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A terrifying survival game called Seven Days and Seven Nights

A terrifying survival game called Seven Days and Seven Nights



The first class of the new semester was taught by the class teacher. The bell had just rung, and the faint whispers had not yet ceased. The class teacher put down the chalk and turned around, his stern gaze sweeping over the students who were whispering. Immediately, the students who were chatting fell silent. "Thoms," Gonzalez whispered, "don't write it."

Chapter 1 Equipment

The first class of the new semester was taught by the class teacher.

The bell had just rung, and the faint whispers had not yet ceased. The class teacher put down the chalk and turned around, his stern gaze sweeping over the students who were whispering. Immediately, the students who were chatting fell silent.

"Thoms," Gonzalez whispered, "don't write it."

Thoms, who was frantically finishing his holiday homework, hesitated. He was just about to write the final sentence, but decided to quickly wrap it up.

A gust of wind blew in.

Several people blocked his view, and the air flow was different. Thoms didn't want to look up, as he already knew what he was about to see.

A hand reached out to him. "Hand it over."

Under the pitying gaze of his desk mate, Thoms placed his freshly completed assignment on the table.

The class teacher glanced at him. "What are you writing?"

Thoms answered truthfully, "I still have a new semester plan to finish."

The class teacher squinted, and a single word determined his fate: "Read."

Thoms, feeling helpless, began to read the hastily written words, "In the new semester, I want to study hard and firmly resist doing anything unrelated to the classroom..."

Laughter erupted.

Gonzalez turned around, her shoulders shaking, even the class teacher was amused. He had originally planned to scold them a little, but seeing the dark circles under the boy's eyes, he couldn't bear it. Thoms was the oldest child in the class, and it was said that his parents had been in an accident and his mental state had been affected. The principal had specifically instructed to take care of him.

The words he had planned to say were swallowed back, and the class teacher confiscated the new semester plan, emphasizing once again, "The twelfth grade is very important."

Thoms nodded, looking like he was being taught a lesson.

After a while, the class quickly passed. After the class teacher left, Gonzalez teased, "I told you not to write it."

Thoms spun his pen boredly. "What era is it? We still have to write a new semester plan."

As the saying goes, plans can't keep up with changes.

In the corridor, a few students were gathered together, their position close to the door, making it easy to overhear their sporadic conversations. Gonzalez took out some hand cream and rubbed her hands. "The books are sealed, but people are still discussing."

Thoms asked, "What books?"

"'Seven Days and Seven Nights,'" Gonzalez said. "It's very explicit and dark and terrifying. I heard that someone committed suicide after reading it, and now it's been banned from the internet."

Thoms raised an eyebrow. "I didn't expect you to be interested in this kind of thing."

Gonzalez scoffed. "I just heard someone say it."

Thoms asked, "Who?"

Gonzalez was about to answer, but suddenly hesitated and couldn't remember.

Thoms lightly nudged her with his elbow. "Just making things up?"

"I really haven't read it," Gonzalez said, seeing that she couldn't explain, she didn't bother to talk to him and buried her head on the desk to rest.

The smile on Thoms' face gradually disappeared. "Seven Days and Seven Nights" had only become popular about half a year ago. It seemed like everyone knew about it, but no one had actually read it. Everyone has a sense of curiosity, and he had tried to search for resources online, but to no avail.

Nothing could be completely banned. With patience, you could find anything on the internet. However, this book was different. It either led to a 404 error, or the resources were fake and just bait for clicks.

Shaking his head, he started to lament his overly suspicious nature. He tore off a piece of paper and reluctantly began to rewrite: "In the new semester, I want to study hard, make good use of my spare time, and even actively review the content of the next class during breaks."

As he wrote, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, which caught Gonzalez's ear. She showed half of her face. "Are you still suspicious about that thing?"

Thoms paused. "Do you also think I'm acting childish?"

His suspicion wasn't just limited to a novel. During a holiday gathering, after drinking a little too much, Thoms had an outburst, expressing doubts about his own background and even feeling that the people around him, including his family, were fake, causing some classmates to question his mental state.

Gonzalez murmured, "It might actually be true."

Thoms looked at her sharply. "Your parents left a large sum of compensation after their death, but none of your relatives proactively approached you." Gonzalez smirked. "My dad won the lottery a few years ago, and the threshold was almost broken."

Thoms took in a sharp breath. "That makes sense!"

Everyone makes guesses without evidence, and life continues as usual. Before he knew it, half the semester had passed, and Thoms had not achieved any of his so-called new semester plans. Midterm exams were approaching, and he had to force himself to focus on studying.

Knock knock knock.

The knocking was loud, almost like someone was trying to force the door open.

Thoms frowned and grabbed a pair of scissors from the peephole. Outside, he saw a panicked and pale face. He was surprised and quickly opened the door. "Gonzalez?"

Looking around, he didn't see anyone suspicious.

"Keep this safe!" Gonzalez's voice was hoarse as she took out a small stun gun from her pocket and forced it into his hand. "Don't mention it to anyone, take it to save your life."

"What's going on?" Thoms asked.

Gonzalez didn't give him a chance to react and quickly ran off.

Thoms hurriedly followed her.

Despite having excellent physical fitness, having broken the school record for the 800 meters, Thoms lost track of her. Standing at the entrance of a dark alley, he reached for his phone and was relieved to find it in his pocket.

After a long wait without a response from Gonzalez, Thoms hesitated for a moment before deciding to call the police. Gonzalez was a rational person, and she wouldn't do something like this without a good reason. Little did he know, Gonzalez's father had already reported it to the police.

It was late at night, and the police drove Thoms home and gave him a few instructions.

Thoms felt heavy-hearted and couldn't bring himself to read. In the middle of the night, a heavy rain began to pour outside. In a half-awake state, his phone on the table suddenly started to ring frantically. Waking up with a start, Thoms answered the call from an unfamiliar number.


"It's me," the voice on the other end was slightly muffled.

Thoms had many questions in his mind, such as who she was using the phone to call, and where she was. Before he could ask, Gonzalez interrupted him, "Do you remember 'Seven Days and Seven Nights'?"

"The explicit novel that was banned?" Thoms replied.

The other person was surprised by his response, but didn't explain and quickly said, "It's now three minutes and forty-two seconds past three in the morning, and you will enter that novel in three minutes..."

The voice became intermittent. "Remember to carry the stun gun with you..."

The call abruptly ended.

Thoms furrowed his brow, wanting to call back, but there was a busy tone on the other end.

Instinctively, he picked up the stun gun from the table, something he hadn't mentioned to the police. Apart from Gonzalez's warning, he kept it a secret because of his own previous experience of mental trauma and the possibility of being misunderstood if he mentioned it.

Even though he hadn't turned on the power, an intense electric current surged through his body.

Half of his body went numb, and Thoms struggled to move his fingers to try to call for an ambulance. However, he was unable to move, and he was pulled into darkness.


This was the last thought before he fell into darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a hazy world. Thoms closed his eyes and reopened them, seeing several others beside him.

"Where are we?" someone asked, voicing the question that everyone had on their mind.

Truly, no one knew.

"There's someone over there!" a girl suddenly pointed to somewhere in front.

They all ran over, and Thoms was in the group, keeping an eye on his surroundings with the others. In total, there were four of them.

When they reached the nearest table, the girl, panting, was about to ask a question.

"Quiet!" the man sitting with his legs crossed on the table sternly slapped the table, making the girl step back in fear.

The woman on the opposite table was much gentler. "There are summary pamphlets on the table, you can read it yourselves."

Thoms and another man quickly reached for a pamphlet each.

"This wave looks good," the man with his legs crossed said mockingly. "Unlike the last idiot who had to be beaten half to death to accept reality."

As he spoke, Thoms had already opened the first page. The title read "Seven Days and Seven Nights," and the contents were clearly organized.

"Things are about to begin," Thoms had good hearing and caught a whisper from someone at the table.

At the same time, a giant water screen appeared in the distance.

The man with his legs crossed looked serious. "Long story short, remember everything. The performance in the novices' area will be recorded and broadcasted, and the major organizations will recruit based on this."

Thoms frowned, realizing from the contents of the pamphlet that only the first performance was made public. He felt a sense of relief.

The man noticed his reaction. "If every performance detail is revealed, there won't be any secrets left."

In order to survive in this world, everyone had to have secrets, or bargaining chips for their survival.

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A terrifying survival game called Seven Days and Seven Nights

Chapter 1 Equipment
