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Chapter 4 CENTEL

Word Count: 2395    |    Released on: 01/05/2024

AI, and the central core of modern day technology started as the dr

d in Bolin's dream

cked by friends constantly refe

e Multi billionaire who was w

rld by creating what is now known to be the c

Android soldier, Cyborgs, all kind of Robotics and the

ffered less crime and that's because the Androids Soldiers are designed to

called METAL WARE ARMIES and DRONES has reduced the Robots into the taking care of just office sh

Australia, Cuba and China, until recent news of malfunctionings which was beginning to occur on

broadcasted all over the world, In the interview conducted by Mark Charlie of BBT Network. Frank Bolin said, "The Un

yone since the whole world wasn't interested in excu

centel, now that the same world leaders who applauded the creation of the A

erm" requested a peace treat between America and leading to technological giants, CENTEL, stating that the world w

ly rose up from his seat with a frowny face, terrib

Edmond Lincoln angrily walked out of th

stopher Lawrence who simply returned their stare with the friendly gesture of a s

, who did not want to face the rage of President Edmond Lincoln and the United Nations, g

not intimidated by the United Nation

even if it means a war between all of his Andr

ck down or accept a shutdo

all his Android Armies and cyborgs soldiers along with the gig

y different nations government in taking down multiple terrorist group, dread

ations for the shut down of CENTEL. Frank Bolin received no further warnings from

in placing every neces

CENTEL still received no further warning fro

ace talks with the UN for the sake of his people sudd

ld's Central Core of Modern d

States Minister for Defence, High Ranking officers in the united States Army and three top members from the "A-t

nspiring speech addressed

y leader's dream of creating a perfect Universal s

e their own worst nightmares and that's because they h

that will bring into reality what the world greatly yearned for it has

eting hall immedia

a smile the pres

and before y

diers That the world has

e creation of any other form of super soldiers, other than what is been created by t

n putting an end to the Android soldiers programm

it's hope and attention on God's

mond Lincoln and his personal guards lef

meeting, leaving the Minister of defense to c

ould be the outcome of the war, and then decided to ask

roy the Android soldiers and putting an end to it's program and to CENTEL, and bri

to the much more younger and curiou

s to the issuing of global peace that I doubt, and that's because global peace as I have seen i

k of his facial expression over the professor's speech, but the most disappointed was the president

ent with the "A-team" or do away with him yet, because he was still the main brain behind "the blue print" and no scientists amongst all the rest co

A drone, designed in the shape of a tiny beetle which could camouflage itself by a

into the vehicle along

r He decided to take one more stare

ill in his state of mourning. Edmond Lincoln denied himself of that, and concentrated o

commonflaged behind pretending to

oxin which immediately caused the president and t

it's way into the vehicles engine and self destructed

the Presi

he top of his voice to the other excults, as soo

ely placed one of hi

ng. He immediately alerted the othe

ickly rushed into the president Lim

ould to recover the president but all eff

rful Dr Lumbert. Who has been treating the president and his family for

to make a chang

l from Agent Lucas informing him about

hospital, the President was rece


t on the other hand was beginning to take more than expected even

lly getting out of hands, as every efforts from the medical personnel at the Mer

ffice, and headed straight for the hospital

by his clothing and pinning him to the wall

or Christ sake, what on earth is

hing on the Doctor's cloth, a b

took off his hands from the Doctor's clothing

bad day and I just didn't gi

really trying to save died right on

just stayed quiet with no sign

e hospital room were the

into the hospital room, with an injection on his

President's hand and injec

om her lunch break walked pass Doctor Lucas and found out

ld on the table, wanting to be sure Claire

k on the chiar and found the real Doctor Lambert s

Help somebody hel

ffice and could see the real Doctor Lam

n hearing the loud scream,

eld it from behind, but the Android simply turned around and grabbed hold of th

ugh the glass and down

ut of the same window and

towards the broken glass makes his aim and shot the replica with an M-34 pisto

ing only a torn head with mechanical part

nd got to found out that the perpetrator happens to be an Android from

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