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Chapter 2 Cha 2: A tangled web

Word Count: 1705    |    Released on: 10/04/2024

2: A Tan


gh. I received an anonymous package today abou

sn't just an affair, but a twisted form of deceit and betrayal. This was given to me by an anonymous person. I

ve letters were unmistakable. It was the same rate custom d

red, sinking down onto the couch as th

over. The company I worked my sweat off for, just to make sure I pleased him and his family.

nothing? I lost a sense of who I was all becau

truth. Clutching the necklace tightly, I grabbed my

t away. I've discovered something

t's going on?" Emily asked,

as you can, please," I

y burst through the door,

e emergency?" she aske

he package that arrived earlier. It's Derek's. He claimed he

e from my hand, examining it closely. "You're right,

mpany, using these lavish gifts for Olivia as a

my god, Soph, that's...that's hug

the incriminating love letters and photos. "It's

I finally let the tears fall, the weig

while I nodded holding back tear. "What are you going to d

me with my

"I need to go to the police. This is

mily said, squeezing

I couldn't trust the police to handle this properly - not when Derek had

my voice low. "I don't think we shoul

"What do you mean? Soph, this is seriou

can't, Emily. I can't risk him getting away w

she opened her mouth to

ting, confront him with the evidence, and force h

expression torn. "Soph, this is dange

n't let him get away with this," I plea

mping in defeat. "Alright, Soph

Derek, warning him that his embezzlement scheme had been discovered and

rt raced with a mix of fear and adrenali

orrect his ways we could sort things out with our div

to lose him, f

on the entrance. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the cavernous

me," he said, his voice tr

the shadows, my

e dripping with contempt. "We know about th

came into view with perplexity written on his fa

ears dropped from my eyes as I stared at him. "All because of a woman who doesn't love you Derek?

erywhere else b

r. Derek's gaze darted from the necklace to the photo

hat?" he demanded,

oser. "The point is, I know the truth. And

ance flickering in his gaze. "What are y

g to handle this myself. You've been living a lie and now is time to pay the price." I stated knowing well

been through? With all the sacrifices you made, you're gonna throw all that away and come at m

shed and embezzled his company's money the same one you worked so hard to build. You've been the one

ed to see her. Then he looked at me before taking lo

this close to each other and his blue ir

phia. And as a matter of fact, I planned on

ou can decieve her but not me."

were filled with nothing else but sincerity. "I promise never to cheat anymore and only give my heart to yo

r eyes darting around in search of the source. In the dim light, I caught

that?" I whispered, m

tense. "Yeah, I heard it. We

deafening sound echoing off the walls. I felt a searing

screamed, rush

or, and he scrambled to his feet

d!" Emily yelled, her

d while my eyes were dizzy. "I'll come back to get you Sophi

hands pressing against the wound in my

ay? I'm going to c

ody, I couldn't help but feel a

, my voice barely

g ambulance pierced the night,

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