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Dawn and Peritia

Dawn and Peritia

Vivica Zee


A war between Werewolves and humans, Two orphaned siblings, Velican and Peritia are left traumatized after the death of their parents caused by an invasion of werewolves. This scars both siblings and they vow to destroy all werewolves they come across and this leads them into building a werewolf hunting community. As time passes by, Velican hunts down a Werewolf named Dawn and brings him into their captive and he leaves his sister under watch. Peritia slowly develops feelings for Dawn and realizes that not all werewolves are bad. As Velican becomes more consumed by vengeance, he finds out Peritia has developed feelings for Dawn, Velican is dissapointed with his sister and forbids her from ever seeing Dawn but Peritia's feelings are too deep for the werewolf so she plans to elope with Dawn and start a new life together. Both siblings realize they will have go come to an agreement whether to continue upholding their vows of hunting werewolves down. Will Velican embrace love and peace with the killer of his parents or will he reject his sister's decision? Velican and Peritia are torn between their shared history of loss and their desire for a brighter future.

Chapter 1 Peritia’s POV

I stand by the door of Velican's room with a skeptical look on my face. I watch Velican dress in a black leather tunic, black leather pants, and black leather boots. I'm reluctant about the idea Velican brought up during this morning's meeting. He suggested that by nightfall, we attack the leader of a powerful pack of werewolves. I'm afraid my brother's plan won't go well because the werewolf he plans on hunting is long sought after. It will be challenging to hunt and capture him. I planned on objecting to his plan during the meeting, but everyone seemed enthusiastic about it.

Plus, I thought it would be better to talk to him privately. Maybe then he will listen to me. "What are you doing, Peritia? You're supposed to be helping gather weapons and preparing for tonight's attack," Velican says, turning to glare at me with raised brows. He stares at me with impatience written all over his face. "About that, I would love to speak to you briefly regarding the plan you mentioned this morning," I say, walking into his room and taking a seat on a stool. "I'd appreciate it if you don't waste too much time. I have to address everyone and go over the plan again," Velican says. He pauses, releases a heavy sigh, and sits on a stool close to me. "You look worried, Peritia. Speak," he gestures for me to start talking. "I am worried, Velican. I'm concerned that you might be taking things too far. Trying to capture the leader of such a great pack sounds like a mission impossible," I say with a shrug. Velican's expression immediately changes to one of anger, making me wonder what I said to make my brother so angry. "Unbelievable Peritia, taking things too far? Our parents were killed by werewolves for no reason, so we vowed to hunt down every possible werewolf, including the pack leader," Velican says. He stands up, clearly uninterested in my words. Slowly, he walks out of the room, but my next words stop him in his tracks. "This isn't just about our parents, Velican. This is about our lives. You know this mission is dangerous and could put everyone at risk," I say, also standing up. "I'll be outside helping the others choose weapons, Lord Velican." I walk past him and leave the room, hoping he changes his mind because I feel uneasy. Time passes quickly, and it is already nightfall. Velican gathers everyone in a circle and goes over the plan. He assigns some of us to different spots in the woods and tells us to wait for a signal of a red flashlight. When we see it, we will attack the werewolf. Velican has put a lot of effort into capturing the pack leader. I have no choice but to support him, even though I have a bad feeling about it. He warns us to be careful, as traps have been set at the edge of the woods in case the plan fails. I, along with a few female hunters, hide behind a tree in the dark woods with only the moonlight for illumination. We lean against the tree, gripping our crossbows and guns tightly, waiting patiently for Velican's signal. We remain in position for nearly an hour, and just as I am about to give up, a bright flash of red light startles me. Suddenly, a pack of werewolves appears in the middle of the woods, their sharp claws and fangs glinting in the moonlight. Without wasting any more time, a few hunters jump into the scene and start firing arrows at the werewolves. However, as expected, the werewolves are too quick and agile, dodging every arrow fired in their direction. The battle rages on with hunters using different weapons and the werewolves relying on their claws and teeth. The forest floor soon becomes soaked in blood, and the battle does not seem to be going in our favor. For some reason, I stand behind a tree, thinking of a more strategic plan as I am fully aware that we have already lost a few hunters. Suddenly, I remember Velican mentioning some traps he had set at the end of the woods. If I can lure the werewolves there, we will be able to retreat and come up with a better plan. I decide to bait them with the scent of blood, hoping it will work. Unfortunately, a werewolf dashes towards my hiding spot with full adrenaline. My eyes widen in shock as the ferocious beast stares at me with its red eyes full of rage. My heart races as I dash towards the end of the woods, hoping my legs are fast enough to reach the trap. I pause and turn around to aim my pistol at the werewolf, pulling the trigger towards its leg. The bullet meets the werewolf's leg, causing it to growl loudly. I continue running towards the trap, thankful that the bullet slowed the werewolf down. I finally come to a stop in front of the trap. I cause a diversion, and fortunately, it works. The werewolf falls right into the cage trap. I release a sigh of relief and watch as the werewolf growls loudly in agony."Peritia, are you hurt?" my brother's voice suddenly rings out loudly. He walks out of the dark and pulls me into a hug to make sure I'm not hurt anywhere. "Peritia, you did it!" Velican says in a cheerful tone. "Did what?" I ask. "You caught the leader of the pack," Velican deadpans. Wait, what? I caught the leader of the pack? Why did it feel so easy then? I still cannot believe that we have the leader of the pack in our captivity. What makes everything more unbelievable is the fact that I captured the werewolf myself. After we captured the leader of the pack, the members of the pack fled and we obtained victory. Velican took the werewolf into our hideout prison for werewolves and made sure to chain him tightly to avoid him breaking out. Velican requested me this morning. I know he wants to talk about how I captured the werewolf and he is probably considering capturing more werewolves. I release a heavy sigh, patiently waiting for Velican to arrive. He eventually arrives 30 minutes later. "I'm sorry for the delay, dear sister. I had to make sure some hunters were in charge of watching over our new captive," Velican says, rubbing my shoulder. I nod my head, understanding that he has to deal with the affairs of the community. "Well done, Peritia," Velican says, glaring at me with a proud smirk playing on his lips. I nod my head and force a smile on my face.

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