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Bride For Mr. Mafia

Bride For Mr. Mafia



Carlota Potenza has always been used to life hitting her with the toughest time, after she loses her apartment due to debt, Carlota does the most random of things when she goes to a club. It was her way of telling life that she didn't care, that she was perfectly fine. Her life seems to finally make sense when she meets Zack Marcello Sabatini, Don of the strongest Mafia in Italy. After an intimate dance and a short conversation, he gives her a wad of cash which Carlota sees as redemption, a way to improve her hard life, but her happiness is short lived. Still having no home, Carlota tries to seek shelter in an abandoned Warehouse but finds herself saving Zack after a mission went wrong. Zack not wanting to kill her, decides to marry her making her his Donna. Carlota is not ecstatic when she finds out and is ready to put a stop to her forced marriage immediately. Zack's rivals on the other hand, go about their day thinking the once great leader has been left a shell by his supposed true love and are more than ready to exploit the situation.

Chapter 1 Club Time

Carlota’s POV

I flipped my long ponytail again still in awe at the results, I seemed so different from the usual Carlota who was always busy with bills to realise how pretty she could look if she put in the effort. Combined with the makeup and beautiful silver dress I had forgotten about till today, I felt like I was the daughter of a rich politician.

I carried my purse and walked out of my dingy apartment with a certain confidence that made people doubt that this was the first time I was wearing heels. When I made the decision to go clubbing tonight, I had intended to forget I would be homeless tomorrow and that I had nobody to help me.

The dancing lights and girls in skimpy clothes seemed like a haven although the smell of rum and smoke overwhelmed me. I shoved the surfacing feelings down and entered the club, a few heads turned to me and I looked down, feeling all my built up confidence going down the drain.

I looked down, trying not to stumble on the cheap heels and stopped when I thought I was at the bar.

“How can I help you?” I looked up to a brunet that looked about my age.

I assumed he was the bartender since he was currently pouring a bottle of cherry vodka into a cup. His eyes scanned my body and I tugged at the hem of my dress before he gave me a smile and I smiled back, he was really cute.

“Can I get a glass, of anything cheap.” I mumbled the last part of my sentence and he smiled before pouring the same bottle of Vodka into another cup.

“Tha… that looks expensive.” I muttered, feeling slightly ashamed and he moved the drink closer to me.

“It’s on the house, just don’t let the boss know or I’m fired.” He said with a wink and I blushed before accepting the drink.

I moved it to my nose and my eyes stung from the strong smell, I had never drunk today but I had never gone to a bar either. I closed my eyes as I brought the cup to my lips and emptied the content in my mouth. I gasped when the liquid burned my throat and my head was spinning as well as my cheeks heating.

I looked at the bartender who gave me a worried look and smiled to reassure him.

“Do you need some water? It’s bad if you get drunk so early.” I shook my head and held it when it ached more.

“I’m fine… this is what I want.” He wanted to argue but stopped when a girl shoved me and stood in front of him.

She said something about a cocktail but I was too intoxicated to stand so I made my way to the couch, hoping nobody would notice me till I got used to this drunk feeling.

Zack’s POV

I always liked the fear that flashed through people’s eyes when my name was mentioned or when they provoked me, just like the idiot here who had planned to send a few millions to my rival gang.

“I’m asking for the last time bastardo! Who fucking sent you?!” He closed his eyes and I scowled. “You’re really going to test my patience?” I asked, trying to sound calm.

“This is your last chance, speak now!”

“Vai all’inferno!(Go to Hell!).” I gritted my teeth and grabbed my gun from the table before sending a bullet into his skinny leg.

He yelled and I ginned before turning to my men.

“Take him to the cell and leave him there to die, if he won’t talk, I’m pretty sure his wife will.” Panic flashed through his eyes.

“Wait… I’ll talk, please don’t hurt my wife.”

“You had your chance bastardo.” I sighed and ran a hand through my curly black hair before turning to Marco, my right hand man.

“You’re not planning to fuck her right?” I shrugged and he eye rolled.

I ignored his remark and sat on the couch and he followed.

“Why did I expect this to be fun?” I asked, my eyes on the blood that stained my floor.

“You’re the Don in a Mafia, what part did you think would be fun.”

“The thrill that comes from killing, or catching a spy after months of trying rather than days.”

“What do you expect when victory is always so close to your dam ass?” I chuckled and looked at him.

“For that stupid remark, you’ll be following me to a club.”

“I can’t, I already made plans with Grazia…”

“Dude that’s my cousin you’re planning to fuck.” I said and he sighed.

“Oh the daily life of a capon.” He stated tiredly and I thought about letting him stay, but immediately dismissed the stupid idea.

I stood up and left my office and he followed quickly, we both went down the stairs and Grazia was waiting in the living room, wearing a very short and revealing black dress. I could see the way Marco looked at her in the dress and felt nausea building inside of me.

“Babe, why aren’t you ready?”

“I…” I cut Marco off.

“He’s accompanying me somewhere, so go change out of that shit Italy’s barely safe as it is and you’re dressing like a stripper rather than the Don of the top Mafia in Italy.” She eye rolled and looked at Marco for confirmation.

“Yeah… sorry for ditching.” She sighed.

“That was a mistake on my part.” Marco turned to me with pleading eyes and I sighed before waving him off.

“If she comes back with a pregnancy, I’ll end you.” Her cheeks turned red and I quickly left before I had the horror of witnessing them kiss.

I made my way to my car and drove off, trying to stop myself from cussing at my supposed best friend who just ditched me to fuck my bitchy cousin.

The drive to the bar took about an hour, and I passed about three bars on the way. There was always something about Bayside that made the one hour trip seem worth it, maybe it was because the girls there were hot or the special taste their cocktails always seemed to possess.

I stepped out of my Porsche and handed my car keys to the Valet before walking into the bar. The place felt more suffocating without Marco’s stupid remarks but I quickly pushed the thoughts aside and walked to the bar.

I ordered their cocktail special and sat patiently, waiting to see the first girl that would approach me. The cocktail was taking longer than I expected and when I looked at the bartender to yell, I noticed he took intervals to give side glances from a distance. I followed his gaze the next time and felt the wind leave my lungs when I spotted the source of his distraction.

There was a girl whose shiny milky skin reflected the club lights, her long ebony was swaying side to side along with her hips. The movement was sloppy, yet sexy and judging from the way she closed her eyes along with her red cheeks, she was drunk.

“Sir.” I looked at the dude who was offering me my drink and took it.

He probably had intentions to get under her skirt just like I did, I couldn’t blame him though, and she was hot. I quickly gulped my drink down and smoothly made my way to the girl, she seemed to slow down her dancing and I snaked my arm under her waist. She seemed startled but pressed her back on my body which made me groaned.

“Where have you been all my life Bello (Beautiful)?”

“Mostly working Tesoro (Darling).” I smirked and planted a kiss on her collarbone and goose bumps formed on her skin.

“What’s your name?”

“Carlota Potenza, you?”

“Zack Marcello Sabatini.” She hummed, swaying her hips against my crotch. “How about we book a room and get to know each other?” she pulled away from me and turned abruptly which made her lose balance and her chest pressed mine.

“Your offer sounds interesting, unfortunately though, I’m not into that.” I grabbed her waist to maintain her balance and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“I have to leave Bello, I may or may not see you later but know that I enjoyed our short time together.

I grabbed a wad of cash and placed it in her soft hands and her eyes widened.

“That’s ten thousand dollars, enjoy yourself and think of me when you do.” She smiled and nodded and I walked out of the bar, no longer in the mood for sex.

I was so ready to fuck her but her turn off was the fact she was a virgin, it was obvious by her response and it felt like to much of a commitment to take someone’s virginity so I’d rather stay away from shit like that. It sounded stupid, but I hated the idea of sleeping with a virgin, knowing they expect something more from me.

I collected my keys from the valet and unlocked my car door, ready to leave feeling disappointed but my ear com beeped and I paused what I was doing.

“Don, Adriano was kidnapped, he’s in the warehouse across your location. I think it’s the mafia that sent the spy but the Don never mentioned his name” I heard Marco and sighed before carrying my gun and cocking it.

“Time to kill some bastardos.” I mumbled and shut my car door.

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