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Lollita pie


JUNE TUCKER , rules for survival * no friends, no fiends * studentship is full time,no relationship * you are the brain, you're always right darling.... * never compromise your personality and values for no sake. A TUCKER never gives up. *go for quality and not the quantity, introvert brand. ***** Don't fall for a guy..don't let your guards down ... She's pretty, sturdy, a brainiac and exquisite introvert. You know a nerd when you see this girl. Second year high schooler , in a new school which she really wants to make a difference, until the School's sweetheart prince......DWANE WALTER ...appears in the picture. He did alot, he trashed all her life guard rule, until she finally snapped at rule no.6, 🖤 🖤 🖤 Also known as the School's physco... DWANE WALTER Dark hair, cold blue eyes . The School's hotest guy, and a bubble gum nutshell. **** there's not much to say about this guy, you don't want to know how a physco really think.... ** yes he's sweet but a physco,......and he just found the right victim to test his wildest memories with. She's a peach

Chapter 1 The new girl in city

Letter of admission from BRANDON'S HIGH SCHOOL, SWITCHIZ, to miss


I think about it I could feel my heart racing in my ears I needed to breathe or i would pass out. I squeezed at my jacket right next to my racing heart, as i lay staring speechless at my bedroom ceiling.

It has been a dream come true ever since I got the honourable letter from BRANDON'S HIGH SCHOOL. It was not just any school BHS (BRANDON'S HIGH SCHOOL) Was the best in the whole of ALDREDEN , for a nobody like me to be getting in was a dream come true. Every local and continental newspaper, TV stations, name any means of communication, they would literally kill to get BHS on their media. Classy rich kids and nobles of nobles based at BHS a place to fluent their massive riches ,it was the talk of the continent after ELROYAN GAZELEY'S UNIVERSITY, SWITCHIZ.

My father couldn't afford de grand luxury of the school,that would cost his life insurance and life savings for a term, it seemed like a fairy tale for someone born without a golden spoon ,but I was determined to study flesh and blood till I got in as a scholarship candidate, the opportunity which popped up once in every two years nationwide. And I did, even though I had to pick up extra class, skip fun stuffs with my friends and miss out on tons of after school parties, it was definitely worth it, I was a nerd [🤓🤓🤓]or so they called me.

Two weeks had passed since little lucky me got the letter, best part of it was that I would be leaving the boring country of GOLDCOAST down to SWITCHIZ, the capital of ALDREDEN.

Nothing better than being free from Rebecca, my sassy annoying step mother.

She was always dangling about my stuff which I found uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. We never had that mother to daughter spark, she was too clingy and obsessed over dad to the point that the little time I had with dad felt like I was snatching him from her.

Rebecca got married to my dad three years ago, after mum's death from a highway robbery, the fact that dad tied the knots with her a month after mum's funeral was so unbelievable.

Was this lady waiting for her passover or something, whatever... for all I care she was never the right spec for dad at all, but dad's treatments towards her was like a hypnotised lovesick puppy. To him she was an angel.

My bags were already packed neatly and I got dressed. With a pretty short black gown which went over my knee a bit, a denim jacket and a pair of sneakers to go with, ' miss June you are definitely a BHS material '.

I strolled down the stairs with my bags and sling bag, from the top I could.just hear dad and rebecca making out.

"gross...yuck....., could you two just get a room. Now I feel like throwing up " I said to cut them off they were all over each other like horny teenagers.

"My plum, you are all set " dad said as he broke the kiss and turned to me, from behind him I could see rebecca glaring at me as I had cutted her sweet moment, and I rolled my eyes.

" yeah dad, I've only got thirty minutes to get to the airport. Can we make it there on time daddy ? ",

" of course angel, I just need to buckle up a bit off speed." He winked at me, yeah dad was a crazy driver, he got more driving tickets than his pay check, I did love the rides.

" Please not much speed, I can't die before my flight. Let's go..." I chuckled happily

"I will be there in a minute angel, get the bags to the boot."

I was done slamming the boot shut when I turned to see rebecca hovering behind me,

" Becky..." I squeezed at my chest shocked,

She smirked and rubbed my back smoothly,

" there..there.... baby girl..,,wouldn't want to have those outburst..huh ", She looked across her shoulder to see if dad was coming over and stepped back.

I sighed out and cleaned off the sweat beads, she did that on purpose, my chest kept pounding and i rushed for my panic pills. That's when dad showed up, almost dropping the heap of files in his hands.

"Sweetie...angel....honey just talk to me, look at me,alright " he stayed beside me patting my head . "Nothing is gonna happen to you honey alright, just breath. Am beginning to get secondthoughts about this schoolof your honey"

I grabbed his shirt tightly,

" dad don't even think about that, I've sacrificed too much for that am alright, see.." he only gave a nod.



....The flight was already settled to takeoff, dad and I shared our brief hug and goodbye as he squeezed me like I was gonna vanish the second he leaves me.

"Dad am gonna miss the flight for sure if you don't let me go, times up hug bear" , he still didn't burg .

"Dad..", "I know... I know...., the flight is important but am gonna miss my little angel like crazy ". He was already tearing up like a big baby,

" Stop dad...look at me am gonna be great. I got my braces off, am an adult " he ruffled my hair and placed soft kisses over my face, rebecca couldn't hide her disgust as she stared daggers at me.

" dad..come on.... you're embarrassing me now it's not cute, they're staring big bear"

" have this angel," he slipped a new credit card into my jacket and smiled handsomely.

"You didn't have to do that dad..., so sweet "

" no you deserve every penny in it, it's just my goodbye present. Now go catch that beautiful flight honey ", one last hug and I strolled down for the plane.

' Am gonna miss dad like crazy, ' I thought inwards, I know rebecca would be smiling from ears to ears watching me leave.

Obsessed maniac, jeez hope dad survives that handful.


'Bhrrrwwh, huh, awwhhn,' i kept throwing up into the plastic bag in my hands. Gosh this was totally embarrassing, my seat mate had to find another seat from mine, the hostess handed me a bottle water and PPT , while my face heat up from the continous stare I got from the other passenger.

I was an introvert, shy and now with those looks coming from everyone like I had sinned crept under my skin.

'Ma'am is this your first time travelling by air?",

now , is that what she would ask ,it was a harmless question, but trust me you don't want to be in my shoes right now.

"no..i just get inside out every time,that's all".I lied to save my reputation,

"Sorry about that please avoid eating anything for now it would only makes things worse, "


"Excuse me Ma'am, I gotta get back to the other passengers,I'll be right back ", She walked away to attend to the others. I knew travelling by air had it's ups and down but how was I supposed to know my poor system couldn't take it, I still feel drained and weak so I ordered for a little bit of green tea, it would do.

🎶 how I get up every morning just to 🎶

🎶 realise you left without a goodbye 🎶

🎶 but...you said that you loved meehh 🎶

"Hmmm...mmm..ooo..",with my headphone on I hummed to one of Jones rock's music.. love is a myth.

Am June TUCKER, no am not Robert TUCKER'S daughter, it's funny cause we both shared the same surname. But nothing was special about it, being living with my amazing dad since I could remember. Life was amazing with mom, she was a successful entrepreneur and her incredible works blew away infront of the media, a real boss lady.

Unfortunately I lost her to a highway robbery three years ago, she was at gun point ,sadly even with all her cooperation with the criminals her body was left down in cold blood.

Brutal, painful death, it was like they wanted to make her feel the pain before giving in to death. The cops did all they could but no evidence traced back to the criminals.

I had to take self defence classes, dad made sure of that. At that period I developed a panic attack, i never felt comfortable standing next to people, speak of having a conversation.

The old me had died that very day, I was preserved not good at talks and to top it all I was a nerd.

To be precise i just had my braces and glasses dropped two months, picture a nerdy looking girl in glasses, a disastrous brace and too introvert.

Being bullied was totally out of the question, one look at me I would be considered an easy target. Luckily I had my self defence training to put me through, but it couldn't stop the insult I received as compliment with my braces and glasses.

Then there was rebecca and her schemes, she literally mad life a hell ,dad believed she was never the type to harm a fly speak of his little girl.

Where this the reasons I worked so hard to get a scholarship into BHS, ALDREDEN never felt like home. school , rebecca and everything made me suffocated, was I really running from home or what?,.

Whatever the answer was I knew this was the best thing that could possibly happen to me now, and this moment was gonna be my opportunity... no one was going to snatch this away.

A brand new June TUCKER.....

[Four hours later...]

Please all passengers should kindly report to the checkpoint for clearance, you are all required to leave the hanger and take-off premises, thank you for choosing BRANDON'S Airlines as the safest choice. ' the announcer repeated severally over the speaker.

"Hhmmm....I love that smell, SWITCHIZ ", I breath in the fresh enchanting air allover the airport. I chuckled happily as I took my bags .

I would be living with my super rich aunt, auntie Natalie.

I walked closer to the exit i could see my name clearly written on a cardboard, ' JUNE TUCKER ' .

"I guess that's aunt Natalie, she sure knows how to steal the spot light" , i quickly walked up to her waving happily.

"Baby JUNE, awwwn I can't believe it's you, my dear",

" me too aunt talie ," she pulled me. into an tight hug and kissed both cheeks ,her grip was strong almost strangling.

"Auntie...I.. I.. can't breathe.."

"Gosh..", She broke the hug while I caught my breath.

"Kids these days, too fragile for my liking. Baby look at you.." she pulled my cheeks firmly.

She was a retired knockout fighter and you could guess where all does energy was coming from, she still had it in her.

She took some photos of both of us happily,

" and is a keeper, I'll add it to the family's album, awww Baby is now all grown up.."

If I wasn't wrong the family album had the most reviews, embarrassing moments where preserved there, hmm I had to watch out for her surprise photo shoot.

"Awwwn, you have Elizabeth's dreamy green eyes.... I mean...I wasn't trying to.."

it was obvious she thought she had struck a nerve with mum's death.

I reached for her hands and placed on my cheek,

"am glad you still remember how pretty they were..mmwwh".

" Alright hurry up let's go already, Vanessa has been bugging me with her calls..."

" Vanessa??..."

"Yeah, your cousin sister vanessa ..." I've heard the name before somehow but I can't remember who it was. Aunt Natalie noticed the confused look on my face and gasped.

" I knew it ....Elizabeth didn't bother to tell you about us now."

She took my bags as we walked up to an Ash SUV car parked by the corner, i gasped.

NATALIE ROBINS a high class millionaire goddess and luckily my aunt , she was single or should I say she never found the right guy of her dreams. Luckily she had two kids after along run in a relationship.

We both got into the front seats and strapped the seat belts, I had to take pictures in this exotic car it's not everyday you get to see one, though I've seen my fair share of classy cars before.

The rode home as I watched through the window, the city was a beauty. Tourists came here occasionally to kill boredom, i smiled inside at the beautiful attraction, aunt Natalie turned on the music and 'first day feels good' by Jones rock was on, ohh Jones was definitely my favourite.

About Two hours on the road she zoomed into one of the finest estates I had ever seen, please even the buildings were screaming royalty . How rich was aunt talie again,

" Angel we are almost there..", hmm the pet name seemed to follow me everywhere.


The car rolled up to one of the buildings it was like they had a mansion, outside the house stood three maids in red uniforms .

As they came up to pick the bags inside they bowed to auntie then to me. I wasn't expecting the royal treatment,

" yippee....hehhhhh", a pretty girl in red floral dress ran towards me ,engulfing me in a squeezing hug. Am guessing she was Vanessa, aunty's daughter, they must really be working out in this house.

" Chica, unhand your cousin at once..." Auntie tried to separated her from me,

"Ahhh... cousin juju ....can't believe it's you...juju"

"Juju??", i asked when did I get the pet name juju.

Vanessa looked so energetic and bright , her silky dark hair helped illuminate her blue eyes they were unbelievably blue and sharp .

"Hi am June, nice to meet you Vanessa. " I tried to smile abit didn't want to giveaway my introverted personality away on first impressions.

" mum, she's so cute like a doll. Let's go inside June..."

Aunt talie walked behind us as Vanessa tightened her grip on arm, she must have been thrilled to see me.


We sat at the dining table sharing a beautiful family moment, Gregory, auntie son was already in university and studying a degree in medicine. Vanessa was also a last year student at BHS, this only got more interested.

Aunt talie had me filled to the brim, and strangely took photos while we ate. It had really been long since I felt this way...love...family love...was I really dieing for this all this time, it felt so good, I didn't want it to stop.

"June..so how about school, your dad told me you got a scholarship to study at BHS. ",

" yes auntie, I guess it's luck , I read off and passed the exams."

"Really, am so jealous of you cousin. Not everyone gets into BHS like that, your brain must be on fire baby girl. ", She said while massaging my head.

I laughed at her comment, did she just say it was hot being a nerd , it got blushing badly.

" Vanessa stop teasing your cousin like that, she won't be able to eat with that red face now". Aunt cutted her off gesturing for her to sit properly,

" but it's true mum, even Mr.Pierrepont son couldn't make the exams, o can't wait to show to everyone. You're beautiful doll."


" no...you don't want me to introduce you to everyone at school..??"

Aunt dropped her cutlery and wiped her lips with the napkin.

"Vanessa, baby June is a personal spaced person." She made an O with her mouth and looked away, embarrassed.

"Am sorry, didn't know you where the shy type, introvert...chill juju. Loosen up a bit, "

" No need to apologise, nessa, am cool may e someother time babe". I could see her smiling and her eyes glittered.

" juju just called me nessa, awwn so cute. I want you to call me that always, would you do that "

"Sure nessa".

She gave me a sweet hug, not tight like the one earlier though.

After lunch she showed me to my room, 'OMG' Please pinch me, this was a dead drop killer on it's own.

A queen size bed, the walls hued in light shades of pink and blue,which I never thought would go together.

A huge walk in wardrobe, bathtub,the room was furnished with lavish furniture, am really sleeping.

I jumped on the soft bed that felt so soft, comparing it with the one at home then you would call that a rock. I screamed happily into the fluffy pillow. Instagram here I come, really would I go Instagram, not sure yet.

Once we were done we decided to go get some school items.

I wore a pink dress that stopped abit below my knees and a pair of white sandals, as I walked towards the door I hesitated before going back to grabbed a white animal fur hat, too shy to go out .

" wassup with the hat juju??" ,.nessa asked over her phone as she sat legs crossed on the sofa .

" Nothing, just feel like wearing one..."

" Okay let's head out, nice dress by the way,"

I almost blushed at that and she chuckled.

" if every little compliment gonna make you red as a tomatoe then am not stopping dear" she teased with a smirk.

"Please don't, its embarrassing. "

We took her car out , as we took a different route out. She rolled up to the parking lot of a huge supermarket.

" let's get some stuffs here, then head to the store I normally get my stationary "

I could rush and grab some quick snack and a sanitary pad.

Thank goodness we stopped by, monthly cycle was already by the corner.

We walked up to the counter where the trolley where and the cute guy over the counter smiled at us. It looked he was flirting, I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Vanessa and I split up to get our stuff, thank God I made that turn cause the second after that I could see a swarm of girls circling around her.

I made way through the place, had to get some night snacks, I was a night snacker and with the way those maids at home looked am sure they won't be letting me near the fridge after dinner.

" soda..no not really, hmmm popcorn, peanuts, cookies..hmmm yummy", they were one of my favourites.

Well, anything snacks was always a favourite. I could feel some guy in all black outfit staring at me,or was I imagining it.

I decided to tale another lane just in case he was a freak, can't trust anyone baby girl.

"Aha..there you are", u could see the department filled with sorts of pad brands.

The one with the name peaches caught my sight...but it was too high to reach, I tried stretching but my dress pulled up at every stretch, oh brother really.

I was almost with it when I felt someone behind me and my butt rubbed against the person, a longer hand with rings encircled around beautiful fingers stretched out and brought it down.

I turned to thank the thank the lady when I froze at the spot..

It was the guy all black from the other lane,

he had a face mask on ,as I could only see his dangerous grey crystal clear eyes over


" Peaches.." he said, my heart started beating hard against my chest.

" huh..." I struggled to say anything at least scream. Was he stalking me or what....and the way my butt rubbed against his...

" your pad.."


"FUCKING PERVERT " I snatched it from him and pushed over him, before he could make any advanced moves....

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