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Echoes of love lost

Echoes of love lost



"It's really beautiful here in Macau!" I shouted when I got to the hotel swimming pool. I don't know what happened but I know that this is my year, that I was lucky because I was chosen in the raffle earlier in the office and I was still with my longtime crush at work, this is my year, yes. This is your year, Elaine. I was about to go back to my room with Luke because it was almost night when I noticed the bar section, I haven't had a drink even once so I'm going to try it. "Can I have 1 bottle of tequila?" I asked the bartender. "Yes ma'am, but are you sure you really want to have a bottle?" he asked. What's the problem? "Yes?" I answered hesitantly. "Okay, here you go." He said and I poured it into the wine glass. The first sip, the taste is bold but delicious at the same time. I drank more and more until I finished a bottle. Little by little I got dizzy so I went back. "A-ahh, I have a headache." I just said as I walked towards our room, my vision was double. "R-room 609. A-that's it." I can't walk properly anymore, I feel like I'm going to fall down anytime. I was about to click my card on the door but it opened immediately even though I hadn't put it in yet so I just went in and laid down. I noticed that Luke was also here, smelling like alcohol. "Hmm.." he said and hugged me while lying down. "L-luke..." "Sera..." who is sera? and why does Luke's voice seem to have changed? I'll just think about it tomorrow, I can't think straight because of the tequila I drank. "L-luke, what--- He kissed me, I couldn't see his face because it was dark here. I returned his kiss and we spent the night together *tomorrow* *cring, cring, cring* I rubbed my eyes because it was morning, I saw Luke with his back to me, naked and me WHAT?? did we really do that? I smiled, it's not bad for my first time because it's him. "Hmmm.." I was suddenly surprised because he turned around and suddenly hugged me, I didn't even see his face. "Is it morning already?" he asked, is luke really english? Besides, does his voice sound different? Is it really like this when you just wake up? "Yes, luke, let me go. I'll cook you breakfast." He was surprised by what I said. "Luke? Who's luke sera?" he asked. "Sera? Who is Sera??" I asked again, he was surprised and suddenly faced me, I just stared at what I saw. A very smiling creature, but he is not LUKE!!! "W-Who are you???!!" he shouted. I stood up suddenly and took my clothes while the blanket covered my body and went to the cr. "Lady, I am asking you, why are you in my room??" "I-I don't even know what happened, and what's your room? It's my room!" I shouted inside the cr while getting dressed. What did I get into? Why isn't that Luke? Why was I drunk last night?? "That's it, I'm calling the guards." he said and dialed. I quickly stopped him but they answered. "Hello sir? What's the problem?" "I need you to come here right now there's an intruder in my room." he said angrily. "What intruder? This is my room!" I was surprised because the guards were quick and there were more of them. "What happened Sir?" asked the one with glasses who was not a guard. "This woman right here is saying that this is her room" "But it's true--- "Your card ma'am?" I gave my card and it said 606. We looked at the name of the room and the number 6 at the end was italicized so we couldn't figure out what room it was. "This is room 609." "But the number was sideways and I was drunk last night so I didn't notice!" "I am so sorry Sir Fontello for this misunderstanding, this is our fault. We will take responsibility about this." the guard said, wait fontello? as in the fontello company that wants to partner with our company? The biggest company? "M-can I ask? S-who is he?" I asked the one with the glasses while they were busy. "He's Sir Van Fontello. The CEO of fontello company and one of the billionaires of our country." I can't move where I am, a billionaire? so i had a one night stand with a billionaire?

Chapter 1 1

Elaine's POV

"Elaine, can you please take a photo copy of this?"


"Elaine, please buy me a donut on your way out."


"Elaine, water the plants, I'm still busy."

"No problem."

Hi, I'm Elaine Gricea, an employee at the Jire company. I have one toxic trait and it's that I can't say no to my neighbor, especially here in the office. I have donuts and photo copies with me today so I'm having a hard time, hey.

"Elaine, let me help you." I was surprised by the voice I heard, Luke. My long time crush in our office, he's happy, responsible and most of all charismatic and kind, but this is the first time he helped me with something so I'm surprised.

"Oh okay, thanks." I just said it.

"Why can't you say no to them? They won't eat you if you say that." he said jokingly. I just smiled and when we got back we were all called.

"Okay, so today there is one lucky winner who will be able to vacation in Macao." said our manager.

"Ohh!! I wish I was!!"

"It's still so beautiful in Macao!"

"Please, it's me!"

My friends yelled at me, but I didn't pay attention because I knew that I was unlucky, so I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't chosen.

"And the lucky winner is..... Elaine Gricea!"

I was surprised by what I heard, is it really true?

"Omg, congratulations Elaine!"

"You deserve it!"

I just came over and took it, wait two tickets?

"You're wondering why there are two tickets, you can bring anyone here but only one." he said. Luke suddenly approached me.

"Congratulations Elaine, this is my gift to you, a bracelet. I've been wanting to give it to you for a long time." he said with a smile. Don't be like that Luke!!

"T-thank you." I stammered and he put it on me.

"So, have you decided who you're going with?" He asked, how did he know?

"Not yet." I just answered

"Have I?" he said which surprised me.

"Really? Will you come with me?"

"Of course, I'm ready. I know you can't refuse." he said jokingly.

I just smiled and he joined me to get ready and go to Macao.


Van's POV

"You're going home? Is it really true Sera?" I smiled while talking with Sera on the phone.

"Yes, Van. Our trainer said we can go home now." she said.

"That's really great! When are you coming home?" I asked.


"Sera, we need to go." I heard one of his companions say.

"I need to go, Van. See you tomorrow!" she said as she hung up the phone.

I am so happy.

"That's good, sir. You can now officially ask her to be your girlfriend." austin said, my secretary.

Sera is my childhood friend, and we were really close. But she is in Singapore now because she's a ballerina and there's a big project and she grabbed the opportunity. It's been 3 years since then and he still hasn't come home. But gladly, she'll come back tomorrow and I will ask her officially because I like her. Anyway, I am Van Fontello, the CEO of the Fontello Company.

"Help me with all the preparations that we discussed, Austin. This is the time." I said as I walked away. I've been planning for a long time that when Sera comes home I will be able to make it happen, and here it comes.

"We're coming to Macao, right away."

"Yes sir." austin said as we prepare.

End of Van's POV

Someone's POV

"Listen here, you really need to make Van drink the alcohol okay? They need to bear a child right away!"

"Yes ma'am." I said and put down the cellphone.

"Let's do it."

Elaine's POV

"It's beautiful!!" I just shouted while Luke and I got into the car. We are now on our way to the hotel and I can't help but be amazed at the beautiful view here. Luke smiled at me, I was thrilled again.

When we arrived, we put our things in our room.

"So, where do you want to go first?" I asked him.

"You just go for a walk by yourself Elaine, I'm going somewhere for a while." he said that made me sad.

"A-ah alright, enjoy." I said and he left quickly.

I just went out and looked around, I went to the spa section, gym, club, salon and so on. When I was tired I went to the swimming pool area.

End of Elaine's POV

Van's POV

"Is everything ready?" I asked

"Soon sir." they said while preparing everything.

"I want everything to be perfect."

"Yes sir!"

"I'm gonna go to the airport. You take care of it, Austin." I said to my secretary.

When I got to the airport, I dialed Sera's number.

"V-van?" she said with a cracked tone.

"Sera? Are you close?" I asked

"Sera, faster. It's time, we need to get ready!" I heard shouting on the phone.

"Van I'm sorry, I can't come today. There's an urgent event here and we need to stay here a little longer. I'll call you back later!"

She said and hung up. I was left dumbfounded.

I came back and found out that it was already afternoon. Someone I know approaches me.

"Sir! Where is Ma'am Sera sir?" he said but I ignored him.

"Is that wine on your hand?" I asked because I saw that he was carrying alcohol.

"Yes sir.."

"Give me that." I said, I took it and drank it. Something happened, I don't know what I'll do.

"Sir, what happened? Where's ma'am Sera?" Austin asked.

"Cancel everything." I just said and left, I'm dizzy I don't know why. I just drank 3 gulps, is this really brave? I came to my room and my head was dizzy, I had to lie down. I opened my room with my card and lay down immediately, I forgot to lock the door but it's okay, I can't take a single step anymore.

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