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Royale Vessel


Her legs slowed down, her expression going bitter. It couldn't be. Her supposed mate can't be cheating on her. Their mating ceremony was in two days so he got no reason too. Or that was what she wanted to believe. Her legs suddenly came to a complete stop. The door to her mate's door was partially opened. And right there he was in their matrimonial bed with another lady. Not just another lady; Her sister!. ** " I Logan Lee Parker, Alpha of the Silver river pack... rejects you Elena Almeria Knight as my mate". " You are worthy to be my wife", Logan baritone voice resounded. Elena stared at him, her heart aching badly. The tears that rolled down her cheeks freely were evidence to that. After everything she did, all she endured; Was this really her reward?. She wouldn't let the urges of life crush her down She will become a woman of herself A woman who craves revenge!.


Chapter 1

A Broken Heart.

Elena was so excited as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her engagement ceremony was just into days, and she's so excited about it. Already, preparations for the event have been made, entertainers have been booked. She was grateful to the moon goddess for giving her a mate like Alpha Logan_ the love of her life.

Just when she picked up a hair pin from the table, warm hands circle her waist. Knowing who it was, a sweet smile graced her lips and she giggled.

Her brown eyes meeets his gaze in the mirror.

"What's troubling you, little one?" His thick warm voice filled her ears, sending warm tingles down her spine. She always felt like this whenever he was around her

"Nothing serious....... just thinking about our mating ceremony which is in two days" she admit.

"And what about it? Don't tell me you're anxious?"

Sighs. "Well I'm a bit anxious about...."

"Becoming my queen?" He cuts her off, completing her words.

"Yeah, kinda"

Logan's exerted one of his hands from her waist and placed it on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Nothing to worry about, little one" A smile broke her lips as he called her the nick name he had given her. He gave her the name from the onset he discovered she was his fated, and heck yes, she loved it whenever he called her 'Little one'

"I'm certain you'll make a good queen..." However Logan was interrupted when he hear a mindlink.

'Where are you Alpha?' a random voice and he clenched his fist.

'What is it?' he gritted.

'Just come over, please'

'Fine, I'm coming' he replied. Moving away from Elena "I'll be back" he tells her and she nods.

Heaving a dry sigh, he sauntered out of the room.


"I'm happy for you, Elena" Elena's cousin Lisa said.

"I know right, this is mind blowing. But I have to admit I'm really anxious, I don't know why buh I've been having mixed feelings like something would go wrong"

"Oh come on, it's normal to feel like that but it doesn't mean the latter. On the contrary,what could possibly go wrong? When your fated is the Alpha, besides you have me. Don't forget it" Lisa replied

"Oh, thank you Lisa. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much" Elena pulls Lisa into a warm tight hug.

"Uh, okay. Too much hugging, can't breathe"

Elena tittered "Sorry" she released Lisa immediately.

"No problem, well I have to go now"

Elena scrunched her brows and crossed her arms across her chest. "And if I may ask, where are you going to?"

"Uh, well no place important. Just going to help a friend out"

"Can I come?" Elena beamed with a smile.

"No. You're the soon -to -be Luna of the pack, you're not supposed to be seen hanging around random people you know"

"Well that doesn't mean I can't live a little" Elena fake pouted in a playful manner.

"I'm not saying you can't live a little, I'm just saying you can't follow me to where I'm going now."

"Really, but why?. I'm kinda bored you know" Elena insisted.

"I'm sorry my Luna, but no" Lisa stated leaving no room for any argument.

"Fine, well don't come home late"

"I promise, I won't. See you later" Lisa said and scurried out of the house.


Ivana- Elena's wolf had been quiet, like she was receding in Elena's mind where she couldn't reach out to her. It made her heart rate spike, was having an odd feeling. One she couldn't explain.

She was feeling quite different now,quite odd than usual. Like she was afraid of something she just couldn't place her finger on.

Lisa was out and there was no one at home, so she decided to pay Logan a visit.

Stepping out from her car and heading into the pack house. She peered out into the hallway, looking from left to right as the pull got stronger than before. She turn to her right and followed the hallway down before turning left into another hallway. She didn't why,but it elt as though she was in a daze as she continued down. As thought the stretch of the hallway kept getting longer, but on the real sense, she was just taking very slow and calculated steps as her heart rate kept increasing.

She had never felt like this whenever she came to visit the Alpha, so why the sudden fear?

Looking around the hall, the whole place was quiet and void of anyone which was unsual. You'd always see Beta Grey or some of the servants paroling around the hall carrying out their assigned duties, but today it's quite different.

Something was wrong. She thought to herself. Heading straight to the Alpha's room, she could see the door cracked open at the end.

"Did he forget to close the door?"

With each calculative step she took towards the Alpha's room which was just at the end of the hallway,she could feel her heart rate increasing. Almost like she was having a panic attack. And just when she was a metre away from the door, she could hear soft moans escaping from the room.

Anxious and confused, she forced her legs and strode to the Alpha's room. Her pulse beating so quickly and hardly, that she felt the palpitations of every atery in her.

"What is wrong with you Elena Almeria Knight today? You're just overthinking yourself, everything is fine" she reassured herself and shrugged. With that, she fastened her steps. However, before she could walk any further she instantly stopped in a mid motion when she heard different sounds coming from the room. Taking two steps, the sounds became more audible to her hearing.

Her breathing became more heavy as she recognized Logan's voice. He sounded gruffed, strained even as he spoke out over the soft moans.

"Shut up! Do you want someone to hear you?" She heard him snap. Hot tears clouded her eyes as it dawned on her that he might be in there with someone else, when their mating ceremony was just by the corner. She gulped down a heavy lump that formed in her throat,

"I.....I... I'm sorry Alpha it's just that you're, oh goddess!"

Elena's heart skipped on this one, it was familiar and heck yes does she recognize that voce anywhere. It sounded familiar,very familiar. Just like- Lisa's.

'No, it can't be! There's no way this is happening, maybe it's just my illusion' she thought to herself and swung the door open immediately, but she regretted doing so as she spotted the unbelievable.

Her mate on their soon to be matrimonial bed with- her cousin.

That moment she felt her whole world come crashing down, wishing the ground would open and take her. She didn't want to inform them of her presence, she wanted to run away forever, far away from him and anyone. But her wolf -Ivana couldn't stand watching them anymore. She push herself forward, taking control of Elena and forcing her to speak.

"L- Lo- Logan" No matter how hard she tried to control herself, she heard her broken voice come out of her trembling lips. This was honestly too much to bear for her.

"Huh!" As soon as he heard Elena's low soft voice, his eyes instantly flashed open and then cursed before pushing her cousin aside who gasped and tried to hide her face with a pillow.

"Elena?! What are you doing here?"

She stifled. She didn't want to cry out in front of him but seeing Lisa, her own cousin made them stream done her face. So this was the friend she wanted to help out?

Her fated!

Her mate!

Whom their mating ceremony was in one day!

With the tears burning down against her cheeks, she felt her nager rising to her surface. She just caught him with her cousin and he had the guts to ask her what she was doing here. Is this the man she's going to spend the rest of her life with? A cheat?

But why?

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