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Blurb. In order to maintain his post as the young Alpha, in order to stop the murmurs of him being useless, Xavier Williams decides to venture into the human world, portraying as a high school student to search for his mate. He crosses part with Isabella Houston, the only human being that doesn't respect or fear him, the only human being that disrespects him all the time, the only human human being whose neck he wants to snap off badly. And then it happened, he found his mate. The mate he had been longing for, a mate he despised, Isabella Houston. Without a second thought he decides to reject her immediately but he gets cornered by his Connor, his best friend who swears to make him accept his mate at any cost. What did she do wrong to make Xavier hate her so much? Will he return back to the pack without a mate? Will he ever accept her? Will Connor succeed? You wanna know right, then Continue Reading!!

Chapter 1 Xavier Williams


(He might be arrogant but he is still my MR.J)


They were murmuring, not just murmuring, making a hell of a noise, gisting relevant and irrelevant topics,laughing out loud and unnecessarily.

Amidst this, they suddenly heard a loud bang, immediately every lips got shot and every eyes.

Every gaze turned toward the direction of the sound,there a junior student stood, in his hand was a pen and a piece of paper.

He stared at the class,yea he now got exactly what he wanted their attention but under their gaze he was sweating badly and was pretty scared.

The assistant class prez wiggled her gaze at him, "Did you come here to stare at your seniors?", She asked.

"N....No", He stuttered. "Then did the cat cut your tongue or something?", She mocked making the whole class chuckle.

"No senior, act.....actually Mrs Morgan requested for your presence in her office", He stammered.

"Mrs Morgan?" She repeated. "Do you perhaps know why she sent for me?", She raised a brow.

"No senior", His head was bent low in respect. "Then GET OUT!!!",she yelled immediately he scurried away running as fast as he could.

She turned toward the class "Be right back cuties", She winked and with that she walked out, just as she left the murmuring continued.


Morgan assessed the documents, she slowly dropped them on the table and started typing them into the computer in front of her.

A knock came in just then, "Come in",she said, still typing away knowing who it was already.

"Good morning Mrs Morgan",she bowed. "Morning Manu", she said, still typing away, whilst Manu nodded.

Everywhere went dead silent almost immediately, only the sounds of the keys Mrs Morgan was constantly pressing were heard.

"U....Umm Mrs Morgan?", Manu called she was getting quite impatient now maybe cause Mrs Morgan was kind of snubbing her and hitting the keyboard frivolously

" Yes Manu", She replied, "You sent for me", She said firmly, getting pissed off already.

" Yes Manu". "I want you to take the new student to your class", she cooed.

"What new student?", She asked. "The one student standing opposite you", She replied.

Manu took her gaze away from her, scanning the office but she found absolutely no one.

"But there is nobody over there, it's only the both of us here", She rolled her eyes.

"No one?", Morgan repeated, taking her gaze off the keyboard and toward where she had thought he was.

She face palmed herself, she must have looked so stupid to the student she had called for earlier. She let out a brief sigh.

"Show yourself, why keep up the suspense", She said, Manu wriggled her brow. Was the principal going mad or what?.

Almost immediately something appeared in front of her, scaring the living daylights out of her, not just the living daylight, her confidence, not just her confidence and braveness.

Without even taking a look at what it was that appeared in front of her she took to her heels running as fast as she could for her dare life.

"Why did you do that?", Morgan asked, going back to typing away.

"Do what?", He asked, typing letters on his phone, "Scare her away", She replied.

"We both know I didn't do a thing, appearing and disappearing is the way I live my life, the fact that she got scared is her problem, basically not mine", He said, sliding his phone into his pocket.

He took slow steps forward,toward the door. "Where are you off to?", She asked.

"To class of course,isn't that what I came here for?", He asked, while she nodded.

"But how do you get there?", She stopped typing and adjusted her chair backward.

"You know you are getting on my nerves!!", He yelled, "Why are you pricking me with questions, I'm here to study and not for a job interview".

"If you want to know my reason for something, use your head Morgan or better still shut it!", He snapped.

"I'm sorry",Morgan bowed. He twisted the hinges of the door and simply walk out.

Wait a minute, what if he uses his powers again. She thought aloud. "I'm coming", she suddenly yelled.


“Mrs Morgan is on her way!”, One of the students announced, immediately everyone went back to their seats respectively. Just then Mrs Morgan walked in.

"Good morning Mrs Morgan!", They all chorused, "Morning everyone". She replied.

"I know you'all wondering what I'm doing here today. Actually,we have a new student in our midst", She said then turned toward the entrance.

"Come in", She said. Isa slowly shut the novel she was reading, or actually pretending to read.

Just then a heavy wind started blowing, truth be told, yea fresh air is essential but too much air kills.

Isabella felt her lungs tightening up,she was almost gasping for air.

She slowly laid her head on the table and she sighed when she could finally breathe properly once more.

Xavier stepped into the class and stood just next to Morgan


~He looks so handsome

~He looks hot

~He looks dazzling

~What is up with the green eyes?

~They are cute lenses

~What is up with the mask?

"He is putting on a mask and has green eyes?",Isa muttered.

"Please introduce yourself ",Morgan smiled

He slowly took his gaze to the students.

"My name is Xavier Williams, that is the only important thing you need to know”.

" And also you need to know this,I am not here to make friends or chat with any of you, I essentially love my privacy so do not invade and stay off my path for your own safety", he said or should it be warned.

"Rude",Isa thought, she was kinda feeling sleepy already,as a result of the excess air.

~He is so rude

~His voice is handsomely melodious

~Did he just threaten the whole class?

~ Who does he think he is??

~He got some nerves

~Being strict is fine, it is a characteristic of a h0t dude

The class kept murmuring, throwing insults and crushing on him.

"I will take my leave now, but before i go, you might want to find a seat, feel free to choose any", Morgan cooed. with that she left the classroom.

Xavier scanned the class,the class was dead silent.

He took his gaze away, he trodded to the back,he had seen an extra seat at just the perfect position.

At the back were a few students were. Where a window was and where he would go unnoticed.

He stopped right in front of the empty seat. He stared at the table next to him, on it a head laid.

Just by staring at the head, he knew who it was already, it was a girl, from the look of things she had slept off already.

He took his gaze away before sliding into the seat next to her, almost immediately the murmuring continued.


"From equation one we have y=2/4+X", The math teacher explained by writing down some key points on the board.

This class is so boring, Xavier thought, "Thinking about the fact that I'm here to learn what I'm a master of, it is so f**king absurd, I need to get out of here", He shut his book close and within a twinkle of an eye, he disappeared!!.


Isa stirred a bit pouting her lips,she was still far away in the wonderland and "BANG!!!",She heard a loud bang on her table.

The sound reverberating in her ear, almost immediately she jumped up in fright grabbing her novel.

" I dare you to come closer, I swear on my dad I'had kill you", she mumbled in a rush.

All the class attention was on her now, Ana face palmed herself,she shook her head, thinking about how embarrassed she will feel later on.

The elderly man gave her a questionable look, she quickly dropped the book on the table.

"Can you give an explanation for why you are sleeping in my class?!", He yelled at her.

She slowly took her gaze to the floor. Her eyes were glued to the tiles.

Not because the tiles got shinier but because she wanted it to open up and swallow her.

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