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Popcorn My Wifes Saving

Popcorn My Wifes Saving



What happens if a husband cannot fulfill his wife's inner needs, causing the wife to vent her biological needs outside.

Chapter 1 Strong medicine

Bab 1 Popcorn My Wifes Saving

Samsul was shocked half to death. When the vegetable seller his wife ordered told him that he had seen his wife Mila leaving the house of a young man whose house was occupied several times.

Adjacent to the house that Samsul lives in now.

But Samsul didn't just believe Mang Ujang's complaint.

A vegetable seller who usually sells his wares around the housing complex.

Once, Samsul saw a red automatic motorbike parked at the house, but Samsul didn't care about it and didn't want to care.

Samsul also did not know for sure. Since when did this young man occupy the house which had been empty for almost two years

Besides, there is nothing strange about Mila's attitude. The woman was acting naturally in front of him. Only recently. Samsul felt there was something strange about his wife's attitude.

Mila often goes back and forth to the bathroom to clean her body.

Mang Ujang's complaints about his wife Mila did not affect the harmony of his household.

Before there is solid evidence. Samsul doesn't want to be prejudiced against Mila. The woman who has been with him for three years in joy and sorrow

Although the woman has not yet given birth to children

As always, the charming Mila always prepares Samsul's favorite breakfast. Stuffed bread and hot tea.

"Pa. Don't come home too late okay?" He said spoiled, hugging Samsul from behind.

"Yes Ma, Papa will definitely come home soon, when the work is done," Samsul replied, kissing Mila's cheek gently.

Mila's smile widened, starting Samsul's day when he went to work. That is what makes Samsul really love his wife.

Mila is caring and spoiled.

But before Samsul could move his feet, Samsul stopped for a moment because he remembered something.

"Ohiya Ma. You know, don't you? It's said that there are residents next to our house?" Ask Samuel.

Milla's face turned pale.

"Ehh, anu Pa. Mama ....Mama doesn't know Pa," Mila answered nervously.

"That's it. Papa's going first, okay?"

Samsul then left with his favorite motorbike.

Mila took a deep breath of relief. Behind her love story with popcorn next to her house, apparently that day she was still blessed with a bit of luck.

Suddenly Samsul asked the occupant next door, who was none other than his mistress Popcorn, who had been in an illicit relationship with him for three months.

The young man who was only twenty years old. Known through social media. Even though he is very different in age from Mila, the man's charm makes him fall madly in love with her.

The man's wild play on the bed, was able to melt Mila's thirst for the caress of a strong and mighty man.

Often the young man gave him inner satisfaction. It is proven that Mila has repeatedly released the pleasures of heaven on earth that are second to none.

Unlike Samsul, her husband, the man was only able to hold out for five minutes and then gave up.

After Samuel left. And when she felt the situation was safe, Mila hurriedly went to meet Deni.

Just one month, Mila rented the house for Deni to live in. So that he is more flexible to meet her at any time.

With his own savings. Mila even bought all of Deni's needs. From clothes to shoes and more. The unemployed man feels happy, even though his heart is sometimes afraid. If someday.

Mila's husband finds out about her immoral act.

For this reason, Deni always advises Mila to be careful. Things could go wrong if one day Mila's husband suspects her.

Moreover, the house he lives in is next to the house belonging to the woman who is currently in an illicit relationship with him.

Right in front of Danny's house. Mila opens the door carefully with a spare key that she always keeps safely, so her husband doesn't find out.

Once inside, Mila immediately locked it tightly while observing the quiet situation outside.

The complex does look deserted in the morning, because the residents are busy with their respective activities.

Mila's breath rushed passionately in front of her eyes. Deni just came out of the bathroom, the young man put on his pants and then approached Mila who was standing looking at him.

"Mom, mom is still early," whispered Deni panicked.

"Come on Den. Mother can't stand it anymore."

Not long in the room, Mila's screams and groans could be heard coming from her mouth which had just reached its peak.

But apparently Mila is not satisfied. Once again, Deni has to serve the woman's desires with extra energy.

Delicious screams sounded from every corner of the room. After that, the two humans drooped limp after quenching their thirst for love.

"Den. Do you still have the money you gave me yesterday?" asked Mila while leaning her face on Deni's chest.

Both of them were lying on a soft bed and still in an innocent state.

"There is still Ma'am. But today Deni wants to buy a laptop," Deni asked.

Mila then got up from the bed, then quickly picked up one by one her clothes that were scattered on the floor.

"Okay, mom go home first. Tomorrow mom, give me the money," said Mila, biting her lower lip, as if she wasn't satisfied with the hot scene she just did.

Deni nodded slightly in response.

That morning was not as usual. For some reason, Samsul always remembers his wife Mila. In the room where he works, he can hear Pak Dadang busy chatting with Mrs. Dewi.

Occasionally the two of them laughed uproariously making Samsul curious and approached them both.

"What's wrong, the morning is already excited. It's not work!" Rebuked Samsul while patting Pak Dadang's shoulder.

"Here, sir. Mrs. Dewi brought something and this is very important for us," Pak Dadang whispered in Samsul's ear.

"What did Mrs. Dewi bring?" Samuel was even more curious.

Mrs. Dewi and Mr. Dadang then smiled.

"Here." Pak Dadang stuffed a small pill into Samsul's hand as he said.

"One grain costs forty thousand. Guaranteed to be strong all day," whispered Pak Dadang.

"What medicine is this?" Samsul's forehead creased as he looked at the small pill he was holding.

"That's strong medicine!" Mrs. Dewi interrupted

"Strong medicine?" Samsul looked at the faces of Mrs. Dewi and Mr. Dadang in surprise.

"Listen, this drug can make your wife thrash hahaha ...." Mr. Dadang laughed out loud seeing Sansul's facial expression.

"Wow! Seriously sir!" Samsul's eyeballs were about to pop out hearing Pak Dadang's confession.

"Don't worry sir. This medicine is efficacious and effective. I have proven it, my wife is addicted!" Mr. Dadang explained.

"Okay, then. Can I buy one?" Samsul was so excited as he reached into his trouser pocket. One hundred bills were given to Mrs. Dewi.

"Here, ma'am. Just save the change for later if I need this medicine again," said Samsul with a shining face.

"Thank you sir. Tonight, you can directly prove the efficacy of this medicine."

Mrs. Dewi and Mr. Dadang returned to their respective offices.

While Samsul was still holding tightly to the drug while imagining Mila who he would later hit with the strong drug.

Samsul smiled to himself in front of his laptop. Tonight, he will fight with his wife to prove the efficacy of the strong medicine Mrs. Dewi sells.

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