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Scorned and betrayed, Sophia Denver craves revenge. Her once picture-perfect life with billionaire Derek Thorne has crumbled, leaving her with nothing but a thirst for justice. Armed with a bombshell secret, Sophia manipulates the opulent world that destroyed her, vowing to expose Derek's web of lies and deceit. But shadows lurk in the opulent halls. As Sophia navigates a treacherous game of power and manipulation, two enigmatic billionaires, Rodrigo Ivan Voronin and Emilio Estefan Redfield, enter the fray. Both harbor a dangerous obsession with Sophia, offering alliances laced with hidden agendas. As the truth explodes, threatening to bring a financial empire crashing down, Sophia realizes her life is on the line. Can she untangle the web of deceit before she becomes a pawn sacrificed in a ruthless billionaire's game? And will she choose love or vengeance when the lines between desire and danger become dangerously blurred? In a world where loyalty is a luxury and love a weapon, who will Sophia choose to possess her heart?

Chapter 1 Cha 1: People Pleaser



The air reeked of roast chicken and snootiness. Aunt Beatrice, all decked out in diamonds, gave me a disapproving look.

"Honestly, Derek," she drawled, her voice dripping with the syrup of fake sympathy, "how do you tolerate this…dowdiness for so long?"

Her perfectly manicured hand gestured dismissively at my simple black dress, the one I wore because Derek liked the way it hugged my curves.

It was a stark contrast to the floral explosions adorning the rest of the room, a room that felt more like a museum than a place of warmth.

I forced a smile, the kind that stretched at the corners and felt brittle around the edges.

Enduring the annual Thorne family gathering was a gauntlet I'd traversed for years, hoping, naively perhaps, that acceptance would one day follow.

But tonight, the air crackled with a different kind of tension. Derek, usually my silent shield against their barbs, stood by the fireplace, a stoic mask hiding his emotions. His silence was deafening.

"She's just…unrefined," chimed in Mildred, Derek's younger sister, her voice laced with the gentle sweetness that always preceded a viperous attack. "Not exactly the kind of woman who thrives in our social circles."

My hands tightened into fists, the silver necklace nestled against my collarbone digging uncomfortably into my skin. It was a simple thing, a family heirloom from my grandmother, but it held a significance that none of them would understand.

Before I could muster a retort, Derek spoke, his voice devoid of warmth. "That's enough. Sophia's my wife, and we'll handle this privately."

A collective scoff rippled through the room. Uncle Charles, puffed on his cigar, the ember glowing ominously in the dim light

"Privately, you say? This family business can't afford distractions like…" He trailed off, his gaze sweeping over me like a disdainful emperor judging a lowly peasant.

The sting of his words pricked at the carefully constructed dam holding back a torrent of emotions. Derek, who'd built his tech empire on the foundation of my unwavering support and tireless management of his early endeavors, stood there in silence, allowing his family to belittle me. Was this who he truly was? Was this who I'd married?

The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic tapping of my heart against my ribs. A sudden tug on my arm jolted me back to reality. Mildred, her face contorted in a cruel glee, yanked on the necklace, the delicate chain threatening to snap.

"This," she spat, holding the pendant aloft, "doesn't belong on someone like you."

In that moment, all the frustration I've been feeling for years, the constant pressure to fit in, and the subtle ways people have made me feel small, just exploded out of me like a fountain.

But instead of the roar I expected to escape my lips, a weak, "Please, Mildred," came out. It was a whimper, a pathetic plea that mirrored the years I'd spent trying to appease them, trying to be the woman Derek, or rather Derek's family, wanted me to be.

A wave of shame washed over me, bitter and cold. This wasn't who I was. This meek, spineless woman staring back at them in the reflection of the polished silver wasn't me. Something snapped within me, like a fragile thread.

Maybe it was the injustice of it all, the audacity of their disdain for something as simple as a necklace, or maybe it was the dawning realization that Derek wouldn't stand up for me, not truly.

But whatever it was, it ignited a spark of defiance within me, a tiny flame that refused to be extinguished.

Before Mildred could react, I lunged forward, snatching the necklace back.

The chain snapped, sending the pendant clattering to the marble floor.

A gasp went up from the stunned family.

My voice, when I finally found it, was a low growl, laced with a newfound steel that surprised even myself.

"This necklace," I stated, holding the broken chain,."has more history and value than your entire wardrobe combined."

The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge they couldn't ignore.

Aunt Beatrice sputtered, Mildred's face contorted in rage, but for the first time, they seemed unsure, thrown off balance by my unexpected defiance.

Then an unexpected slap landed on my face.

"You insolent child. How dare you speak to your in-laws that way? It shows how little your respect is towards us." Aunt Beatrice hissed.

"You have no right, opening your mouth, to say unwanted words to us in our house. You married my brother, so let that sink into your head. You are most definitely obligated to us as well." Mildred stated. "I'm so pissed that I wasn't the one who hit you."

I glanced at Derek, who didn't even raise a hand to help me.

Tears dropped from my eyes as I stared at him.

"Derek." I called. "Aren't you going to do something about this? Are you just going to watch them manipulate me the way they like?" I sobbed.

"They're also your family, Sophia. I can't go against their wish just because you're my wife. Just try to do as they say. For me, huh?" He looked at me with tiredness, like he wasn't ready for any drama tonight.

I've loved this man for so many years and never wanted to lose him under any circumstance.

I mean we had built up so much together, I felt I'd be doing myself a huge disfavor if I left him.

"Now apologize to them. You really pissed them off you know." He wiped my tears with his thump as I turned to face his mother and sister who glared at me with disdain.

"I'm sorry." I let out in a whisper.

"You should count yourself lucky that Derek is getting married to you. What man would look at you and want you even. So old schooled." Mildred spat.

"That's enough Mildred, she's apologized, now go to your room." Derek growled.

"You're not the boss of me. Besides I'm not done with her just yet." Mildred complained.

"Mum." Derek glanced at his mother for help.

"You know she's just a child right? You can't control everything that she does, just leave her be." Aunt Beatrice stated.

It was funny how they always had each other's backs and yet I was always left out.

They never for once did that for me.

Anytime they believed I was misbehaving, they either hit or scolded me.

"And you, Sophia. I believe you left the dishes unwashed." Mildred glanced at the table. "It shouldn't be a problem for you should it?" She looked at me with low key, 'i dare you to disobey' look.

I glanced sideways at Derek before turning to clean the table up.

From the corner of my eyes I noticed Derek staring at me.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Did he feel any pity for me or did he enjoy me doing all these to please his family?

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