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Melting his ice heart  S1

Melting his ice heart S1



From a flowery road to a deserted road.... Life sometimes toss us around making us wonder what next its trow at us. Hi, my name is Zara Larsson Kate born in los Angeles...hmmm.. my dad was the chairman and CEO of Tech.com limited.. born into a wealthy home I lacked nothing well... that change by the untimely death of my dad. Barely having a enough, with a lot of debps in hand we struggling to get-by everyday. But then he showed up turning my life by 360° worst.

Chapter 1 Zara



Melting his ice heart ❣️

(🔥 Contract marriages 🔥)


TAG: Arrogance, Hatred, Heart Break, Contract Marriage, Romance

This work is purely fiction any resemblance to the living or dead is considered coincidences.

Errors: this book is still under editing so errors may be seen in this book!

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He doesn't believe in love or fate. " MONEY BUY'S ALL. " Is his slogan.

Just his name commands respect and impact fear to the hearer.

He is arrogant, prideful and ruthless when wronged in any way, most especially to his enemies. "It is better to wrong the devil than wrong him, because, you won't live to tell the story" many said. " He is the devil in form of a human." Many say among themselves but yet many women die to be in his bed. His beauty is out of this world, his captivating Gray eyes spoke coldness, his thin lips looks good for tasting, his Raven black hair added to his looks and just a site of his well built body and tall figure gave out wealth, power, coldness and pride he possess, all this put together gave him a god like feature. And his name is Black Smith the CEO of "BLACK'S CORPORATION."

She is simple, cute, fearless, dearing, brilliant, and not sumissive.

Born with sliver spoon, but all of a sudden things took a wild turn for her and her family. Losing her father to an accident was something that no one saw coming and tragic but finding out that they will soon become homeless and loss everything was what she never expected to happen. What happens when their part meets ?, Will she sumite to him?, Will she melt down the ice walls that surrounds his heart and teach him how to love not just himself? Or will she fail?

This is all for now more characters in this book will be spoken about as time passes.🤤🤤

This work is purely fiction any resemblance to the living or dead is considered coincidences.

Read to know what will happen in this love/hate romantic comedy novel.

Remember " Readers live longer than those who do not read."


Walking in the street of City A on a Sunday day and searching for a job vacancy was the hardest thing one could ever think of.

" Why is this so hard." She said as she kept walking in search of a job.

" God please I know I don't pray to you but please grant me a job pleasee!!" She prayed inwardly as she walked towards a building.

Walking towards the building she only pray for her lucky star to shine; reaching the building a sweet smile plaster on her lips looking at the big screen that displayed the word in bold letters

" JOB VACANCY FOR THE POSITION OF AN ASSISTANT TO THE GENERAL MANAGER....." Not waiting to read Forder she couldn't help but jump and scream for joy

" Thank you... Thank you... For answering my prayers you're the best." She couldn't help but say out loud. Many passerby couldn't help but look towards her as though she was losing it.

" Yes .... Yes ... Keep looking at me I've lost my mind." She screamed as she wiped her tears not knowing when she started crying.

Staring at big screen to know when the interview was, her smile quickly faded into that of anger and hatred towards the company as she kept staring at the screen with words were written in bold letters;

" VENUE @ Country C......." Just the site of these words kill her to the point she felt like crying.

"These people are crazy... Who do they think they are?.... Do they think money falls from the sky or grows on trees?" She asked on one in particular as she pulled her hair in frustration.

"Gush this is so frustrating what am I supposed to do now?..... I asked for a job not a tour.." She yelled at the building.

Many may think A city was closer to country C, if only one knew the distance. For one to get to country C from A city is about nine (9) hours by train and four (4) hours thirty minutes by air. Making it more expensive for people to fly by plane.

" Think Zara, you are smart right? it's time to put it in practice." Zara encouraged herself.

" Let's see, I will leave the country tomorrow and get to country C by noon or in the evening, besides the amount of money for rent in country C is far more lower than that of A city, gush Zara you are indeed smart." She praised herself for such a brilliant idea as she smiled wildly as she quickly took down all info from the interview.

Walking towards the bus station her phone kept buzzing non-stop causing a frown to appear on her face as a sign of displeasure.

" For God sake who is f*cking hell bent on destroying my peace and phone cell." She cursed as she pulled out the phone to check who the call ID belong to.

"F*ck it's Mom." Zara said as she quickly answered the phone.

" Hello Mom." Zara said as soon as she picked the call.

" Honey where are you." Zara's Mom asked immediately she heard her daughter's voice.


Not hearing any reply from Zara, she asked." Honey can you hear me? Is the network over there bad? Did you get the job? Are you hurt? It's been a while since you left home , when...."

"Mom.. Mom calm down okay I'll be back home soon and I'm fine so don't stress yourself okay." Zara quick cut off her Mom trails of questions sensing how worried her was.

"Hmmmm... But did you get the job." Her Mom questioned.

"Mom didn't I say you shouldn't worry about anything..."

"Yes you did but..."

"No but, when I get home I will tell you about anything you seek to know about my journey." Zara said with finality written in her words living no room for no argument.

"Fine have It your way then."

" When will you be home." Zara Mom inquired

"I don't know Mom but I'm heading towards the bus station right away, why did you ask Mom?"

"Ohhh okay, just wanted to make sure that dinner will be ready before you get home." Her Mom replied.

"Okay Mom I have to go." she said as she walked towards the bus.

"Okay honey safe trip home." Her said before disconnecting the call.

After settling down she decided to call her best friend, who picked up on first try.

"Hello babe." A sweet and gentle voice was heard from the other side of the line.

" And why are you extremely sweet and gentle all of a sudden? What the gist spill it." Zara teased her immediately she heard her best friends voice.

" Gush Zara what are you saying can't I be this sweet to my bf( best friend)." She question dramatically.

"Ohh come on Megan stop this act of yours we both know something is up for sure so spill it." She joked.

"My heart... My heart Zara you're hurting me." Megan cried and they both laugh at her dramatic nature.

"Okay fine you get me...hmmmm...."

"So who's the person." Zara ask getting ready to laugh at any point

"How did know it's a person." Megan asked in surprise at who she knew the reason for her happiness.

" Come on Megan you weren't this happy and cheesy when you get a job." She teased and both laugh.

"Okay fine... jack finally asked me out."

"Wait what!?... I'm so happy for you babe." Zara said feeling happy for her friend.

"And he kissed me and drove me home." Megan added.

"Oh my God Megan it's finally happening"

"I know right, you what this calls for a celebration!!!! Let's meet tomorrow am free what do you thin..."

"Megan... Megan..." Zara called out to get her attention.


"I have something I need to tell you."

"Okay I'm waiting what's up? What do you to say"

" I....I..."

" You're what? Say something."

'I'm... I'm leaving the country tomorrow." Zara said that once.


"I'm leaving to country C."


"Megan say something anything but don't stay mute."

"Why all of a sudden... what I mean is what for?" In a not so pleased tune.

With a sigh she said" I'm leaving for a job interview." Zara explained.

"Why so far...you can get a good job right here." Megan said

"You know what, you be happy for me and not give me these attitude this opportunity could change my family's life and you know this better than anyone." Zara said almost yelling at Megan.

"I know Zara and I'm happy for you it's just that.."

"It's just what." Zara asked

"It's just that it's so far way... Zara we'll be far way from each other what if something changes? What if are not able to remain in touch with each other? And that affects our friendship? These what I'm worried about Dare, about are friendship."

" That's will never happen Megan I promise, we are friends not just any kind but best of friends and nothing will ever change no matter how far we are we still keep in touch with each other." Zara assured Megan.

"Okay fine you are given permission to leave." Megan said.

"Thank you my lady." Zara said and both laugh

"Oh My God Zara larsson I hate you"." Megan screamed.

"What's wrong?" Zara asked worriedly."

"All because of you Zara I burnt my dinner it's because of you Zara larsson."

"And I love you too." Zara replied.

"Gush Zara what will I eat tonight." Megan asked sadly.

"Let's see... Figure it out yourself." Zara said.

"Gush you. Was the last thing that was heard before the call was disconnected.

A playful smirk appeared on her lips looking at the blank phone, as she lifted up her gaze to the sky " looks like it's going to rain cat and dog tonight." Zara said with a bright smile.

" Dad I will be leaving the country tomorrow to country C please go with me and help me get the job so as to be able to make you and Mom proud." She said as she held the pedant around her neck while looking up at the sky and smiling.

This work is purely fiction any resemblance to the living or dead is considered coincidences.

Errors may be seen in this book!


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