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Global Icebound: Fortress of Apocalypse

Global Icebound: Fortress of Apocalypse



Apocalyptic Rebirth: Stockpiling, Survival, and Revenge in a Frozen World As the planet plunges into a glacial epoch, the icy apocalypse descends, claiming the lives of 95% of humanity! In his previous life, Zhang Yi, due to his kindness, ended up being killed by those he had once helped. Reborn one month before the onset of the icy apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens to his spatial abilities and begins frantically hoarding supplies! Short on resources? He loots a warehouse worth billions from a super mall directly! Uncomfortable living conditions? He builds a super safe house comparable to a fortress of the apocalypse! When doomsday arrives, while others freeze and struggle to survive, willing to sacrifice anything for a morsel of food, Zhang Yi lives more freely than ever before. White Lotus: "Zhang Yi, I'll be your girlfriend if you let me into your house." Rich Second Generation: "Zhang Yi, I'm willing to trade all my money for one meal at your place!" Beastly Neighbors: "Zhang Yi, you should share your resources with us; you shouldn't be so selfish!" Watching these people who betrayed him in his past life, Zhang Yi lies comfortably in his safe house, living a life akin to paradise. Zhang Yi: "What does your life or death have to do with me? Even if my things go to waste, I won't give them to you!"

Chapter 1 After the Apocalypse, I am Reborn.

Pain, unbearable pain!

The excruciating agony permeated every fiber of Zhang Yi's being.

It wasn't just a feeling; it was the stark reality unfolding before him.

At this moment, he was being ruthlessly trampled by friends and neighbors he had once trusted and helped, fists and even clubs raining down on him.

In this post-apocalyptic world of scarcity, they didn't even spare a thought for the help Zhang Yi had extended to them, instead turning violent against him!

As he lay dying, he faintly saw his goddess, Fang Yuqing, standing behind the crowd, looking pitifully and shouting desperately, "It was me who let him open the door! You should give me a larger share of the supplies!"

It was this woman who deceived Zhang Yi into opening the door, leading to his demise.

Zhang Yi looked at her, his eyes filled with hatred and regret.

He could only blame himself for being too naive, too kind, to become a stepping stone for others in this post-apocalyptic world.

How he wished everything could start anew.

When that time comes, he won't show mercy to anyone; he'll live only for himself!

Zhang Yi's vision darkened rapidly, consciousness slipping away.

Yet, in the next moment, he jolted awake, sitting up from the couch.

The hellish scene he just experienced, that dreadful pain, was vividly imprinted in his mind.

Zhang Yi gasped for air, sweat drenching his body in no time.

"What's happening? Wasn't I killed by those beastly neighbors?"

Regaining his senses, Zhang Yi began to assess his surroundings.

This place wasn't unfamiliar; it was his own house.

The comfortably warm air left him feeling bewildered.

Because in December 2050 AD, Earth experienced a global cryogenic storm due to the explosion of a supernova 500,000 light-years away.

Global temperatures plummeted, and Zhang Yi's hometown of Tianhai City saw daily temperatures dropping to minus sixty to seventy degrees Celsius, with a month-long blizzard engulfing the entire city.

In the northern regions of Huaguo, temperatures even reached a terrifying minus one hundred degrees Celsius, burying the land under ice and snow.

Numerous species faced extinction, and even humanity lost over ninety-five percent of its population in this catastrophe.

Zhang Yi got up, fetched a bottle of water from the fridge, and gulped down almost half of it.

Though the refrigerated water was chilling, for him now, it was like nectar.

During the apocalypse, the only way to obtain water was to venture out into the extreme cold, risking death to melt snow.

Such activities easily led to frostbite.

After finishing the water, Zhang Yi checked his phone.

The time displayed on it was "November 12th."One month remained until the apocalypse.

"It seems like I've been reborn."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, quickly understanding what had happened.

The experiences of that month couldn't have been a dream, especially that excruciating pain of being torn apart, too vivid to be anything but real.

Rising from the ashes, Zhang Yi felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

At the same time, a fierce determination flashed in his eyes.

He remembered those who had killed him very clearly.

In this life, he was determined to survive and wouldn't show mercy to those beasts.

Moreover, while ensuring his own safety, he must mercilessly retaliate against those who wronged him!

But for now, Zhang Yi's primary concern was how to survive the impending apocalypse one month later.

Zhang Yi's living conditions were decent.

His parents had passed away early, leaving him with a 120-square-meter house in Tianhai City, along with savings of over two million.

While this might seem comfortable in normal times, with the apocalypse looming, there would be a massive shortage of supplies worldwide.

With just this money in hand, he wouldn't last long.

After all, surviving alone required a vast amount of supplies.

With the opportunity to prepare in advance, Zhang Yi not only wanted to stay alive but also desired a certain quality of life in the future.

Both diet and entertainment needed to be considered, or else his mental state would inevitably collapse over time.

Weapons and equipment were also a necessity; only then could he protect himself and exact revenge on his neighbors.

Suddenly, a white light appeared before Zhang Yi's eyes.

Thinking his right eye was blurry, he reached out to rub it.

But then, a strange idea flooded his mind.

It seemed like this white light was a part of him, and information about it filled his mind.

With a single thought, Zhang Yi's consciousness entered the white light.

Inside, he found an immensely vast, white space.

Its size was immeasurable, vast expanses of emptiness.

"This is... a different space?"

"It seems like after my rebirth, I gained some special abilities."

Zhang Yi's heart swelled with joy.

It appeared that the gamma rays had caused his body to mutate, granting him extraordinary power.

With this enormous space, storing supplies for the apocalypse would be much more convenient.

However, Zhang Yi wondered how much the space could hold and if there were any limitations on what it could store.

His consciousness immediately returned to his room, where he began to experiment by placing various items from his house into the space.It started with tea cups and basins, effortlessly fitting into the space.

Zhang Yi then attempted to stuff larger household appliances inside.

Televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, computers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners... the white space accepted them all without discrimination.

Moreover, with just a thought, Zhang Yi could retrieve items from the space.

However, objects subjected to strong external forces and not existing individually were challenging to contain within the space.

For example, when he tried to extract a piece of floor from the ground, there was no response.

"It seems like this different space has many rules. I need to explore slowly."

"But just having this immense space to store objects can allow me to stockpile vast resources!"

Licking his lips, a bold plan formed in Zhang Yi's mind.

Zhang Yi worked as a supervisor at the Walmart South China Regional Warehouse.

As the world's largest supermarket chain, Walmart had everything imaginable in terms of goods.

It possessed warehouses in Central, South, and North China.

The volumes of these three warehouses were terrifying, especially the one in South China.

Built in 2040, it measured 1500 meters in length, 720 meters in width, and covered an area of over one million square meters! It was the world's largest warehouse!

Although only seven wonders were recognized globally, the warehouse's size and storage capacity indeed crowned it in the realm of warehousing.

The goods regularly stocked inside could supply the consumption of millions of people in several cities for a week.

This meant that if Zhang Yi emptied one warehouse and transferred everything to his space, he wouldn't run out of supplies even in ten lifetimes!

What's more, Walmart had strict quality control.

There were no low-grade miscellaneous goods in the warehouse.

Whether it was food, general merchandise, or luxury items, they were all reputable brands.

If Zhang Yi managed to empty a Walmart warehouse, he wouldn't need to worry about supplies for the apocalypse; he could live a very comfortable life.

As the warehouse supervisor, Zhang Yi was extremely familiar with every shelf, surveillance device, and staff schedule.

Emptying the warehouse wouldn't be difficult for him at all.

Once he made up his mind, Zhang Yi felt much relieved.


Just then, Zhang Yi's stomach protested with a growl.

He rubbed his belly and glanced at the chicken rice he bought on the table.

After some hesitation, Zhang Yi smiled, shook his head, and decided to forgo the takeout.

"In just one more month, it'll be doomsday. I need to hurry and eat many delicious things; otherwise, there won't be another chance. Why be so stingy with myself?" Surviving a month in cold and hunger, he now eagerly hoped to enjoy some hot and delicious food.

What's the use of keeping money anyway?

After the world ends, money becomes worthless. It's better to spend it all now than to waste it.

With a carefree turn, Zhang Yi prepared to visit a high-end restaurant he had never been to before, ready to indulge in a hearty meal.

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