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"Today I, Mallo Smith, the Alpha of the Scarlet Moon pack, reject you, Vanessa Holking of Scarlet Moon pack as my mate." I felt my heart break into a million pieces , the pain of rejecting my own mate was like being stabbed but I couldn't have a weakling and low life as the Luna "I, Vanessa Holking of the Scarlet Moon pack, accept your rejection." Vanessa Holking, a resilient 25-year-old werewolf with a tragic past, finds solace as a humble maid in the opulent Alpha's palace. Haunted by the loss of her parents and first mate, Vanessa's life takes an unexpected turn when she becomes irresistibly drawn to Mallo, the cold, arrogant, and ruthless Alpha. However, Mallo rejects her as he is engaged to a stronger She -Wolf. As the magnetic pull between Vanessa and Mallo intensifies, an unforeseen revelation unfolds.Mallo and Vanessa begin to face opposition and life threatening challenges as Vanessa learns the hidden truth about herself and the dark past that tends to break them apart. She was reborn in the body of a stronger Luna and torn in-between love and revenge. Would Vanessa let go her quest for revenge and give love a try or would she insist on taking revenge? Will Mallo and Vanessa's love survive those challenges? What would happen when Vanessa returns stronger and comes to take revenge on Mallo?

Chapter 1 First Day


I had always thought I was a favorite of the Moon Goddess. While many forgot to worship her, in favor of the Royals, my family had never forgotten to pay our respects. Even after my parents had died, leaving me alone, I still felt her blessing guiding me. She led me to my mate, Jamal, as short as our time was together and it was the rock I needed to keep going in life.

I wondered what would keep me going now. Jamal had lost his life last year, fighting for the kingdom of Uz against an uprising of rogue wolves. The pain of his loss was awful but still, I gave blessings to the Moon goddess for granting me the year I had with him while some never found their mate.

However, now, without a family or mate, I would need to prove my support to the kingdom by working in the palace as the laws demanded. I was heading there now, but I was late. Overexerted from the extra long run Alicia had put us through the night before, I slept past my first three alarms and had to sprint at breakneck speed to make it to the palace of the royals.

The cold stole my breath as I made it outside. It seemed the Moon goddess had decided to bless us with an abundance of snow and the icy flakes drifted from the sky unhurriedly. I wanted to stare in wonder but knew my dazed mind would take away any chance I had to make it on time.

With my family and mate's condition to the kingdom I had hoped for a good position, but that was not the case. They took one look at my omega status and assigned me to be a cleaning maid. Cleaning toilets for the rest of my life.

'Should we just end it now?' My wolf, Alicia, quipped. She had become morose since losing Jamal. I prayed to the Moon goddess to give her strength every day. Not today. I told her as was our ritual. The first few months of Jamal's death this question and answer was an hourly thing. As time moved forward it became a few times a day, then once a day dwindling further until it became an occasional thing.

Despite the low position, I looked forward to working in the palace. I need to do something other than moping around the house every day. I wanted to make friends, do things that felt fulfilling, and belong in something bigger than my problems. I would make that happen in the palace.

However, two steps into the dazzling courtyard of the palace, I became lost. I stood on a paved path hedged by low bushes that spiraled towards the center of low cut lawns quickly being covered by snow. An ornate fountain stood in the middle of the large expanse and behind it, stairs led up to an opulent palace of white stone that traveled three stories high with tall columns holding up their roofs.

The palace was enormous, sprawling and elegant. The dim morning light reflected off the veins of gold in the stones and the shining reflections of the window made the entire place sparkle like a jewel. How could I not have been mesmerized by such a sight.

I shook myself out of the stupor, biting my lip. I looked to my right. The courtyard revealed a path leading to an area heavily decorated like a botanical garden but I couldn't see where the path ended. Looking to the left showed a plain path, neatly trimmed, that branched off into other paths. I couldn't see where they ended either. I couldn't remember which way I was supposed to take and as I was applying to be a maid, I couldn't just walk through the front door.

A soft voice called out to me. Such a soft whisper it could have been a ghost. I searched for them eagerly, hoping they could help me. Following the origin of the voice, I found a woman.

She was on her hands and knees, clutching at her chest. Despite the cold weather her temples were dotted with sweat and brown hair stuck to her forehead. She gave me a tight smile as I rushed to help her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled her up, without allowing her to respond. It was then that I noticed her necklace. At the end of a golden chain a deep red jewel hung surrounded by smaller white crystals. Shock coursed through me as I struggled not to drop into a bow, and drag the woman along with me.

The pendant was a symbol worn only by the members of the royal family and here I had grabbed her without a thought.

"Good morning, your highness." The words left me in a rush. "I apologize for being late and not immediately greeting you."

Her smile was gentle. "If you hadn't been late, I would have had no one to help me, so I thank you." She said in her soft voice. The moment felt surreal. I was being thanked by royalty. She gave me another smile and introduced herself as Scarlett, Daughter of Alpha Lysander and 1st princess of Uz. I offered to help her inside, but she insisted on enjoying the snow and talking.

I was elated but worried. The kingdom knew the princess had a delicate condition, but no one knew exactly what was wrong. While talking, I learned she was as kind as the rumors said she was because, despite being late, she offered me a job as her personal assistant. This was surely the goddess's favor.

"I'd love to work for you, your highness! My name is Vanessa Holkings." I said in a rush. It was too good to be true. Throughout Uz, the princess was known for her sweet nature so receiving a job from the kind princess on my first day instead of following the cleaning assignment was more than I could wish for.

Before I could say another word, my attention was stolen by a scent on the wind. Something sweet like milk and honey filled my nose. My wolf, Alicia, became alert at the scent, throwing my heart into a fast rhythm. I breathed heavily trying to suck down more of the delicious smell that evoked a fluttering in my chest.

My every nerve was on edge as I recognized the reaction. It happened just the same two years ago. A smell so intoxicating that nothing else seemed to matter. It didn't make sense. But Alicia was chanting in my head, whispering with an ardent fever. 'Please Goddess, Please.'

I shook my head to counter her pleading even as my eyes darted around for the source.

There was a man coming closer. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. My eyes wouldn't leave him as he brought the sweet smell closer. Despite the weather, he wore only a black button down tucked into a dark pair of slacks. His hair flowed to his shoulders with a slight curl. His tan face went well with the raven black of his hair, matching the dark eyes that were locked on mine.

I looked away, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions roaring through me. Shock. Confusion. Desire. Everyone in Uz knew who he was. The unforgiving face was easy to find in the kingdom. But why did he elicit these emotions from me?

Scarlett threw herself into his arms as he arrived where she was sitting.

"Brother!" A grin stretched over her face.

Prince Mallo Smith, future alpha of this kingdom was known for the fearsome personality that surpassed his beauty. Having the prince's attention was a near guarantee for bad luck. If there was one person I wanted to avoid in the palace, it would be him, the prince did not look at the princess. Instead he stared at me with an unnerving intensity.

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