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A marriage contract with a billionaire

A marriage contract with a billionaire



After dedicating his whole life to his grandfather company, Dexton is denied of being heir to the properties unless he get married. He arranged a fake marriage with Hailey. Hailey wants to get revenge for her ex fiance and step families who took everything away from her.

Chapter 1 Dexton and Hailey

Hailey and Dexton staggered into the room, drunk, leaving the door opened. They both feel on the bed and were staring into each other's eyes.

Hailey kissed him first and Dexton seems hesitant at first before kissing her back.

They kiss so hard and rolling on the bed with his hands exploring her body. Her hands were in his hair as she let out a soft moan. Their clothes flinged in the he air


Hailey's head spins as her eyes opened slowly and the ceiling decoration was what got her attention. Her eyes journeyed round the room. It reeks of money, extravagantly decorated. Where am I' was the first sentence that came to her mind. She jumped up and checked herself. she was naked, stark naked.

"Nooo!" Her scream shook the whole house. She just had sex with a stranger.

Two days ago

Dexton yawned softly as he rose up from bed. He shook the alcohol out of his head and turned to the lady sleeping beside him, his previous night escort.

"Hey, get up" He spoke sharply with a slightly annoying face. The girl sat up and yawns then looks at him with a seductive smile.

"I never knew you would..." She began to romance him but he slaps her hand off.

"Just get out" he gestured to the door.

"You should have been gone before dawn"

"Why are you being so harsh sir, last night..."

"Just get out, now" Dexton growls.

Girls irritates him after sex. That's why he have never had sex twice with someone or have a girlfriend. He just call for an escort whenever he need one.

The lady just picked up her dress quickly and left. Dexton sighed and walk to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

He walked out of the hotel and drove to the he company, Julio, his secretary was waiting with some subordinates.

"Good morning sir" They bowed.

"Morning Julio." he said cheerfully.

He walks with elegance and sophistication into his office

"Good morning sir" The staffs greeted and he replied with only a nod. His appearance is cheerful and not one to make people uncomfortable, some staffs even drool on him as he walked by.

Dexton Hendrix is the grandson of the business tycoon, Mr Hendrix. He is the heir to the biggest company in New York owned by his grandfather. He is every typically woman's dream, tall muscular, handsome with cute lips and pointed nose, his image is just so perfect.

"So..., what are my schedules for today?" Dexton asked his secretary, taking his seat on the swivel chair.

"You have a business meeting with the conglomerate by 12

You are attending the presentation party by 2, and dinner in the family house"

"Dinner?," Dexton sighed. "What does the old man have to say tonight" he muttered.

"You can leave then, thanks"he said shortly and went back to work, he typing fast on his laptop. Julio bowed and left.

Freesoft Company

"hi, Hailey"


Good morning

Hailey walked to her office receiving greetings of co-workers.

"Good morning Sisco." She greeted her workmate with a smile.

Meet Hailey, Twenty five years old hardworking lady who to her workmates has the most cheerful life. She is from a low class background but pretty which makes almost all male co-workers in the company crush on her.

Someone dropped a bottle of coke on her table.

"Good morning, Hailey"

"Oh, Festus"

"You are making the presentation today" Festus, a fellow workmate asked.


"All of a sudden. Take it, it's energy booster, you should do your best"

"Thanks, Festus" She smiled.

Festus left and Hailey checked the bottle of soda.

A young lady dressed in skimpy

clothes knocked on the table, Hailey raised her head.

"Hey, good morning" She was chewing gum and her tone shows they were not really on good terms.

"The manager wants you to prepare this before the afternoon meeting." Mira said. "You should bring it to the meeting rendezvous, you must be happy that you're going" she said with a fake smile.

"Maybe yes" Hailey smiled too.

"Well, Mr Hendrix will be there so make sure to prepare well." Mira turned back. "I heard you recently had an heartbreak, take heart dear, don't let it affects you" Mira patted her shoulder. They glared at each other till she chuckled and left.

Hailey shook her head with a sigh. Her six years old relationship actually ended about a week ago. and started work.

Dexton walked out of the company to the garage. Well, he is late for the meeting but who cares, it won't beheld without his presence.

A classic looking lady was standing beside his car.

"Oh, f**k" he cursed. She is the last person he want to meet right now

"Dexton" she called in her supposed sweet voice.

"What suddenly happened to you voice, you have a sour throat?" Dexton replied coldly.

"Stop being so harsh"she pouted. "You should drive me to the Meloranda, my car broke down."

Ariana is his ex lover, or maybe they never had a relationship. She has a clingy attitude which I hate. Grandpa likes her though, because he is friends with her father, more like business partners.

"I don't see a reason why I should" I replied"

"You can't go to a business party alone, and we are close enough to"

"Listen, Ariana, we are just business partners and nothing else, don't get the wrong idea"

"My driver is sick and I can't drive"

"Then take a public transport"

"How dare you" Ariana seethed in anger.

Dexton entered the car.

"How late is the drive gonna be " He asked Julio.

"sixty three minutes, sir " he said.

"You can have a nap on the way sir" he added but Dexton said nothing as the drive continued.

They arrived at the Meloranda and took the elevator, alone except for Julio. Dexton entered the place with some staffs drooling. It is not so surprising, being a billionaire is one thing and being so handsome is another. I bumped into a lady and all her files fell

"Oh, I am sorry " she apologized, picking her things.

"Be careful miss" Julio said.

Hailey picked her things quickly and bowed as apology. When she raise her head up she is surprised to see it's him, everyone surely know, Dexton Hendrix.

They stare intently into each other eyes, familiarly. Hailey realize how rude it might be.

"I'll leave" she bows and left

The Business Party

"You can do it, okay" Greg, Hailey's manager said . Hailey nods nervously. It's time to give presentation on the app their company wants to launch, The presentation is to impress investors present.

"Good evening everyone here, I am Hailey from freesoft company. I am presenting the latest app created recently, Shax girl, this is a game which idea was gotten from "talking Angela" is more than just a game. it an ai that allows for screen friendship between the character and owner. It has choices of gender and name and a lot of features which includes voice chat, giving advice, singing, consolation."

Dexton watches Hailey as she speaks with a smile.

"It's really you" He muttered.

Her gaze fell on a slutty looking woman and tall huge muscular man who were holding and fondling each other. Hailey gulped and sigh

"The app can also also have calculator features, and.. and vast knowledge ...for people, huh personality" Her eyes welled up in tears, it has been only a month, how can he move on so easily.

She gave shuttering words for the rest of the presentation and rushed out. Mr Greg followed immediately.

Murmur rose up a little until the host took the mic.

"I also have in here also, Dolbid.."


"What's wrong, Hailey" Greg asked.

"I am sorry, sir, but, I" Hailey burst into tears

"I shouldn't have let you do this"

Some minutes later

Hailey walked out of the restroom and met with Linda,

"Oh, hi Hailey". She walked away.

"It was a nice presentation back there" Linda said. "I was waiting for more when you left the stage." She added.

Hailey scoffs.


She walked away.

Dexton had been watching."What a poor restroom they have here" He said and left.

Back at the party, The bigger company have chosen apps to fund. Hailey was walking to Mr Greg but she bumps into Dexton

"I am so sorry" She apologized profusely.

"Why are you so silly" Dexton says defiantly.

"Huh" Hailey raises their head and they stare for a short time.

"You still haven't changed, not even one bit"

"The announcement will begin"

"Sorry" Hailey bowed again and Dexton left.

"Mr. Hendrix has personally chosen to fund the Shax girl from freesoft company"

There was uproar of rejoice and surprise. Mr Hendrix for the first time is getting involved in a small company, personally.

Hailey looked at Dexton's side, but he wasn't looking so bothered.


The Hendrix mansion.

We got home and I walked into the house full of beautiful things and illumination. I walked to the dinning and saw my whole family waiting at the family dinner table

"You kept us waiting , Dexton" Grandma said,

"I am sorry everyone, good evening grandma"I kissed grandma's cheek, she is the only one I am fond of in the family, maybe because I grew up with her and spent all my years with her. "Good evening grandpa, good evening everyone"

"Good evening uncle dexton" Winnie greeted, she is the baby of the house, my cousin.

"You know, Dexton, when it comes to courtsey, you shouldn't be late to a family dinner"

"cut him some slack, sis"

"Let's enjoy our food first, I have something important to discuss especially with you Dexton " Grandpa thick bass voice sounded.

We will started eating.

After dinner, the maid came in. "First, I am happy about your lives all, to watch my grandchildren gives me joy" grandpa rest his gaze on me. I knew what that meant.

"I am happy about all the company's and what I will do today will be the same as mentioning my will, I am taking the company from you, Dexton"

"What?!" I yelled. That was a bombshell.

"Not for good, I just feel it's taking much of your time, you need to find a woman and settle down, you are thirty"

"I didn't ask for it, grandpa"

"Really, It might look like just some suggestions but it is also a threatas you might lose the company completely" he added

The discussion ended and I did not even hear a single word again.

About an hour later when everyone had left. I walked to grandpa villa and met h standing by the stair guide. I walked to him and stood beside him.

"I used to stand here with your father and discuss things about the company, his home.." Grandpa sighs.

"You two were pretty close"

There was a little bit of silence.

"What you said earlier"

"What did I say earlier, I said a lot of things earlier"

"About me getting married "

"Oh"I really meant it"

"But for real grandpa, I not ready for a devotion yet"

"Why, because you still wanna go around f**king different women"


"You are thirty, Dexton, your younger cousin is married with a kid, This is for you also" he said Andi felt defeated again. Not that I reasoned with him, I just can't fight him as n words.

The drive was quiet and tensed.

"Drive to the club"I ordered.

"it's shutdown boss, the manager was arrested three days ago"

"Just drive to Blake's house then" I was angry at that, at everything.

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A marriage contract with a billionaire

Chapter 1 Dexton and Hailey
