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Rejected Under The Moonlight

Rejected Under The Moonlight

Cindy quinn


Ava a weak and timid werewolf has always been a target of ridicule among members of Moonwood pack because of the unfortunate incident that occurred during her birth and a crescent birthmark on her forehead, during the moon mating ceremony she was rejected by her mate Damon who turned out to be the Alpha of her pack. Damon not only rejected her but he also humiliated her in front of the whole pack because he harbors a deep grudge against Ava as he blames her for the death of his Father. He choose her best friend Alora as his mate instead, devastated by what happened, Ava ran away from her Pack, but fate offers her a second chance at love, will she embrace the opportunity? And what secret lies behind her true identity

Chapter 1 Ava Sterling

Ava stood in front of her window looking at how the streets were completely transformed, it was vibrant and everyone was filled with joy, the long-awaited day which every wolf looked forward to had finally arrived. Preparations for the big event had already begun. She could hear the gossip and giggle about who would be the lucky girl the Alpha was going to pick. All the girls in the pack were doing their very best to stand out when the time came, but some more than others.

And speaking of others, there goes Madison, passing by with her group of minions. Rumor had it that she had booked almost every beauty house in the pack just so she could stand out. But as the saying goes, no amount of makeup can ever cover up a dark soul.

Ava hated almost every single member of her pack because of the way they treated her, there was nothing to look forward to, nobody would choose her, and they all looked down on her and bullied her because she was weak and easy to prey on.

She had always wondered what life would have been without her best friend, Alora.

They had been friends for as long as she could remember. Since childhood, Alora had always tried her best to protect Ava whenever she was around, no one dared to bully her. Alora was very beautiful, brave, and very kind to her. She didn’t listen to the rumors accusing Ava of being a jinx and that was why she had always admired Alora.

Tri!! Tri!! Tri!!

The alarm clock rang as Ava snapped out of thoughts. She had been looking outside for so long that she almost forgot how significant the day was for her. It was her father’s death anniversary she hurried to the bathroom to take a shower.

She had long silver smooth hair which she always styled in a ponytail; she had an oval face, soft jaws, groomed eyebrows, and brown eyes that shone in the natural light of the sun. She was born with a crescent birthmark on her forehead which was one of the reasons she was bullied. After showering she came out of the bathroom with a pink towel wrapped around her chest, she picked a simple outfit, one in which she was comfortable and fit her slender body perfectly. As she took her purse from the table, her gaze fell on the scar on her right arm which she had no memory of how she got but had been there since she was a child. She shoved the thought aside as she headed out of her house.

As she walked past the street, she could hear others whisper and curse, she was already used to it. She ignored them and headed straight to Flora Flowers where she bought a bouquet of Lilies for her dad. As Ava head towards the graveyard, she could hear more whispers

“Hey! Freak an unfamiliar voice yelled she knew he was talking to her but she ignored him.

“That’s right keep walking demon!” he added spitting on the floor. Tears threatened to fall from Ava's eyes “It’s fine Ava, it’s nothing you’re used to this already” Ava tried to console herself as she continued to walk.

After a couple of minutes, she arrived at the cemetery. She looked to make sure that she was all alone. She had already taken enough curses and insults just for one day and she wasn’t sure if she could take anymore.

After confirming that there was no one else around she felt more relaxed as she found a good spot to sit in between the grave of her parents.

As she stared at the worn-out grave of her parents, she tried to fight back the tears that had already welled up her eyes, she remembered the promise she made to them the last time she came. She had promised to never shed a tear no matter what but here she was again, crying uncontrollably like a little child, but she couldn’t help it, her parents were dead and there was

Nothing she could do about it, she was all alone, and it was her against the world.

Taking a deep breath she dried her tears with the back of her hands. She had finally summoned enough courage to speak to her parents. She placed the fresh lilies which she had bought earlier on their grave.

“Mom, Dad, it’s me, Ava. I know that it’s been a while since I last came here to pay my respects but please, don’t be mad at me. It’s just been tough for me. Nothing much has changed though, everything is still the same, they all still hate and bully me as usual but its fine, because I’ve already gotten used to it. I don’t let their insults get to me any longer just like you would have wanted”. She adjusted her sitting position to get a clearer view of the graves.

“Dad, another year has passed since you’ve left me all alone in this miserable world. Maybe what they all say about me is true, just maybe if I didn’t come into this world you and Mom would still be alive today”.

As soon as she made the last statement, heavy winds began to blow causing the trees to rustle, causing a disturbance to the serenity of the cemetery. Ava always took this as a sign that her parents were trying to communicate with her.

Judging from how hard the wind blew across her face, it wasn’t hard to tell that her parents disagreed with what she had just said or maybe she was just over thinking things but whatever it was, it made her feel calm and set her mind at ease. It took a few more minutes before the wind finally settled down.

“Well mom, dad I have something important to tell you”. She paused, feeling a bit shy about what she was going to say. Her eyes twinkled and the corner of her mouth lifted, showing how excited about how about the news.

“A few months ago, I told you about Damian, the Alpha of our pack, well today, he is finally going to choose a mate who is going to be the new Luna of Moonwood pack. I know that there is nothing for someone like me to look forward to but honestly, I can’t help but feel something special for him, it’s like any time I see him, and I feel this special bond between us just like we were made for each other, my inner wolf always acts up whenever I see him”. She had already started daydreaming about Damian again.

She paused again, returning to reality, as her smile gradually faded and darkness clouded her features, “Who am I kidding” she realized that she was only lying to herself. The one she had admired for almost half her life, he had never cast his gaze upon her. He had always treated her coldly and never showed any kind of emotion towards her.

Ava spent a few more hours in the cemetery before heading back home.

Later that evening

Ava sat ideally in her room doing nothing in particular. The pack was almost empty as everyone was already gathered for long long-awaited moon mating ceremony which was taking place at Moon Square. A sudden knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

Who could that be? She thought to herself as she made her way to the door, she opened it revealing a really beautiful Alora, her gorgeous dress and exotic makeup, showed that she was all ready for the event.

“Wow Alora, you look so beautiful”. Ava complimented.

Yeah, I already know that, but why aren’t you ready yet”. She asked making her way into Ava’s house and headed straight to the closet.

Ava didn’t have an answer, she wasn’t even sure about the reason she decided to not attend the event.

“Let me guess, it’s because you’re scared right, you don’t want others to talk bad about you. But you don’t have to worry cause am here for you”. Alora assured her making her feel more at ease.

“So now let’s get you ready “cause we have a party to wreck” Alora teased making Ava smile, for the first time since that day.

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