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Tittle:The Bounty Sypnosis After the tragic loss of his parents and betrayal from family and friends at a very young age,Jay Wilson is forced to go into to the underworld and depend on stealing and later drug dealing as a means of survival. He grows up to be a strong and brave man.After spending years in the business,he soon realizes the destruction he has brought on the life of other people after his own brother Felix fell victim of it.He decides to make atonement for all the years he spent doing evil deeds Eventually,his good deeds pays off and he is given a second chance to start over again.But soon,the past in which he has forgotten comes back to haunt him and cut short his new found happiness.

Chapter 1 The Bounty

Tittle: The Bounty

Chapter One: Past Life

I've done what you asked for, here's the body, now lift the bounty.


One fateful evening, as I sat alone in my dimly lit apartment, I reminisced about the events that led me down the path of destruction.

My name is Jay Wilson, am thirty six years old and a resident of El Paso, an island known for its outstanding beauty, peaceful nature and its unique scenery. Everyone who had ever visited the island always had something good to say about it but what no one realized was that it was all just a farce for what really goes on in the island. For people like us who have lived there all our lives, we know that all those were just a charade.

El Paso is the home of one of the most notorious drug lords, a place filled with so much evil and mischievous things and all these kept hidden from the outside world, and I won't say that I am completely innocent from all the bad things that have happened on the island.

It all started after the tragic accident that claimed both my parents' lives when I was just a teenager. We tried asking for help from family members, friends and close associates, but no one agreed to help us, everyone turned a blind eye to all our misfortune so, my younger brother, Luke, and I were left to fend for ourselves.

We were all alone but I knew that I had to do something so that we could survive. I started stealing just so that we could afford a days' meal, it was during one of my attempts I got caught by a man, unknown to me, was a drug lord. He took pity on me and took me in. Desperation clouded my judgment, and I allowed my pain to guide me towards the wrong crowd. I found solace in the company of Vandal Montero, a notorious drug lord in the city. Vandel took me under his wing, offering me money and protection in exchange for my loyalty and services. I soon became entangled in the volatile world of drugs, violence, and deceit.

Gradually, I became an expert drug pusher and that's how my journey to the top began until I finally became his right hand man. To some he was called "Aturo Beltran levy(the boss of bosses) to others he was called El Tamalon(the big tamale), but his real name was Vandel Montero, a was a very brutal and merciless man.

Everyone in El paso feared him because he behaved like the devil himself, those who worked under him, did there very best to be on his good side because anyone that got on his bad side ended up losing a body part or worst case scenario their ife and that was only after undergoing brutal torture. Out of all the hard drugs he sold, the one he made the most profit from was selling cocaine.

Apart from the drug trafficking business,he was also involved in other illegal things like human trafficking, contract killing and prostitution but all this other business of his was mainly done in the city. He was like the modern day Pablo Emilio Escabor, a popular Colombian drug lord and narco terrorist who was the sole founder of the "Medellin Cartel" ; he was one of the wealthiest criminals in history, and I guess Vandel wanted a legacy just like that for himself.

With the money I made from the business, I was able to train my brother to school and provide a comfortable life for us but all this fortune was at the expense of those who died because of the drugs I sold but I was too greedy and selfish to care.

For years, I immersed myself in this dark underworld. I compromised my values, participating in heinous acts that kept me alive but burdened my soul. With each passing day, I witnessed the devastating consequences of his actions: families torn apart, lives ruined, and innocent bloodshed staining the streets. However, the allure of money and power blinded me from the truth.

The turning point in my life came with the unexpected passing of my beloved brother. He overdosed drugs, the very one's I sold to a lot of people had now taken the life of the last family I had left. I couldn't forgive myself for his death because whether I accepted the fact or not it was still my fault. Luke had always been my anchor, reminding me of the goodness that still existed within me. The loss hit me hard, shattering the protective facade I had put up over the years.

Grief consumed me and i found myself questioning the purpose of my existence. I realized that i had contributed to the pain and suffering that had claimed the life of my brother. Guilt gnawed at my conscience, urging me to right my wrongs and seek redemption.

Determined to break free from the chains that bound me, I made a daring decision. I severed ties with Vandel Montero, betraying the man who had offered me shelter in my darkest moments. With newfound clarity, I embarked on a mission to redeem his soul and cleanse the tarnished chapters of his past life.

It was during that period I met Ryan Finley,an undercover detective that worked for DEA(drug enforcement administration),which is a federal agency responsible for enforcement of law and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances, and they also work to immobilize drugs.

The agency had been working hard since it's creation to curb the spread of drugs amongst the various nations of the world and punish anyone caught or connected to the drug business.

After giving him all the evidence he needed to successfully put an end to the drug business in El Paso. He headed back to the city to inform his superiors so that a task force could be assembled to raid the island. I didn't bother informing the local authorities of El Paso because I knew that they were all under the payroll of vandel.

The day the island was raided was one of the most unforgettable days for the residents of El Paso. The agents raided all the drug dens, arrested the people involved in the manufacturing, distribution and trafficking of the drugs to both within and outside the island. So many weapons and all other harmful equipment were confiscated and finally the mastermind behind it all, Vandel was arrested.

The raid was successful and it was all thanks to the detailed information I had provided. That day, El Paso was swept clean of all the drugs, and all the illegal activities came to an abrupt end. I was also arrested for the part I played in the business. Before Vandel was taken out of the island, he said something to me that I will never forget. Before he entered the helicopter, he turned back and he smiled at me.

"Jay, I will be seeing you soon". He said before the helicopter finally left the island. I spent five years in jail and during this period, I made friends who helped me find my way back on the right path. I also worked hard to be a better and more refined man. After that, I was released on parole. I returned back home to El Paso and started over a new chapter of my life.

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