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Tears Of Revelation

Tears Of Revelation



"In the midst of heartbreak and betrayal, a young woman's world unravels with the shocking revelation of her boyfriend's impending marriage. Struggling to come to terms with the truth, she grapples with family illness and unexpected news of her own. As she navigates through the turmoil, she discovers inner strength she never knew she possessed. 'Tears of Revelation' is a poignant tale of resilience, love, and the power of self-discovery in the face of life's greatest challenges."

Chapter 1 1

The first born son and the heir of Conrad Enterprise: Van Sebastian Conrad, will be married this year to the only daughter and heiress of the Perez Company: Celine Perez. Mr. Conrad and Mr. Perez are expecting that their first child will be a boy.'

I was reading a magazine that Aj put on the bar counter while I was drinking water.

Van in a suit and the woman holding him by the waist are featured in the magazine.

"Old magazines?" I asked when he took it again and put it in the trashbin.

He looked at me, then nodded. "Yes, this is the new one." he said and showed me another magazine he was holding. The first time I read Conrad's feature, I immediately shook my head and put the glass on the table when he was about to give me the magazine.

I just turned to look at my three cute little girls, they ran towards me. Larissa bumped into my leg when she was the first to approach me, she pulled back and came back hugging my leg. The two followed.

"Mommy! Oh look."

Larissa raised her hand holding a band paper so I took it and looked at it.

A woman with long wavy brown hair and with a flower in her right ear drawing.

"Mommy, look at it!" I heard Melissa say that Sharmaine also has a band paper.

I smiled, compared them and took the band paper of the two with the same drawing but the color of the flower in the ear was different.

"Who is this beautiful girl?" I asked with a smile, I was surprised when they pointed at me.

"It's you, mommy!" I laughed softly when they said that at the same time.

"Really? How sweet." I said and hugged them.

"No way, we drew that so we should have a hug too."

I looked at my two eldest boys who immediately came to me and hugged me, I chuckled and hugged them back.

"You two drew this?" I asked when they let go of the hug. The two nodded then smiled so I looked at the drawing again in amazement.

"Mommy! We colored it!" my girls said.

"Yes, honey, thank you, I appreciate it."

The five smiled widely and kissed me on the cheek one by one.

"Mommy has saliva on her cheeks." I snorted. I laughed softly as they wiped their lips with their palm and left, while the other two came closer to me and touched my cheek.

"Here, Mommy!" I heard and saw him come back with tissues.

I closed my eyes as they wiped my cheeks together and Steve stopped talking.

"Mommy is joking."

The three were already snoring when I looked at them, "Pft, Sorry." I said and peace.

"They have been married for five years and yet they have no children?"

I was surprised to hear what Aj said so I looked at him, frowning when he was looking at the magazine.

"Who?" I asked.

I turned to my children when they said they were going back to the living room to draw again so I nodded and smiled, I was about to speak but Aj preceded me.

"Van Sebastian Conrad and his wife Celine Perez."

The smile on my lips disappeared when I heard that.


I tried to smile, "Okay, just put it away later because we're leaving later." I said and they nodded.

I followed the five going to the living room, the smile on my lips disappeared again and stood up when they were there.

"They've been married for five years and you think that? They don't have any children yet." She said.

I opened the fridge and got selecta fresh milk, I just listened to what he was saying while putting milk in the glass.

Then I returned the selecta to the fridge and sat in front of it then drank the glass full of milk.

"What do you say here?" turn it to me.

I put down the glass and shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe they really have it and just hide it or don't let the media know." I said.

"Hmm, yes, right? But why are they hiding it?"

I just shrugged my shoulders at his next question because I don't know why and I'm not sure if there really is but maybe there is?

I stopped drinking when I remembered our last talk.

Five years, five years ago. In those five years, I followed what he said that even though I was pregnant, I didn't let him know and he didn't need to know, now that he's married. I will never tell him. And with the large amount of money he gave, it was a great help to me, that's what I paid for the hospital and for my mother's burial and for my childbirth.

Even Aj (April joy Hernandez) does not know who the real father of my five children is. I just said that he had been dead for a long time and he didn't feel compelled to ask. I also don't hear anything from my children about their father so I didn't say anything or even show him what he looks like.

In the evening, I arranged my things and put them in the bag and suitcase. Next, I arranged the clothes and belongings of the four, when I looked at Steve's belongings, they were in order and in the suitcase, so I only took care of the belongings of the four.

After finishing, I entered the bathroom and took a half bath. I didn't stay long in the bathroom and also came out wearing skinny jeans, white silk chiffon long sleeve blouse that I half tucked and white classy high heels.

I face the mirror, I wear my minimalist water drop necklace. I also fixed my long wavy brown hair, I did a half ponytail. I put red lipstick on my lips and powder on my face.

Then I looked at my small pearl tassel earrings and my small infinite anklet bracelet.

Satisfied, I took my watch and put it on then left the room with three suitcases and a bag.

I saw the five sitting in the living room, I arranged them early earlier.

I sent them to the bar counter first and made them sit there. While waiting for Aj to get dressed, I mixed milk for the five and asked them to drink it.

"Let's go." Aj said after coming out and carrying his suitcase.

I nodded and sent them down when the milk I drank was gone.

Before we left, I checked the passport that was in my bag and without leaving anything, we left for the airport.

I watched the rise of the plane we were on and turned to Steve who was also looking at it seriously.

Needless to say, they got the color of their father's eyes and Steve looked like him.

Terrence Steve; my eldest son who followed him Alvin Laurence; Larissa Quentin; Melissa Monique and Sharmaine Sultana.

Goodbye San Francisco, California and see you soon Philippines. I'm Charmaine Susana Salvatore, A pure Filipino.

Van Sebastian Conrad; A half German and half Italian with half Filipino blood. The CEO of a famous company; Conrad Enterprise and the man who got me pregnant and now, I am hiding his quintuplets as his punishment and for our peac

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Other books by Kelzy

Echoes of love lost

Echoes of love lost



"It's really beautiful here in Macau!" I shouted when I got to the hotel swimming pool. I don't know what happened but I know that this is my year, that I was lucky because I was chosen in the raffle earlier in the office and I was still with my longtime crush at work, this is my year, yes. This is your year, Elaine. I was about to go back to my room with Luke because it was almost night when I noticed the bar section, I haven't had a drink even once so I'm going to try it. "Can I have 1 bottle of tequila?" I asked the bartender. "Yes ma'am, but are you sure you really want to have a bottle?" he asked. What's the problem? "Yes?" I answered hesitantly. "Okay, here you go." He said and I poured it into the wine glass. The first sip, the taste is bold but delicious at the same time. I drank more and more until I finished a bottle. Little by little I got dizzy so I went back. "A-ahh, I have a headache." I just said as I walked towards our room, my vision was double. "R-room 609. A-that's it." I can't walk properly anymore, I feel like I'm going to fall down anytime. I was about to click my card on the door but it opened immediately even though I hadn't put it in yet so I just went in and laid down. I noticed that Luke was also here, smelling like alcohol. "Hmm.." he said and hugged me while lying down. "L-luke..." "Sera..." who is sera? and why does Luke's voice seem to have changed? I'll just think about it tomorrow, I can't think straight because of the tequila I drank. "L-luke, what--- He kissed me, I couldn't see his face because it was dark here. I returned his kiss and we spent the night together *tomorrow* *cring, cring, cring* I rubbed my eyes because it was morning, I saw Luke with his back to me, naked and me WHAT?? did we really do that? I smiled, it's not bad for my first time because it's him. "Hmmm.." I was suddenly surprised because he turned around and suddenly hugged me, I didn't even see his face. "Is it morning already?" he asked, is luke really english? Besides, does his voice sound different? Is it really like this when you just wake up? "Yes, luke, let me go. I'll cook you breakfast." He was surprised by what I said. "Luke? Who's luke sera?" he asked. "Sera? Who is Sera??" I asked again, he was surprised and suddenly faced me, I just stared at what I saw. A very smiling creature, but he is not LUKE!!! "W-Who are you???!!" he shouted. I stood up suddenly and took my clothes while the blanket covered my body and went to the cr. "Lady, I am asking you, why are you in my room??" "I-I don't even know what happened, and what's your room? It's my room!" I shouted inside the cr while getting dressed. What did I get into? Why isn't that Luke? Why was I drunk last night?? "That's it, I'm calling the guards." he said and dialed. I quickly stopped him but they answered. "Hello sir? What's the problem?" "I need you to come here right now there's an intruder in my room." he said angrily. "What intruder? This is my room!" I was surprised because the guards were quick and there were more of them. "What happened Sir?" asked the one with glasses who was not a guard. "This woman right here is saying that this is her room" "But it's true--- "Your card ma'am?" I gave my card and it said 606. We looked at the name of the room and the number 6 at the end was italicized so we couldn't figure out what room it was. "This is room 609." "But the number was sideways and I was drunk last night so I didn't notice!" "I am so sorry Sir Fontello for this misunderstanding, this is our fault. We will take responsibility about this." the guard said, wait fontello? as in the fontello company that wants to partner with our company? The biggest company? "M-can I ask? S-who is he?" I asked the one with the glasses while they were busy. "He's Sir Van Fontello. The CEO of fontello company and one of the billionaires of our country." I can't move where I am, a billionaire? so i had a one night stand with a billionaire?





Francine Carrel Asuncion _______________________ "Hey, Francine. What's up?" Mia called, which made me go crazy. "Why?" I will ask. "What are you thinking, Frennywaps huh?" he said then arranged our painting supplies. "Sorry. I just remembered what Papa said yesterday." I promise. "Speaking of your Papa! What's the matter with Tito picking you up at home this morning?" it asked. "Well... how can I tell you?" I promise then take a deep breath. "It's occupied, what is it, here it is." he said as if he was bored with the gossip I was about to say. "That's how it is." I said then took a deep breath and started again. "He is planning to find a 'supposedly' perfect man for me and he is going to get us married as soon as possible..." "Huaaaat?! Immediately, Frenny? My god! My brainy didn't understand that. It was shocking!" he said as he held his sensei and I immediately fell in love. "And that's really what you were worried about, you know I have a boyfriend." I said Indian seat and he immediately winced. "Heh. I don't know. You know, Francine. I'm really disappointed with your boyfriend Rio, it seems like there's something bad and fishy there and I can't figure out what it is right now but here it is, remember this time I'll know if what's that. Nako, I'm telling you frenny, I'll have it salv*ged, choss." He said that my eyes are getting smaller. I just shook my head and continued my painting. We were in the Art room with our other classmates. I was about to finish when suddenly someone knocked over my mixing palette with only paint in it. "What?!" I wonder if we are together and look at my uniform that is full of paint. "Are you blind? Aren't you looking at what you're passing by!" I said annoyed then looked at him badly but he immediately turned his back and didn't seem to have any intention of apologizing for what he did so I laughed a little and stood up then grabbed his arm. "Aren't you even going to apologize?" I said annoyed then faced me but I already stopped to speak... "I-You…." "I know I'm handsome. But I'm busy." it said with a smirk. What the---! I would have yelled at him because he had already left. B*sit! Why is he really handsome and I'm really stunned hays. "Just calm down, okay. Just get changed." Mia laughed and said, "Oh, it's okay." ______ I'm in the restroom right now trying to remove the red paint from my uniform, tsk. If it wasn't really because of that man, my uniform shouldn't be dirty. I really missed that sound when we met again---- * KRING KRING KRING My cellphone rang from my pocket so I immediately took it out and it was Papa who called me so I was in agony. Annoyed and pissed off, I just answered. "What is that?" I will ask. "Come here. We will talk." he said so I took a deep breath. "Sorry, Pa, but my class ends later." "I already talked to your Professor and he agreed to let you go home this afternoon so hurry up because our driver will pick you up." he said as he ended the call. What is it? I just put my uniform in the paper bag and went out of the bathroom then waited for Manong Julio in the waiting shed outside the school. I texted Rio first because he might look for me later in the classroom and I'm not there. 'Babe, I have to go home first, because Papa is calling me. Let's meet Tom, I love you!' I messaged but after five minutes Rio still didn't respond so I thought maybe he was just busy. Manong arrived so I immediately rode in the back. ___________________ I thought he would take me to Manong's house, but I was surprised when he took me to a restaurant. I got down and went inside. Papa said that I will sit at table 7 because that's where we reserved but why is someone else already sitting there. I came closer to ask but I was surprised by what I saw--'the bwis*t man earlier who threw paint on my uniform. What is that man doing here? And here it is! "Excuse me, that table is already reserved. You can use another table, right? Didn't you see the sign?" I said then show me the 'RESERVE' sign I saw it laugh softly. I'm really still being laughed at. What's so funny huh?! "Sorry, Miss, but I'm here---" "Oh, Hija. You're here." said Papa who sat across from Kumag as if nothing had happened. "Oh, sit down, my dear." he said and I sat down but I still couldn't take my eyes off of this guy. "Hija, this is Trevon Lucas Mateo, he's the one I'm telling you that I want you to meet and I also want you to marry in the future." Papa said and I immediately looked at him. "What?! He's the one you're talking about?!!" I screamed in surprise. As in a literal shout, it's surprising, isn't it?

One night stand with The stranger

One night stand with The stranger



: Waking up in the arms of a total stranger, Wendy realizes the hot chemistry in her dream last night wasn't just a dream.. What makes it even sexier is that---he turns out to be her Chemistry Professor. It seems like someone's about to get punished...really badly. ________ W E N D Y ' s POV Oh...that feels good... I was lying on a soft bed in a hotel room. My back pressed up againts the firm, hard body of the sexy stranger I met earlier in a bar. His hands run all over my naked body, causing every inch of me to tingle with the heat of his touch. No one's ever turned me on like this before... The sexy stranger leans down to whisper in my ear, his breath brushing sensually over my skin and giving me goosebumps. "You feel so good?" I shiver as he slides a hand down my body, his touch leaving a trail of heat in its wake as he reaches between my legs. I turn around in his arms and look up to meet his gaze. "Kiss me.." I said weakly. The stranger's eyes darkened with unmistakable desire. "My pleasure, beautiful." He said then tangles his finger on my hair as he pulls me in for a scorching kiss.. I gasp as my body instantly responds, my lips molding against his in perfect harmony as his hands continue to caress my body. I press my hands on the stranger's firm chest and slowly run them down his chiseled abs. "You feel so good, too." I whisper. The kiss intensifies, and I feel desire pool in my core as every inch of me craves more. I pull back slightly, breaking the kiss, as I take in the man in front of me. He's so d´mn hot..I've never been so attracted to anyone before. As if reading my mind, the man's heated gaze roams over my body, and he lets out a low, appreciative m´an. "You're so incredibly perfect." He said. He pulls me back in for a kiss as one of his hands slips between me and moves between my thighs. "Oh.." I m´an I groan as the man parts my legs, his fingertips brushing over my womanhood. "I love how responsive you are, baby." it whispered as I closed my eyes. He then cups my womanhood with his palm, rubbing it firmly, the friction causing my thighs to clench. "D-Don't stop..." The man starts to circle my aching nub with his finger as I reach down and take his length in my hand.. I teasingly bite down on his lip, causing him to gasp as I start to stroke his 'huge thing'. I feel him harden in my hand as my own release approaches, and I start to harder and faster, bringing him towards the edge. "F´ck...That feels amazing!" The man whisper on me.. My heart starts pounding, my emotions flipping all over the place. "I'm gonna..." "Me too, Beautiful. Let's come together." The man thrust his two fingers inside of me as he presses down on my throbbing bud, and I scream as I release crashes over me in a wave. The sexy stranger has his own release on my hand, and I close my eyes as one final thought drifts through my mind. He completes me.

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