

"You look ravishing, by the way." The man cut in, his deep voice jolting me to reality. Our eyes met, making my heart skip a beat.

I sighed. "Thank you, er..."

"Roland? You are too young to have dementia, darling. Why don't you get that checked?"

Rude too. I groaned inwardly. Why do I always have high expectations for every man I meet? "It's nice meeting you, Mr. Roland."

"Roland." His eyes were fixated on my face. I was so self-conscious that I began to run my fingers on my face, but I was careful not to ruin the makeup Jade spent hours on.

"Yes, of course, Roland." I chuckled. "So, what do you do for work, Roland?"

He paused, eyeing me again. "Didn't we already discuss that online? Plus, you don't know what I do for work?" He smirked unbelievably.

Who the hell is he?

"Anyway, I'm glad this dinner was a success. I will drop off my business card so you can find your way to my place. Then, we can discuss further about the contract." He concluded, and he began searching for his coat. He had a flash of confusion across his face, but soon sighed in disappointment.

"I think I forgot my card in the office. You know what? Type your address on my phone. I'll have my men come pick you up."

I was too stunned to speak. This was all too fast for me. I opened my mouth to say something, but only a squeak escaped. I was too curious to say no, as I wanted to see how this would end. At the same time, I felt bad for whoever he mistook me to be. She must have stood him up too. Grabbing his phone, I typed in my address, but not without seeing Virmot boldly inscribed on his lockscreen. The name sounded familiar.

"Good girl." He commented after I returned the phone and stood. I did the same. "I should drop you at your place."

"No. No. Don't worry. I'll just find my way home."

He nodded. "Okay then. See you later."

I waited until he was out the door before letting out a full breath. God! He was literally breathtaking. A beautiful man who is wealthy, masculine, and considerate. You don't get that these days. And the way he speaks. His words carried a hint of arrogance, but you can't really blame him if he was born into wealth. I wonder what Jade would think of him.

"I always knew you were a lucky child." My best friend and roommate said this after I explained what occurred to her. "A guy stood you up tonight, and he got replaced by someone better."

"There's no replacement, Jade. Stop being ahead of yourself."

"But you gave him your address, didn't you?"

"Doesn't mean I'm into him." I took off my dress and dropped it into the laundry basket. "I mean, I'm not into guys who think money can get them everything they want. He's arrogant and only thinks about himself. He's a little bit considerate, but I'm sure he only does that because it's polite. Otherwise, he's just like other guys."

Jade went silent for a while, probably deep in thought. "What did you say his name is?"

"Roland. I think he's the CEO of some company called Virmot or something."

"What the fuck!? Liz!" Jade rushed towards me and pulled my shoulder so she'd be in my face. "That is the freaking new owner of the one and only biggest empire in America, Virmot! You casually met Virmot? Who in the hell meets Roland Virmot and lets him walk away?"

I frowned. "Me?"

"I'd follow him home in an instant if that were me. My pants would literally be on the floor in seconds before he asked."

Now I get why he was acting condescending and arrogant. I was merely a student with student loans piling up for me and juggling part-time work as a server. He owned a freaking business empire. My heart would not stop beating.

"He actually wanted me to come over."

Jade, who was initially sulking on the sofa, brightened up. Her ruffled copper-colored hair stood up in hope. "And?"

"I gave him my address. He promised to send his men to come pick me up."


"He mentioned a contract about how he needed a female partner. That part of our discussion wasn't quite clear because I was busy freaking out about my makeup and dress."

Jade pouted, her eyes growing wide. "Oh, no. Jade, that's not what I meant."

The rest of the night, we discussed Roland, and my best friend kept creating scenarios that I knew would never happen. Just when I was deep in the conversation, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, and my smile fell.

"Who is it?"

I showed Jade, who immediately scowled and grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

"Heyyy. Hi, Lizzy, baby. I'm so sorry about tonight. I honestly wish I could make it up to you. Maybe by going out next time."

"You wanna know how else you can make it up to her? By shoving your stupid head up your ass and never showing your face here ever again." I grabbed the phone from her with wide eyes. But she still yelled out the rest of her words. "And never call this number again."


The night sky proved to be a shell for me as I drove across the street, half hoping there were no stupid bloggers on my tail. I tried my best to stay off the media for months, hoping that by the time I arrived, I would show off my woman and call her my wife. The public will believe. At least two years is enough to have a happy marriage, get to work on the project the Asian Perfume Company was offering, and let her go.

After scrolling through a stupid dating site that my PA recommended, I came across a woman. It was kind of anonymous, so real names and personal information were kept away until we physically met. This helped me get the perfect woman. Someone who was simply looking for a fling and money. No emotions were attached. Sexy bitch was her anonymous name, but she promised she was a different person entirely in real life. So, when I entered the restaurant, I knew I trusted the right person.

My mind fought thoroughly with my heart as I saw her sitting there all alone. I checked Sexy Bitch's message.

"I'll be wearing a red dress and sitting in the restaurant by 8:15 p.m."

It was now 8:45 p.m., and I could see her sitting innocently but impatiently by the table. Her skin caught my eye first. They looked soft and creamy, and her hair worn in a ponytail made her face stand out. As I approached her, her eyes drew me in like the ocean, and I couldn't stop staring at them. Even while we spoke.

She was restless the whole time. Almost as if she were too self-conscious, she kept touching her face, checking her nails, and biting her lips.

"You look ravishing, by the way." I complimented her to ease her, and it worked. Immediately, my mind hesitated. What if she starts catching feelings? We already discussed it, and I'm sure she won't.

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