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Lucky in my life

Lucky in my life

Vicky's pen


Margaret has always lived a life full of luck, smart and beautiful, loved by many. She's best friends with David and Christopher who are from the most reputable and wealth family in the city. She gets into a messy situation by finding herself becoming Christopher's girlfriend. Christopher travels out to study, leaving Margaret and David behind. Margaret and David ends up in the same university. Margaret finds herself falling in love with David, who also loves her too but decided to hide their feelings from each other. David plans to confess his feelings to Margaret but was beaten to it by Christopher's arrival and marriage proposal. Scared to hurt Christopher, Margaret accepts to marry him. However, no one knows about her secret. After sharing her feelings with her girlfriend, her mother-in-law who dislikes her and hell-bent on ruining her marriage with her son, uses her secret as a perfect tool to ruin her. Will Margaret be able to stand the test of time and get her husband to forgive her or would she follow the one she loves? Journey with Margaret and find out how lucky her life would be.

Chapter 1 Friendship

Margaret walked in beaming with smiles. She immediately handed in her phone to her, displaying her results. She scored the highest and maintained her position as the top student in her class. Her mum pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You deserve more my love." her mum said, touching her cheek.

"Thank you mum. I'll be upstairs. I want to take a shower. "

Margaret grabbed her phone from her dad's palm and quickly left for her bedroom. She placed her phone on the bed and began to undress when her phone rang. Christopher was calling. She immediately picked up and informed him about her result.

Christopher congratulated her and invited her over for dinner at a new restaurant within the neighborhood and promised to pick her up by seven. Margaret accepted the offer and bid him goodbye.

Margaret was about to drop her phone when David's call came in. He congratulated her and invited her over for dinner whiche she politely declined and informed him about her plans with Christopher. Margaret promised to make it up to David. David and Margaret bid goodbye.

Margaret dropped her phone and left for her bathroom.

By seven, Christopher arrived at Margaret's place. The maid welcomed him and offered him a seat to sit.

Miss Tricia who has seen him drive in, poured some juice into the glass and left to meet him.

Christopher stood up the moment he saw Mrs Tricia walk into the living room. Mrs Tricia offered him the glass of juice and requested him to sit. She requested him to bring Margaret back home on time. Christopher smiled at her and promised to do that.

Margaret walked down the stairs, looking beautiful in the pink flare gown she was wearing. Christopher couldn't stop staring at her. For a moment, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was looking totally different today. He had a broad smile on his face.

Mrs Tricia caught him staring and smiling at Margaret. She immediately snapped her fingers at him. Flustered by this, Christopher finished up his juice and stood up immediately.

He walked over to Margaret and stretched his hand to her, which she held and walked down the last step and both met Mrs Tricia who asked them to have fun and also come home early.

Christopher thanked her and left with Margaret, holding Margaret's hand.

Christopher stopped and pulled Margaret in, holding an eye contact with her.

"You look beautiful tonight." Christopher said.

"Thank you."

Christopher leaned closer and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"What was that for?

"Let's say, my first gift to you for doing well again. For being a top student in your class."

"You're also a top student in your class too, ain't you?

"This is not about me, but you. Let's not get bored talking about boring stuff and get going." He pulled the door handle and opened the door. "Get in, Margaret.'

"With all pleasure." Margaret smiled at him and got in.

Christopher shut the door and hurried over to the driver's seat. He got in and shut the door.

"Seat belt margaret."

"Oh yes. I almost forgot. I'll do that "

Margaret tried pulling the seatbelt but was finding it quite difficult.

"One minute Margaret." Christopher stopped her.

He undid his seat belt and leaned closer to her. He could feel Margaret's breath on his face.

He reached out to the seatbelt and pulled in. He helped her out with the seatbelt.

While trying to return to his seat, his eyes met with Margaret's eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

Christopher smiled and returned back to his seat.

"Of we go then "

"Yes. Thank you for helping me out."

"You're welcome."

Minutes later, Margaret and Christopher arrived at the restaurant. Christopher parked his car and got out. He hurried over to Margaret's side and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." Margaret smiled at him.

"Okay. This way." Christopher led the way into the restaurant. He had made some reservations for them.

He informed the waiter of his arrival and requested the food booked to be served .

Christopher pulled out a chair for margaret and let her settle in.

Christopher had his seat and minutes later, their meal was set before them.

Margaret couldn't stop salivating. Christopher chuckled on noticing that.

"It's all yours. Eat as much as you want."

"Huh? No. I'll get fat and David will tease me."

"But I won't tease you. I actually like the way you eat. Watching you eat, satisfies me and also makes me crave for food, depends on the mood." Christopher smiled

"Then I'll eat. Enjoy." Margaret rubbed her palms as her eyes grew wide. "Where do I start from? She licked her lips and bit her lower lip.

"From this. Say ah! Christopher requested as he tried feeding her from one of the plates.

"Ah! Margaret opened up and let Christopher feed her.

"How is it?

"So nice. This is delicious. I think, I'll start from it. Let's dig in Christopher "


Christopher and Margaret finished up with dinner and left the restaurant. Margaret couldn't walk properly as she was filled.

Christopher who was walking behind would smile at each funny step she takes. Margaret stopped walking and turned back to Christopher.

"It's all your fault! Margaret yelled out.


"You ordered such voluminous amount of different delicacies only for me. Not just that, you watched me stuff my mouth and didn't bother to stop me. At this rate, I'll get fat."

"One night food won't get you fat Margaret. Well, I did that cause you deserve it all. I have a remedy."

"And what's that?


"Coffee? No, no, no. Mum doesn't allow me take coffee."

"And who said she'll find out. It's going to be a secret between us, got it?

"Okay. Coffee then."

"There's a nice coffee shop across. Let's check it out."

Christopher grabbed her hand and dragged her along. Christopher got some coffee for them and handed a cup to Margaret and both walked out of the coffee shop.

Christopher and Margaret returned back to his car and drove down to the park. They had their seats and stared into the beautiful night sky, they admired the sky, enjoying their coffee.

Margaret finished up with her coffee and requested Christopher to take her home.

Christopher disposed their coffee cups and both left for his car.

On their way home, a taxi came bashing internet Christopher's car. Christopher immediately pulled over and got out of his car to check if everything was okay. Realizing the damage, he walked to the taxi, knocked at the window.

Without getting a response from the taxi driver, Christopher pulled the door of the taxi and dragged the driver out of the car.

"You fool! How dare you bump into my car? Are you blind? Christopher yelled at him.

"I'm sorry but I'm not at fault at all."

"What? You are not at fault? Then who is at fault? Me?

"I don't know."

Margaret got down from the car and approached them.

"What's going on? Margaret asked.

"Why not young lad. You're with a lady and I bet you two are returning from a party, and you must have had a lot of drinks."

"What are blabbing about?

"Chris, let's go. I bet he's drunk."

"No I'm not, rather this fool in front of me is the drunk one. I'm calling the insurance company." The man said.

"Go ahead. I'm calling the cops. They'll tell who is actually drunk driving, don't you think? Christopher smirked.

"Cops? Chris, you ain't taking this that far, are you? Please let's go home. It's getting late already."

"No Margaret. Let me teach this low life a lesson."

"His life is already low. Why stoop low to lower his life? Let's get going."

"Scared young lad? If you do not want the insurance company, then let me have her!

"What! You pedophile! Christopher screamed at him.

The man quickly grasped Margaret's hand, trying to drag her along, leaving Margaret scared.

Angered by this, Christopher grasped their hands and separated them and pulled Margaret away from him.

Christopher turned to the man and grabbed him by his collar, cursing at him. Christopher pushed him, sending him flying with a heavy punch on his stomach. The man fell flat on the floor.

Christopher began to kick him. Margaret begged Christopher to let him go. She quickly rushed to Christopher's face, stopping him from kicking the man on the floor. Christopher took a last glance at the man who was already screaming in pains.

"That's more like it." Christopher muttered.

"Shall we leave now?


They left the man on the floor and drove home.

Christopher apologized to Margaret for the fight earlier that almost ruined the beautiful night. Margaret thanked him for the night and both hugged and bid goodnight to each other. Margaret watched Christopher drive off before going inside.

Margaret let out a scream when her eyes met her mum's scary stare.

"You're late young woman! Her mum said.

"It's just 10pm. Besides, I was with Christopher, my friend."

"Did I hear you say just ten pm?

"My apologies mum. Sorry for coming in late. May I retire to my bedroom?

"How was it, the dinner?

"Was nice. I ate to my fill. I should go to my room."

"Yes, go ahead."

"Thank you mum. Goodnight mum." Margaret kissed her mum's cheek and left for her bedroom.

Christopher arrived at his home and tossed his car key to the guard outside.

"Park that car."

"Yes sir."

Christopher made his way in. He pulled off his jacket and threw it at a maid who quickly grabbed it.

He walked down the hallway, humming a song. He paused and pulled out his phone, Margaret was calling. He picked up and both exchanged pleasantries. He informed her he just got in. After a few talks, they bid each other good night.

He stopped at the empty living room.

"Where are they? He asked the maid who was holding his jacket.

"In their rooms."

"Family indeed. Get me a glass of water."

"Yes sir."

Margaret has been friends with David and Christopher since she was child. Both Christopher and David are from wealthy and reputable family. Margaret is the only lovely child of her parents, who loved her so much. David is the last child of the Thompsons and he's Margaret's best friend and class mate.

Christopher is the only biological child of his parents Lucas and Vivian Diamond. He's Margaret's and David's senior in highschool. Quite famous and good at sports, resulting him to being the team captin of most of the sports groups in his school. The trio are quite famous in their school and loved.

Unlike David and Margaret who are bubbly and fun, Christopher is rather reserved, and doesn't say much. Barely smiles, unless around Margaret and David. David who loves the attention he gets from ladies and enjoys it while Christopher pays no attention to any lady except Margaret.

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