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Alpha Rexton, I'm Not Your True Luna

Alpha Rexton, I'm Not Your True Luna

Tirtana Karyaa


Amelie had no idea that a few days ago she would give her virginity to her adopted sister's boyfriend. That night Amelie was really drunk after a really crazy reunion party. Matilda is a very good adopted sister even though she tends to be introverted. Amelie feel very grateful because Matilda and her mother have accepted her presence since childhood. Amelie don't want to hurt them at all. "Alpha Rexton, please reject me. I don't deserve to be your Luna, she is your real Luna." The wolf in her screamed, roared and howled without her paying the slightest attention. Just let Amelie feel sick as long as it's not her family who has helped and cared for her. Will Alpha Rexton reject Amelie? What if Matilda finds out that her lover is mate with her sister and she have even given him her virginity? Will their family be okay? Keep reading Alpha Rexton, I'm Not Your True Luna to find out the heart-touching story of Amelie's life and love story.

Chapter 1 Crazy Party

Amelie's POV

"Eh, are those two your lovers?"

I accidentally saw two photos of different men on Matilda's smartphone -- my adopted sister. Both photos were taken in almost the same pose, Matilda was standing with the man on her left, they were smiling and looking very happy.

"Put down my smartphone, Amelie. You've invaded other people's privacy!"

"I envy you, you can get one or two men with just the blink of an eye. Sigh, won't you share one of these two men with me?"

"Amelie, didn't you hear what I said earlier?!"

Amelie Chyntia is the name my adoptive family gave me, I never knew my real name and family. Mother said, in the winter of twenty one years ago, there was a knock on the door of this house and I was already in a baby basket complete with clothes and a torn piece of paper. Even though I wasn't born into this family, I still consider them family, especially my mother who has taken care of me until I grow up.

"Don't open my smartphone without permission, Amelie, everyone needs privacy!" Matilda stepped closer with a cup of chocolate in her hand.

"All rights, all rights." I nodded lightly.

At the same time, the sound of a car approaching and stopping in front of the house. Looking out of my sister's bedroom window, I saw a white car with several people in it.

Seeing that they had come, I immediately came out of the room to meet them and left.

"Where are you going, Amelie?!" shouted Matilda from inside the room.

"There's a reunion party tonight, I have to go. Maybe I'll come home tonight, don't lock the door, Matilda!" I continued screaming as I ran.

Get into the car, there are already three of my friends in it. I sat next to Chesna, a tomboyish looking girl with short purple hair in a peek a boo style. Meanwhile, my other two friends, Gwendolyn, who likes to sing, are driving the car and Hailey, who is sitting next to her and is busy putting on make-up.

The car slowly drove back along the road that night. There weren't many vehicles passing by, maybe because the air was quite cold tonight.

The sound of music echoes in a room hosted by a black female DJ, around her people enjoy the night in their own way.

"You look at that guy over there, he's so handsome!" Chesna said, she rarely praises men, unlike what happened tonight.

The other three pairs of eyes turned in the same direction. They saw a man sipping beer. He was wearing a white shirt with the top three buttons open, making him look hot and sexy. Not only that, his arms were also rolled up, showing his arms with strong muscles. His eyes were sharp looking forward, he seemed to really enjoy his drink.

"OMG, you're right, Chesna. He's even better than my boyfriend," said Hailey, she really has a character like Matilda who can like many men at one time.

"It's a shame, we already have a boyfriend. Looks like it's Amelie's turn to get one," said Gwendolyn, her eyes teasing me who was sitting to her left.

I sipped a glass of beer, then placed it roughly on the table. "But I don't feel attracted to him, he's just ordinary."

The three of them chuckled, it seemed they already knew my lie. Indeed, I also see him the same as my three other friends, he is handsome, hot and sexy, but is it possible for me to approach him? Ah, what kind of thoughts are these!

As the night went on the bar got busier, I was still sitting with my three friends when more and more people arrived.

I blinked when my vision suddenly blurred. Looks like I've had enough to drink.

"Uhm, how about we play truth or dare?" Hailey made a suggestion.

"That is interesting!"

We did a suit and the result was Gwendolyn was first, I was second, then followed by Hailey and in last place was Chesna.

"Truth or dare?" Hailey asked.

"Um ... truth." Gwendolyn answered firmly.

"Let me ask," said Chesna. "Tell me about your first sexual experience."

Gwendolyn blushed. "Can't there be another question?"

"No, and you have to answer honestly." Hailey fully supports the questions given by Chasne.

"That night I didn't expect he would do that, but actually I had been waiting for it too. It was an amazing experience! Now every time we meet, we always do it."

"Uh ... how sweet you guys are," said Chasne, smiling with satisfaction. "Now it's your turn, Amelie. Truth or dare?"

Silent for a while, I really thought about it carefully. "Dare." I answered, not wanting to be asked strange questions.

"Woah, you're so brave, Amelie. I'll let Gwendolyn give you a dare." Chasne raised her chin towards the woman with smooth white skin.

"Approach the man and have sex with him for the first time."

My eyes were wide open, I didn't expect that they would give me a challenge like this. I immediately regretted it, I should have had no problem telling them something honestly.

Looking at the man for a moment, he was still there sitting with his head lowered. It seemed he was in trouble and my arrival would probably make his mood worse.

"It's not that I don't dare, but look, he seems to be in big trouble."

"You can't make any excuses, Amelie." Gwendolyn shook her head.

"Yes, you choose dare yourself," added Chasne.

"You have to do it, there is nothing else you have to do, you just have to ask him to have sex with you. If he refuses, it's not a problem. If he accepts, you have to continue our challenge until it's finished." Hailey gave directions. "Come on, don't be pessimistic yet. You have to try it, you have to know how beautiful you are, Amelie."

Unable to resist any longer, I moved on. My vision suddenly turned blurry, but when my eyes blinked I could refocus my vision.

My footsteps were getting closer, and at the same time my heart was beating more and more erratically.

Getting closer, I could see a pair of calming green eyes. He looked at me, then smiled with just one corner of his lips.

"H--hi." I said awkwardly. "Can I sit here."

A smile appeared on his face. "Of course." He shifted his body slightly.

"Thank you." I said, then sat down. "Um, you look so handsome."

I could feel that he was blushing. A smile returned to his face, he rubbed the nape of his neck and put his hand behind me.

Slowly his face came closer until his cold breath could be felt on my face. "You are beautiful too, Mrs. Pinky."

Suddenly I realized that everything attached to my body was pink. The dress I am wearing is pink, as are the shoes and other accessories.

His other hand wrapped around the front of my body so that I seemed to be in a cage. Our distance is getting closer and I can feel his lips starting to touch mine.

"Uhmm, sorry but I have a challenge to--."

"I know, how about we book a hotel room for tonight, Mrs. Pinky?"

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