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nervous. — Is that Dominic's number? It should be, considering that he himself saved it in my phone's calendar. - And yes. This is his wife. Who is talking? - Wife?! — I changed my voice, almost shouting, due to the shock. This is a nightmare, it has to be! - Yes my dear. Wife! — His arrogant tone made tears well up in my eyes instantly. - In what world do you live in? Don't you know he's married? — Layla? — I heard the male voice in the background and recognized it immediately. It really was Dominic. — Why did you answer my phone? Who is it? Give me this right here! He looked angry. Typical of a man who has something to hide and tries to turn the tables, intimidating, when the woman starts to get suspicious. — Sorry, ma'am — my voice came out in a weak whisper. Defeated. — I called the wrong number! Married? — Naughty, dog, shameless! — I threw the cell phone on the bed, damn it. The crying came with force as I threw myself back, burying my head in the pillow. All my frustration turning into anger at having fallen for the small talk of a handsome and seductive man. - He is married? — Laura hugged me as I burst into tears, thinking about how my life had been turned upside down since I got home from that vacation. — Yes... — How could I be so naive to believe him? - He is sure? — I heard his voice, talking to her. — I sat on the bed, running my hands over my face to dry the tears. — He asked who it was on the phone. Laura got comfortable on the bed and started running her hands through my hair, combing it with her own fingers. I was certainly a wreck since I got my answer. It was that same day, during my work break, my lunch break. I returned home to meet her so we could open the exam together. When I saw the positive result, I almost fainted. Desperate. Helpless. What am I going to do with my life now? — Why did you hang up? — Laura was as pissed off as I was. — He should tell his wife that her husband is a scoundrel! - I can't! — I shook my head, in a frantic denial. - Of course you can. — She was outraged. — You should! —What for, Laura? — I exploded, standing up and starting to pace the room, restless and scared. — Playing the role of a lover? The other? The odd job who went to bed with a married man? — The woman who was deceived by a married man! — She stood up to make me stop, holding me by the shoulders and looking at me seriously. — And in fact, she is pregnant by this married man! — No, Laura. I would much rather be judged for having a baby without a father than judged for being a home wrecker. My son will not be a bastard! — What did you expect, Val? — She softened her tone, compassion in her eyes. — That he would come running and marry you? - Not exactly. — I sniffled, still crying. — But having a single man assume paternity of my baby, even if we are not a couple, is much better than sharing custody of my child with a man who has a wife and cheated on her with me. — You're being unfair to yourself. — A society that is unfair to women, Laura! — I walked away again, returning to the desperate posture I had before. I couldn't stay calm. — What will my father say when I tell him I'm pregnant and will need help raising my child? I didn't even know if I was going to be able to afford the house and college with my salary, and now there's a baby on the way. — Why don't you call again? It must have been some mistake. — No mistake, Laura! When his friend told me that Dominic was on a stag trip, I thought he was lying. But that's precisely why I didn't get in touch with him before, as I had promised on our last night on Ilha do Sol. — You've only been together for three months. — If he was already engaged during the trip, that's enough time to have gotten married. — Every time I said that word, it was like a dagger was being driven even deeper into my heart. I thought our move was special... — And now, Val? What do you intend to do? I swallowed the new wave

Chapter 1 the scream came out shrill

rejection of what I had just sentenced. — It's also not right to cheat on your fiancée, get married and play the faithful husband. He probably continues cheating on the girl. You cheated once, you screwed up always! I don't want that kind of man raising my son, Laura. My baby will definitely be better off without a father. DOMINIC — What the hell possessed you to answer my cell phone? — I took the device from his hand, in a sudden gesture, holding myself back so as not to throw it against the wall. I wouldn't make a habit of it.

- Why I can not? — He got up from the sofa, confronting me with his challenging gaze. - I'm your wife! I stared at the woman in front of me, trying to identify anything that reminded me of why I asked her to marry me. It wasn't her. Never was. I did that for my parents. Out of guilt. And consequently, I disappointed them. — The biggest mistake of my entire life, which will soon be corrected — I said, trying to remain calm. - What are you doing here? This is no longer your home. Never was. Layla never liked the idea of ​​us living on the property that belonged to my parents during their lifetime. For her, I would buy a new mansion in a luxury condominium, but it wasn't by wasting it unnecessarily that I became a multimillionaire. Otherwise, it would have been another regret, considering I filed for divorce just over a month into our marriage. — You can't leave me helpless, Dominic. I'm Pregnant! — She screamed hysterically. — From a son that isn't mine, considering we never had sex. — I didn't want a fight, but whenever she showed up, that's what ended up happening. — Who is the father of this baby, Layla? — My son will never know a father who isn't you. — That's what we'll see! CHAPTER ONE — Maybe I should kick the bucket, give a fuck, leave everything behind and come live in this paradise — I murmured to the universe as I walked along the beach, feeling the soft sand beneath my feet while the warm morning sun was already tanning me. my skin, ignoring sunscreen. The holidays were coming to an end and I was sad about having to leave such a beautiful place. I came to Ilha do Sol to get away from home for a while and forget the problems I had left behind. It was still difficult to deal with the loss of Mom and digest the fact that my dad was already in a new relationship, barely six months since she passed away. And as if it wasn't already disappointing enough, Dad announced that he was leaving home to live with his new family and from then on I would have to support myself alone, covering the expenses of the property that Mom left in my name, and the costs with college. But it wasn't the financial part that saddened me, even though I still didn't have a job that paid enough to cover all the new expenses. It was the fact that I was excluded from her new family, where her stepmother and three stepdaughters were included, but there was no room for me. — Breathe, relax... stay positive! You want it, you can, you can do it! — I let out a laugh, without any trace of humor, feeling my eyes water. - That's it Girl! Be your own motivational coach. It was precisely my vibe of positive thoughts that led me not to ask for a refund on the travel package that my mother paid for in advance, months before my twentieth birthday. Months before she left me because of a fatal illness. — I think she already knew... — I expressed the thought. — I think she wanted to bring me some comfort after leaving and knowing how much I wanted to see the sea, she took care of everything. I was on vacation from college and didn't even know if I would return for the next semester. In addition, I also managed to get fifteen days of vacation pay that I still had pending from my job as a receptionist at the dental clinic. Even though I knew I would be “fucked up” when I returned, having to face the new reality of living alone and managing in my thirties to pay the bills, I came to Ilha do Sol with courage and courage, because I almost had no money left. — Just three more days of paradise before embracing a life of fits and starts. The thoughts of self-pity were put aside as soon as I noticed a few meters ahead, what appeared to be an unconscious person... or dead. Oh my God! The waves hit my feet and, driven by instinct, I dropped the pair of flip-flops that I was holding in one hand and ran towards who I soon noticed was a man. Dressed in business attire, including shoes, he showed no indication of being breathing. — Please, boy! Be alive, be alive! — I knelt down in the sand and started to gently pat his face, noticing that he wasn't completely soaked, as the weak waves only reached his knees. — Be alive! When I considered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, even without any knowledge, but driven by the desire to save him, the man began to cough, with his eyes still closed, scaring me and providing relief at the same time. - Are you well? What happened? He coughed a few times but was unable to respond. I quickly set him aside in case he needed to expel the water he had supposedly swallowed, but I was taken by surprise when a pair of male hands grabbed me around the waist and in a matter of milliseconds we were rolling in the sand. — Aaah! Help! — I tried, even though that part of the beach was deserted. — Let go of me, you pervert! Can't you see I just saved your life? — Am I crazy? — The hoarse voice gave me goosebumps from head to toe. — You were the one who attacked me while I was taking a nap! Where was my head when I approached a stranger on a deserted beach? In the world of the moon, you just can! I kicked and shook myself hysterically, punching him on the shoulders, trying to somehow escape his attack, until I processed his last sentence in my mind. — Nap? — the scream came out shrill, such disbelief. — I doubt you purposely lay down so close to the sea just to take a nap. And from the alcohol on his breath, I bet he got drunk and passed out because he was so drunk! Why I was arguing with a stranger clinging to me, while keeping me under the weight of his body, with us lying on the sand, was still unknown. But as soon as I realized the absurdity, I punched him again until he gave up restraining me and rolled to the side. — You're right, I think that was it! — He started laughing out of nowhere, sitting down immediately and looking at me again. — Thank you for saving me, pretty mermaid... I should run out of here right now! I sat down hurriedly, adjusting my t-shirt to cover the bikini panties that were on display, mentally admitting how reckless I was in exposing myself so vulnerable without even thinking that instead of saving someone, I could be putting myself in danger. Ted Bundy pretended to have a broken arm when he approached his potential victims! How could you be so naive, Valentina? Do you want to die? I let out a breath of air and tried to get up, taking advantage of the man's distraction to run away as quickly as possible. - Where are we? — His question in a confused tone hit me hard, making me give up running before even taking the first step. — Which way is Hotel da Ilha? I blinked, intrigued by the mention of the hotel, as it was exactly where I was staying. — A shark bit your tongue, pretty mermaid? — He

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