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James Cole a tech billionaire known to be a cold heartless and arrogant CEO of Innovatek was not always this way. Betrayal and hurt from his past turned him into a shadow of himself. Sophia Williams a goal driven and ambitious lady who left her past behind to start of in a new city crosses part with James. What happened when fire ignites between this two and the unbroken wall of stone begins to tear apart? Would their past drift them further apart or bring them together as one? Find out in this exciting story!!!!

Chapter 1 James

The rays of sunlight coming through the window woke me up as I squinted my eyes in an attempt to stand up from the bed. I felt an arm around my waist trying to snuggle more into me.

I hastily yanked her hands off me and got off the bed. I was still naked from last night, so I picked up my boxer and put it on. She lazily opened her eyes and slid the duvet down her upper body exposing her perky boobs to me. She tried to look seductively at me hoping we could have another moment of fun but I was not in for that this morning, not with the headache I was having. ‘Gosh I need some painkillers’

“Get your things and leave” I said to her and sat at the edge of the bed.

She got up finally revealing her naked body and started walking temptingly towards me. She has a nice body I must say, that was why when she walked up to me at the club last night I just couldn’t resist. She leaned in and snaked her hands around my neck and purred in my ears.

“Do you really want me to leave?…hmmm” She said, sliding her hands down my chest and moving it further down. She was tempting me and she knew it because I was hard against her palms in no time.

I had my policy. Every fling had to leave as soon as we were done. I didn’t want anything more from them. It was like business to me, I have them for pleasure and pay them off for it. I didn’t even bother to know who they were as long as I got what I wanted. But this lady was about to make me change my mind. ‘Just once wouldn’t hurt’ I thought.

She had already pulled my boxer down and was down on all fours slurping on my dick. Fuck! She was good. I held her hair and threw my head back as I moaned.

“Oh fuck!!… yeah” she kept on sucking and gagging on it non stop taking it all in like her life depends on it. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I grabbed her roughly and threw her on the bed. I stood up and walked to the drawer and took out a condom and wore it before bending her over and sliding in.

Yeah… this was what they wanted and I gave it to them however they wanted it. I smacked her ass as she moaned loudly, I pounded faster as I groaned. I was about to cum, but I wasn’t done yet, I flipped her over and made her sit on my dick and allowed her to ride me.

“Hmm… don’t stop” I said to her as I pinched her nipples and grabbed it in my hands firmly. I bent her over so I could suck on them. I nibbled and fondled on it as she kept moaning loudly.

“I’m..I’m about to c..u..m” she said panting. I held her still and grab her ass, expanding her ass cheeks and thrusting in and out fast. I felt myself about to release as well so I did and stopped.

I was exhausted by the time we were done, I went into the bathroom to wash up and this time I needed my space.

“We are done, now leave!!” I said to her, She didn’t argue as she picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom to wash up and dress up. When she came out she picked up her bag and was about to leave when I stopped her.

“What’s your name?” I asked her. Something I have never done before. She looked at me and smirked before answering me.

“Claire” she said.

“I would call you if I ever need you, but I want you to know this is strictly for pleasure, no strings attached…on no account should you have any feelings for me, if I ever find out, that ends it. I would provide anything you want as long as you can satisfy me…is that okay with you?” I asked. I knew no woman would resist my offer, because I don’t do this with anyone.

“Sure,I’m cool with it,” she said before she turned and walked out of my room.

I sighed. I stood up and walked out into the kitchen to get some painkillers from the cabinet. I opened the microwave to check for food, and saw that my cook had prepared something for me. I was hungry so I took it and ate it at once.

I stay alone in this large penthouse situated in the heart of New York mainly because it’s close to my company and I use this place for my fun. I don’t take any of my flings to my main home, I would never do that. I have a maid and a cook who come over to do the chores. I’m sure you must be wondering who I am.

Well…I was once a sweet and loving guy any lady could wish for. I was the sweetheart of many, I loved with my whole being and never felt guilty of it, but now I’m a shadow of myself all because of what they did. I don’t trust any woman again, hell! I don't trust anyone again not after what transpired years back. Every time I think about what happened, I wondered what wrong I ever did to deserve such betrayal from people I held so dear to my heart.

I’m James Cole. Every woman’s dream, all the women I have met after her either want me for my money, or just to flaunt as their man but I don’t entertain such. Most people call me ruthless,cold and a heartless bastard, but I could care less. I have heard a lot of it and if they said so, then so am I.

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