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"The Beloved in the Chief's Palm"

"The Beloved in the Chief's Palm"



An Xiaotu thought her flash-married husband was just an ordinary man, but who knew he would transform into a man of immense wealth and power. Their life after marriage was both sweet and painful - he adored her to the core when he loved her, but spared no effort in tormenting her when he bullied her!

Chapter 1 Will you marry me

The luxurious and extravagant presidential suite.

Upon entering, the scattered items on the carpet appeared disheveled.

High heels.

Belts, men's?

Ties, white shirts.

By the bed, shiny Italian custom leather shoes were scattered, along with a beige cocktail dress, bra, black trousers...

On the oversized luxurious double bed.

The sleeping woman had a serene expression, with delicate and pure features, her skin smooth as if coated with cream. Her seaweed-like black hair softly spread across the pillow, partially covered by a blanket. Exposed on her white, jade-like round shoulders were several reddish bruises, looking particularly conspicuous and ambiguous.

Beside the woman slept a man, his honey-colored long arm wrapped around her waist over the blanket, a corner of the blanket conveniently covering his important parts. His body displayed elegant muscles and long legs, his figure undoubtedly perfect in the golden ratio.


In her dream, the woman furrowed her brows and murmured, lazily turning over to continue sleeping.

However, the man, who usually slept lightly, heard the movement and abruptly opened his eyes, keenly sensing someone beside him. He sat up suddenly.

With sharp, cold eyes slightly narrowed, he looked at the unfamiliar woman sleeping beside him, her body marked with traces of love.

His ink-like eyes swept over with a barely noticeable ripple, yet his finely sculpted handsome face remained expressionless, leaving people unable to guess what he was thinking inside...

It's unclear how much time passed.

The woman, who had been sound asleep, slowly woke up, leisurely opening her eyes and stretching lazily.

Her gaze inadvertently caught sight of the man on the bed—

"Ah!!!" Ann Xiaotu screamed and rolled off the bed.

"W-who are you?" Her voice trembling, she asked, wrapping herself tightly in the blanket, a mixture of anger and fear evident in her expression.

Seeing a strange man suddenly appear on the bed, her mind went blank, unable to think.

"Tang Yucheng," the man replied in a cold, hard voice, his stunning and sinister face devoid of any emotion.

"N-not...I didn't ask you...wait, we...we didn't..." Ann Xiaotu's words, incoherent, were interrupted by the man:

"We did." He said coldly.

Ann Xiaotu froze for a moment, then her eyes reddened, she choked back sobs, restraining the urge to cry. "You're not sick, are you?"

"The first time," Tang Yucheng said coldly, his deep and dark eyes shimmering.

"You..." Ann Xiaotu glared at him angrily, thinking he could have just said no, who cares if it's his first time or not.

Her gaze inadvertently fell on his lower half, which was now awake, and her pale face instantly turned as red as blood, startled, she quickly looked away.

Oh my goodness, that thing is way too big.

Could he please put on some clothes before speaking?

"I'll take responsibility," the man suddenly dropped another sentence.

"Huh?" Ann Xiaotu couldn't react, her soft, bright, watery eyes staring at him blankly.

"I'll marry you," he answered her confusion, looking at her dumbfounded expression, his ink-like eyes darkened slightly.

"N-no, no, no," Ann Xiaotu quickly waved her hands, pretending to be nonchalant through the pain. "Anyway, casual hookups, one-night stands, and all that are quite popular now. We're all adults, if you feel guilty, just treat it as a dream. You don't have to take responsibility for me, really."

God knows she used to despise casual hookups, one-night stands, and the like.

Although he's very handsome, almost to the point of being envied by gods and men, she's only 23 and hasn't had enough fun yet. Her plan was to get married around 28.

Tang Yucheng frowned unhappily as he listened to her words, his peerlessly beautiful and aloof face displaying a hint of cold sharpness.

Glancing at the time, he spoke with a strong tone, "We'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau in half an hour."

Ann Xiaotu was immediately infuriated by his words, jumping up in a fit of rage. Her delicate face flushed red as she shouted, "If you want to go, go by yourself! I have no intention of getting married within the next 5 years."

Usually, in such situations, wouldn't the man be eager to shift the blame and disappear?

This man is insane, not playing by the rules.

"I'm just informing you, not seeking your opinion," Tang Yucheng said sternly, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Are you out of your mind? I've already told you I have no intention of getting married!!! If you want to get married, go find a woman who also wants to get married." Ann Xiaotu was so angry she felt like she was going to spit blood.

Damn it, one night of sleeping with her isn't enough, he wants to legally sleep with her for a lifetime.


Just as the two of them were at an impasse,

The doorbell suddenly rang, startling Ann Xiaotu, who quickly dashed into the bathroom.

Tang Yucheng calmly put on a bathrobe before heading to answer the door.

"Sir, here are the things you requested," a young man in hotel uniform handed him several bags.

"Okay," the man nodded.

After closing the door again, he picked up two or three bags and walked to the bathroom door, knocking lightly.

"Your clothes, take them."

Ann Xiaotu hesitated for a few seconds before cautiously opening the door a crack, taking the items before immediately closing the door again.

Sitting in the bathtub, Ann Xiaotu looked at the bruises on her body, feeling humiliated, aggrieved, and sad...

But no matter how much she wanted to cry, the tears just wouldn't come.

She remembered that she had come to the hotel last night to attend a celebration banquet held by the school. The school had invited some celebrities and philanthropists who had donated to the school over the years. She had a few drinks, felt uncomfortable, and went to the lounge to rest for a while...

After that, she didn't remember anything that happened.

Half an hour later,

Ann Xiaotu finished grooming, enduring the soreness between her legs, and walked out of the bathroom in neat attire.

She saw a tall and handsome man sitting on the single sofa, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. His long and straight legs were casually crossed, exuding an elegant and noble posture, emanating a cold and dignified aura.

Oh my god, where did such a handsome, peerless, god-like man come from?

Ann Xiaotu was momentarily stunned, unable to react.

It wasn't until the man walked up to her and said, "Let's go."

"What are you... doing?" She blinked, asking dumbfoundedly.

"To get married."

Those two words made Ann Xiaotu immediately snap out of her daze, looking at him in disbelief.

This well-dressed, god-like man was the same jerk who wasn't wearing clothes earlier?

"I've said it before, I'm not getting married now, and I won't marry you either," she stated firmly.

Although he was very handsome.

But only a fool with water in their brain would rashly marry a stranger just because of losing their virginity in a one-night stand.

"Reasons," he asked.

"I haven't played enough yet, haven't earned enough money to buy, haven't been to Provence, haven't seen the Northern Lights, haven't been to Paris, Berlin... Once you get married, it's time to have children, stay at home to take care of them, and serve your husband. It becomes inconvenient to go anywhere, so I don't plan to get married before the age of 28."

Her idea was to enjoy her youth to the fullest while she still could. Once married, she wouldn't be able to enjoy herself as freely.

Therefore, she didn't want to jump into the grave of marriage so early.

"I have looks, money, power, and good physical strength. Marry me! You can walk sideways throughout Beijing with me. After marriage, the entire fortune of billions will be at your disposal; whether to have children or not, it's up to you to decide."

He remained calm and composed, as if negotiating on a battlefield, presenting tempting terms for a flash marriage.

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