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Blindly in Lust

Blindly in Lust



Andrew Tate, who Is a play boy and a billionaire meets heart broken Kaira Jones who just came to drown her sorrows in a bottle of Vodka at the party,they meet for the first time at a birthday party and they were really attracted to each other which leads to a passionate and romantic kiss but it ends in a tragic way and they never meet again until life decides to bring them together in a very funny way, Andrew turns out to be the owner of the Company she was applying for, and it gets more funny when he proposes a contract marriage, would Kaira fall in love with him along the line?would she be able to love him with his flaws and the dark secret he has? Find out all you need to know in this novel.

Chapter 1 Kaira POV

I walked briskly through the crowd, as the music blasted from the speakers so loudly that I could feel the place vibrating, God knew I hated parties. My hands are clenched tight to my red leather Chanel bag as if trying to find some support in holding the bag. I was starting to regret coming to this place. There was a seat close to the window. I sat there looking around as if looking for someone.

My fingers tapping the table nervously you could notice instantly that I wasn't comfortable but still, I tried not to look around too much so I wouldn't appear like a stranger, just then I felt a presence I already knew who it was, from the scent of apple vinegar and baby powder that could only be my best friend Maya who happened to also be my colleague at work.

"Hey girl!!"You made it, I'm so happy you came," she said, grinning from ear to ear, staring me over. She looked really cute in the pink fitted gown she wore, her blue eyes illuminating from the effect of the light. With her creamy-coloured hair, she looked like a Barbie.

" How could I miss your Birthday party, you mean so much to me, you have always been my support system Mee and I love you so much, Happy birthday once again". I said, trying to form a smile.

" Awwwn... that's so sweet, thank you, I didn't think you would be able to come after what happened," Maya said as she played with my hair, it was something she does whenever she is worried about me.

"I'm okay Mee, it is their loss, not mine and remember one door closes for another greater door to open. So how's the party going?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"So far so good it's going well. Don't worry Kaira tonight is going to be fun I promise, just try to be less anti-social, okay??"

How could she accuse me of being anti-social? I found it rather offensive even though it was a joke. She wasn't lying either. I knew I was socially awkward but she didn't have to rub it on my face. Maya had always been the free and outgoing one and I just didn't know how to accommodate people. How we became friends will still forever remain a mystery to me.

"I'll try, okay? Go on and attend to your minions, they need you" I said.

"Alright, alright. But please do have fun Kay, remember you only live once so-- "

" Live it like it's your last, I know " I completed her statement, that was her favorite quote.

Maya smiles at me " –go get it b***h" she says before dancing away.

Maybe I should take her advice and have fun tonight, I smiled at myself but first I have to start by getting high or I would be so uptight, I walked over to the bara spoospooky-looking tender was standing there like a statue, I took a seat and leaned on the table looking over at the drinks on display before I began;

" Give me a glass of Tequila with lemon topping".

" Coming right up ma'am," he said sharply.

" Here is it ma'am"

"Thank you" I smiled, accepting it. I took a sip while staring at the crowds. I observed the way people danced so happily and joyfully.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea when I came out today.

"Hi Beautiful," I heard someone say, I wasn't sure I was the one he was referring to as there were many hot chicks so I stayed still.

" Black Widow" I hear him say again, he legit read the text at the back of my Jacket.

I turned to face him and lo and behold he had the cutest biggest black eyes I had ever seen.

"Hi," I responded, looking surprised." How may I help you?" I asked sharply.

Jeez! That is a wrong choice of words to use.

"I can't help but notice that a pretty soul like you is not on the dance floor dancing her pretty self away," he said smiling charmingly at me.

"Maybe I'm not in the mood for dancing "

"Oh! Okay but you shouldn't be here if you aren't in the mood to party, anyways I'm Andrew but you can call me Drew"

"I'm Kaira but I like being called Kay"

I smiled heartily at him.

" You seem to me like someone who is not a fan of parties"

"Yeah I am not much of a fan, I prefer my own company a lot"

"That's cool, so what made you come out today?"

" It's my Best friend and roommate's birthday I can't miss it for anything in the world"

"That's so sweet of you" he smiled, our eyes locking, I caught a better glimpse of his face, they are masculine and his nose was pointed and long, almost touching his flat thin lips. The light from the chandelier made his blonde hair appear like it had different colors and it made him look more magical.

"Thank you, so how did you meet Maya?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

" We met at an event when she helped me find my way to a particular section when I was lost, so since then we exchanged contacts and yeah she sent invitations to all her contacts so I received it and here I am," he said, his eyebrow dancing.

"That's so nice, so are you a party kinda person?" I asked suddenly.

"Once in a while, you know sometimes we just have to loosen up and free our minds. So yeah it's not an every Friday night thing but sometimes I just come out to have fun, so Mademoiselle can I have this dance?" he asked me, I smiled at him unbelievably. Was this strange man asking me out on a dance? I nodded affirmatively, he stretched out a hand to me and I accepted it and we walked together to the dance floor at one corner of the room. Maya was smiling sheepishly at me, I ignored her silly attitude as I stared at the tall figure in front of me. The music changed from a fast one to a slow one and he held my waist and placed my right hand over his neck.

We Danced slowly looking into each other's eyes, my head just above his chest. We were the perfect height and I couldn't ignore his perfect lips and broad chest. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I thought. My hands traveled from his neck to his broad shoulders.

Was I falling in love? I ask myself. Of course not! I just met him and this looks like it was coined out of a rom-com.

He pulled me close. I could smell his cologne. It was so pleasant to my nostrils that he spun me around and we laughed loudly. Immediately everything stopped, the people stopped moving, when he bent over to kiss me softly on my lips.

But tragedy was about to strike.

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Other books by Frankvicky

The Rise of the Alpha's Rejected Mate

The Rise of the Alpha's Rejected Mate



Luna, scorned by the Alpha, exiled from her pack, bears the whispers of betrayal like scars. But whispers of another kind stir within her – whispers of power dormant in the blood of rejected mates, a legacy waiting to be claimed. Torn between doubt and defiance, loyalty and betrayal, Luna embarks on a perilous journey. She faces a monstrous entity lurking in the forest's depths, unravels a web of deceit within the pack, and confronts the whispers that twist memories and fuel her own shadows. But with each moonlit step, Luna's power awakens. The whispers become a chorus of defiance, her claws a conduit of lunar energy. Her rejected mate status, once a mark of shame, becomes the source of her greatest strength. When monstrous shadows devour the forbidden forest and darkness claws at the heart of her pack, Luna must choose. Will she succumb to the whispers of vengeance, forged in the crucible of rejection? Or will she embrace the moonlit power within, rising as the Moonborn leader, not despite the rejection, but empowered by it? In this thrilling tale of second chances and hidden legacies, Luna, the Alpha's rejected mate, will rewrite her destiny. She will dance with shadows, face betrayal, and claim her rightful place under the fractured moon, leading her pack into a dawn brighter than any prophecy foretold. Prepare for a journey where moonlight clashes with darkness, whispers ignite power, and a rejected mate becomes the unlikely savior of her own pack. Welcome to the rise of the Alpha's rejected mate.

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