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Euphoria of love

Euphoria of love

Daisy Princess


"Do you Mr. Ethan Edwards take miss Yuri Young as your lawfully wedded wife?" The voice of the officiating priest echoed and just as Ethan opened his mouth to talk when a little boy of not more than eight years ran down the isle drawing the attention of all the guests. " No Dad you can't" "Dad?" "Did that kid say Dad?" Murmur filled the place as two other kids looking identical to the first kid ran in too. " Dad do you actually want to leave our mom for this plastic face?" That was Jayden. The most mature and cold of the three. " What!.. how dare you call me plastic face" Yuri was so angry that invisible flames were escaping her ears. She raised up hand in an attempt to slap Jayden when ... "You know, if I were you, I would think twice before I do that" all eyes turned as Daisy walked into the Hall. Her cold and emotionless eyes boring holes into Yuri's soul, making her shiver in fear. " What...

Chapter 1 Sacrifices

" Mum, I passed the scholarship exam into Dazzle." Daisy announced as she literally hopped into the house.

" Dazzle? That's one of the best schools in Korea. At least your sister would attend a better school with qualified teachers and I know her grades would be perfect." Her step mom Agnes said coming out of the kitchen.

" What???" Daisy asked with her eyes widened in disbelief.

" Why are you acting surprised? You've been taught to learn to make sacrifices for your sister she's young and hasn't experienced life like you so, you should learn to accommodate her." Agnes said seriously.

" But... We agreed that I could go to college this year if I passed the scholarship exam... This would be the third opportunity I would be forfeiting for Mira and..." ' ... Not like she utilizes the opportunities.' she completed in her mind.

" Are you complaining?" Agnes asked harshly. Daisy shook her head in denial before scurrying away.

Getting to her room, Daisy rushed into the bathroom, and in order not to be found or heard crying, she rushed into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to drown her sobs and swatting in her position with her head buried between her knees, she let out her tears without any restrictions.

" Am sorry mum" she muttered between sobs. Her mother has always wanted her to go to school cause she herself was not privileged to attend any. " I'll go to school and make momma proud" was her usual reply every time her mother dressed her for school as a kid. She has always wanted to fulfill her promise to her mom but she just didn't have the courage to stand up for herself.

After sobbing for some time,, her sobs died down. She stood in front of the mirror and staring at her reflection she sighed. " Am 20 and yet to get into college... Mira is grown and can take care of herself. This would be the last time I will leave my dream to help her. If she continues being dumb then she can as well pass as a mistress to an old pervert.

With determination, she stood up and after washing her face, she walked into her room and picked up her old and tattered bag . She had used the bag since her mum gifted it to her on her 13th birthday. That was before she died. Her father and step mom had long refused buying her anything. She decided to save up some of her earnings secretly in other for her to be able to afford her expenses while in school.

" Hey Daisy ... Over here" that was Monalisa Daisy's best friend and co- server at Twilight hideaway.

" You're late again boss asked for you"

" Shit... Not again."

" Don't worry. I told him you went in to use the restroom"

" Thanks" she immediately wore an apron and started attending to awaiting customers.

" A bottle of cocktail for three." A man sitting with two other men ordered..

" I got first hand information about Dazzle releasing the names of students who got accepted into the school on scholarship." Monalisa said immediately Daisy came over to get the order.

" Yeah," Daisy muttered dryly.

" Why the face? Did you check it out already? Were you not lucky enough?"

" Mira would be..."

" What the hell... Don't tell me that you're actually going to leave your admission for that dumb bitch again!!" Monalisa screamed, making Daisy's face turn ashen. Right now, Monalisa looked like she could spank her if given the opportunity.

" I have no choice. I can't go against them, I might be left without a home."

" Cut the crap... That's just bullshit... How could you agree to that nonsense for the third time?... For the third freaking time Bell, how could you be so stupid and naive to see that those bastards are deliberately walking all over you? Jezz can't you stand up to them for once? Do you plan to live the rest of your life like this?"

" Of course not. This would definitely be the last I promise. I can't keep on allowing Mira to take my place." Determination glinted in her eyes.

" That's the spirit girl... If you spend another minute here, I think that hunk would really die of anger." Monalisa whispered, gesturing at the man who had placed an order some minutes ago.

" I better go and attend to him." Mabel said carrying the tray which already had a bottle of cocktail and three empty glasses.

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