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Who Was Really Born To Be Mine?

Who Was Really Born To Be Mine?

Lana Adler


Armin Rodríguez, a handsome solo heir bachelor of a Nobel South American family. World's one of the eligible bachelors, Armin Rodriguez needs to get married and settle down in his life. But it seems like being rich is easy but finding a perfect wife is just impossible. Will be Armin able to find a wife for him? Will he really settle down in his life finally? Who will be Armin's wife finally? Or will Armin remain forever single? His money, status, and power couldn't help him to get a life partner.

Chapter 4 Armin Rodriguez

Boston University

On a bright day at Harvard University in Boston, an air of anticipation hangs over the campus. A Rolls-Royce, sleek and imposing, rolls into view, capturing the attention of everyone present. The surrounding crowd grows, a mix of curiosity and excitement buzzing through the air.

Navin, standing among the students, looks around, puzzled by the gathering. "Why is everyone gathering here?" he asks. Megan, beside him, can barely contain her excitement. "Oh my god, you don't know? Armin Rodríguez, Gabriel Rodríguez's son, is coming to the university today. Everyone's here to see him," she explains.

Navin, taken aback, queries, "The Rodríguez family? The richest and most powerful family in Boston?" Megan, even more excited, corrects him, "Not just in Boston, but in the world. They are one of the richest families."

As they speak, two Mercedes G-Class SUVs pull up, brimming with security personnel ready to protect Gabriel Rodríguez. The crowd's anticipation reaches a fever pitch as the driver opens the back door of the Rolls-Royce. A security guard steps forward to open the door for Gabriel Rodríguez, and the crowd catches its first glimpse of the man himself. Following closely, his assistant Willie appears by his side.

Then, the moment everyone has been waiting for arrives. The door opens for Armin Rodríguez, and as he steps out, the crowd is momentarily silenced by his presence. Standing at 202 cm, with a commanding physique, brown hair, and emerald green eyes, Armin Rodríguez looks every bit the heir to a vast empire. Megan and the other onlookers are stunned, their reactions ranging from gasps of admiration to awed silence.

Armin's appearance on campus is not just the arrival of a new student; it's an event that captivates the entire university community. His every move is watched by eyes filled with admiration, curiosity, and perhaps a hint of envy. As he makes his way through the crowd, his demeanor is calm and composed, unaffected by the attention he commands.

This moment marks the beginning of a new chapter for Armin at Harvard University, one that is sure to be watched closely not just by his peers but by the world at large. For the students and faculty of Harvard, the arrival of a Rodríguez is a reminder of the extraordinary lives that intersect with their own, bringing a touch of glamour and intrigue to the storied halls of academia.

As Armin walks into the heart of Harvard, the crowd disperses, left to wonder about the impact his presence will have on the university and their own lives. For Megan, Navin, and the others, this day will be one to remember, a day when they stood shoulder to shoulder with a legend in the making, a day when Harvard University welcomed a king among its ranks.

Megan's reaction, a mix of awe and excitement, mirrors that of the onlookers, many of whom are seeing Armin in person for the first time. The women among the crowd are especially captivated, their gazes fixed on Armin, recognizing him as the most eligible bachelor in the city.

The atmosphere is charged with an electric mix of admiration, curiosity, and the unspoken acknowledgment of Armin's unique blend of academic ambition and inherited prestige.

As Armin Rodríguez steps onto the grounds of Harvard University, he does so not just as a new student, but as a living embodiment of his family's legacy. The attention he garners is a testament to the weight of his surname and the expectations that come with it.

At Harvard University, amidst the buzz of anticipation and the arrival of the Rodríguez family, Principal Harold stands ready to greet them. Known for his warm demeanor and welcoming smile, Harold extends his hand in greeting as Gabriel Rodríguez approaches.

The handshake between them is firm, a sign of mutual respect and recognition. "It's an honor to see you again, Mr. Rodríguez," Harold begins, acknowledging Gabriel's significant yet distant role as one of the university's board of directors. "You are one of our board of directors, but you never returned for 10 years."

Gabriel, with a tone of sincerity, explains the absence. "We had to leave Boston for some personal reasons. My son Armin was in boarding school in Switzerland. After his military training, now he is joining Harvard as a family tradition," he shares, bridging the gap between past and present.

Turning to Armin, Harold extends the same gesture of welcome, offering his hand. Armin's response, however, is unexpected. "I prefer not to shake hands if you don't mind," he says, his voice calm but firm. The moment is one of surprise for Harold, momentarily taken aback by the refusal.

Gabriel, quick to smooth over the slight awkwardness, interjects with an explanation that borders on humor. "My son is a net freak. He is not comfortable shaking hands because he prefers to shake only clean hands. I am sorry about it," he says, his words aimed at lightening the mood. Harold, ever the gracious host, recovers with a chuckle. "Actually, this is a good sense of humor. I really like it. I am sure your son will be the biggest lawyer in this county," he responds, his words a blend of admiration and assurance.

The exchange between Harold, Gabriel, and Armin is observed by the students gathered around, a mix of curiosity and wonder evident in their eyes. Gabriel's pride in his son is unmistakable as he looks at Armin, a silent acknowledgment of the path that lies ahead for him at Harvard.

This moment at Harvard University serves not only as an introduction for Armin Rodríguez but also as a testament to the legacy and expectations that accompany him. As Principal Harold and the Rodríguez family navigate the formalities of welcome and introduction, the surrounding students are left to ponder the impact that Armin's presence will have on the campus.

As Armin Rodríguez made his way through the campus of Harvard University, his presence ignited a flurry of conversations among the students. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, a testament to the intrigue and fascination surrounding the latest addition to their academic community.

"Did you see Armin Rodríguez? He's even more impressive in person," one student said, unable to hide the admiration in their voice. "I heard he just finished military training. Imagine having that kind of discipline and then coming to Boston University. He's going to outshine us all."

Another group of students huddled around a bench, their conversation a mix of curiosity and speculation. "The Rodríguez family is back in Boston. I can't believe it. And they've brought Armin to Boston University. Do you think he'll join any clubs or stick to his studies?" one pondered, highlighting the blend of academic and extracurricular excellence that Boston University prided itself on.

Nearby, a couple of students glanced over at Armin from their textbooks, their study session momentarily forgotten. "He's not just any student; his dad's on the board of directors. And with the Rodríguez wealth and influence, Armin's going to have countless expectations on his shoulders," one commented, underscoring the pressures that come with such a prestigious lineage.

In the library, a whispered conversation took a different turn. "I heard Armin refused to shake hands with Principal Harold. Says a lot about his character, doesn't it? He's not here to play by the usual rules," a student mused, intrigued by Armin's boldness and the potential for him to bring a fresh perspective to the university culture.

Outside, a group of students watched as Armin walked by, his confidence and bearing the subject of their quiet discussion. "He looks like he could be in a movie, doesn't he? But I wonder what he's really like. Do you think he feels the weight of his family name, or is he just another student trying to find his way?" one student speculated, touching on the universal experience of navigating one's identity in the face of external expectations.

Amidst the buzz of conversations, it was clear that Armin Rodríguez had become a figure of significant interest on campus. His arrival at Boston University was not just the beginning of his academic journey, but also the start of a broader dialogue about legacy, expectations, and the unique challenges faced by those who carry a renowned family name into the future.

As the students continued to talk, debate, and speculate, Armin's presence at Boston University promised to be anything but ordinary, marking the start of a new and notable chapter in the university's storied history.

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