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Dawn and Peritia

Chapter 6 Peritia decides

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 22/04/2024

s sort of tiring, to be honest. I stand awkwardly and watch Anchor speaking to those werewolf hunters. Eventually, one of them notices my presence and bows his head as a form of greetin

treat you to a few drinks," I say. Anchor glares at me suspiciously, so I blurt out a joke like, "I'm sure Velican doesn't let you have time to enjoy yourself." It lightens up the conversation as Anchor chokes out a laughter. "Do not be offended if I am a little suspicious about your invitation to accompany you to the bar," Anchor says. "I understand. You must be the one who has been following me and telling Velican about my little love story with the werewolf leader," I say. "I apologize if it offends you, Lady Peritia. You must understand that I am only following orders from Velican the Great," Anchor bows his head in respect. "I understand. I am not offended at all," I lie. I am very much offended that my own brother would actually send someone to follow me everywhere I go. What happened to not prying into my private life? "May I chirp in a little piece of advice, Lady Peritia? I mean that is if you do not mind," Anchor says calmly. I nod my head and gesture for him to go ahead, even though I am fully aware that his little piece of advice will not sit well with me. "You may go ahead," I say. "Werewolves can be as cunning as foxes, Lady Peritia. You may think that you have a friend who you can relate with but I am afraid to let you know that the werewolf leader is not your friend. He is using you as part of his escape plan. He is dangerous Lady Peritia and which is why he has being moved to Velican's room. If he is chained in there with numerous wolfsbane plants surrounded by his side. He will lose his strength." Anchor blurts out. A smile creeps on my face. Anchor might have just accidentally blurted out Dawn's location. Dawn finds himself stuck

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