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Tainted Ties

Step into a world of forbidden love and shattered hearts in "Tainted Ties ." Ava and Adrian, bound by an arranged marriage, face a daunting challenge. As they grapple with their differences, a devastating tragedy threatens to tear them apart. Can they overcome their pasts and find solace in each other's arms? Prepare for a captivating journey filled with passion, secrets, and the ultimate test of love. Will they rise above the odds or succumb to the darkness that surrounds them? Discover the truth in "Tainted Ties."

Chapter 1 Asswipe

I glanced at my watch. Again.

If he didn't come out of the airport in two minutes, we were going to be extremely late. Not that I minded being late. I would gladly miss the whole event if I could; I hated big parties where the food was terrible and the people were even worse.

A few minutes later, the door opened - finally - and a tall, attractive man stepped into the limo. I squinted at the dark-haired man seated across from me. Is that what he looked like? I honestly couldn't remember. It's not like I had really seen him much since our wedding God knows how long ago.

"Hello," I smiled at him, wanting to be polite more than anything else.

I didn't know what I was expecting, but I knew I wasn't expecting him to ignore me completely. He didn't even look at me. Not a single glance.

Okay, then ...

Well, two could play this game. I rested my head against the back of the seat and was asleep within minutes.


"Miss Ava? Miss, wake up. We have


I opened my eyes to find the driver crouched next to me, shaking me slightly. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, ruining the makeup Isa, the housekeeper, had helped me apply

earlier this morning.

I stepped out of the limo, stretching and looking around for my 'husband'.

"He already went inside, Miss."


Thanking the driver, I grabbed my too-small-to-actually-fit-anything clutch and walked slowly into the grand hall. The moment I entered, I was attacked by a bear hug.

"Ava! Finally!" Olivia, my best friend, exclaimed. "Always so punctual."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault this time.

Someone decided to arrive 45 minutes


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