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Following the prophecy of Nostradamus about a descendants of Abraham Lincoln who will rule the world and bring peace to the world. A Business Man by the name Edmond Lincoln finally rose to power ad the President of the United States. He immediately resumes the DNA modified Super Soldiers Program which became Successful with the help of renounced scientist Professor Christopher Lawrence. After the creation the Presidency then tries to eliminate the Professor who manages to escape killing two FBI Agents and then injecting himself with a syrome which transforms him from an old slender Man in his Sixties to a young and Muscular Super hero. After the killing of his lover and his brother the Professor using the syrome then creates a LEAGUE OF EXTRA-ORDINARIES which he led to destroy the very creatures he had created the DNA modified Super Soldiers and the rest of his enemies.



A female News caster with blonde hair and blue suit begins reading the 8:00 pm News.

"Out of the remains of an old building at st-Renny-de-province, France, was discovered an old scroll which is described to be the last words written and prophecied by the man who saw the future, Michel-de- Nostrad

The scroll which dated as far back as December 15th 1565, from the researchers point of view must have been penned down just a year before the death of the science Maestro

Other researchers specificially claim that Nostradamus must have visited his place of birth at St Remy-de-Provence. A year before his death, to inscribe what is is now known as the last of his prophecies."

"News caster continues, joining us live is Mathew Pires from the province of st-remy,"

Mathew Pires

"This was found hidden inside a small purple metal box, beneath the concreate floor at the centre of the upper chamber where he did most of his writing"

"The mystery scroll" has been called had this exact words" a young wolf shall lead the pack of nations, A child, yes a male child would arise from the south amongst the descendants of Lincoln and he would set the kings on a great path, restoring global peace upon the earth for a time".

Mathew Pires continues, "The concluding part of this prophecy however carries this other message" .

"This secrets must be hidden from the face of the wicked earth for the preservation of the young wolf until his appointed time".

"Many of the world's renounced Historians and Archeologists clearly claim that this prophecy must be referring to the Coast of the United States of America, and that this "Young Wolf" no doubt would be from the lineage of one of America's greatest president, Abraham Lincoln."

"But the question on everyones' heart is who would this child be and how would he rise to prominence?"

"Ever since the discovery of the prophecy in 1919, many have continued to look at the future of world governance with a keen interest on how this prophecy would come true? and How this leader who would save man from its own madness of wars and terrorism would turn out to be."

"My name remains Mathew Pires reporting for NBS NEWS ".

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