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Rejected And Mated To A Cursed Lycan king

Rejected And Mated To A Cursed Lycan king



“I, the new appointed alpha, rejects you, Aurora as my Luna and even if we are mated, I still reject you”. Those words were the most hurtful and unexpected words Aurora heard. She and Alfred have been lovers since their teenage age. After the murder of her parents, she gave out her Alpha position to Alfred with an agreement to become his Luna. But Alfred stabs her behind and crowns her cousin, Iza, as his Luna.

Chapter 1 Beginning of Aurora's misery

Aurora's POV

I hugged myself, resisting the cold and bites from the insects that crawled on the walls. I let the tears flow from my eyes while my stomach grumbled.

I haven't had anything to eat for the past three days. My dress was tacky, dirty, and sticky.

I raised my head immediately when I heard a sound coming from the dungeon gates.

Hoping it was for my release, I stood on my feet, shivering.

"You! The guard spoke in an authoritative voice. The alpha requests to see you.".

I lifted my feet and took my first step, staggering as I walked. My body felt so weak to carry my legs.

"Walk fast! The guard pushed me. We don't have all day.".

He grabbed my right arms as soon as we got to the Alpha's chambers and pushed me, making me fall to my knees.

"That's enough!". The Alpha mocked.

"Yes Alpha". The guard bowed and took his leave.

The room fell silent as I waited for him to make my life more sorrowful, like he always did.

"Raise your head! Look at me! He demanded.

I raised my head slowly to face him. Gulits and disappointments filled me. I felt guilty that I let down my parents and was disappointed in the girl I turned out to be.

"Well. He said this, interrupting my thoughts. I wasn't the person who asked about you; Iza was. So find your way to her chambers." He instructed.

I sighed silently and walked towards Iza's chambers. She was the Alpha's fiance and a witch who hated me more than anything.

I knocked softly and consciously because I was too weak to get into her troubles.

"Come in!". I heard her yell.

"Good morning". I told her, shutting the door behind me.

You devil! I wish you were dead by now. She hissed. Take out my laundry and do a clean job with it.

I darted my eyes towards her laundry basket, and I saw a heap of dirty clothes and bedding. I knew she purposely heaped them on me to punish me. I mean, they were laundry servants at the park.

"Did you hear me?". She yelled.

Not answering that, I walked towards the dirty clothes and made my way to the laundry room.

"Aurora!". Annie hugged me immediately when she saw me.

'Annie". I smiled and hugged her too.

"What did they do to you?". She sobbed.

"It's fine, Anni; please don't worry about me." I smiled.

Annie had been my true and only friend since the incident. She was an omega and had been treated like a stranger.

I came to know Annie after the incident. I never knew omega's were treated so badly because they were known to be the weakest of the park, which was unfortunate for them.

Two years ago

I lived as a princess at the park. My father was the Alpha, and my mother was the Luna. I was the only child of my parents, and that made me fortunate.

On my seventeenth birthday, my parents organized an expensive birthday party, just like the other years.

My day was going well; both children and adults were present. My parents went as far as inviting the Alpha and Luna of Moon West Park.

I never knew that was the last day I was going to see my parents. Our park got attacked immediately, and my knife diced down my cake. My parents got killed in my presence.

I watched my father struggle with the arrows that matched his heart while she ran towards him. She got shot before she could reach him.

I let out a loud scream while my maids ran towards me. My nightmares began, and I couldn't just wipe off the memories.

Before my parents deaths, I had a deep connection with Alfred; every member of the park knew how bonded we were, including my late parents.

My father was against our relationship because of Alfred's old lifestyle, but I stood in for him despite my father's warning.

The park member waited for my recovery, as I was the heir apparent. Deep down, I knew I wasn't ready to be an Alpha yet.

And that was how I messed my life up. I gave the title to Alfred while I became his Luna. Little did I know I was digging my brave.

"I, the new appointed alpha, reject you, Aurora, as my Luna, and even if we are mated, I still reject you." He announced, his voice bearing no emotion.

"Hey you!". Stella yelled, interrupting the thoughts of my past.

She was the senior house staff member who was responsible for ordering the younger staff members around.

"Yes ma'am". I answered.

"Clean the barn once you're done, and do it alone.".

Most times, I wonder if they forgot who I was. It was just two years ago, and I was like a goddess to them. Now I obey orders from them.

"Yes". I replied.

"I could help." Annie suggested immediately that the senior staff leave.

"That wouldn't be necessary, Annie; you heard her, and I wouldn't want to get you into trouble.".

"How about food? Have you had any?". She became bothered.

"I will".

I heard my stomach grumble, and immediately I said, "I will." I held it with my left hand while I drained out the clothes from the washing machine.

"How do you intend to?" She asked and dashed out of the laundry room.

I watched her run out of my sight in suspense. I had no idea where she was heading but hoped she wouldn't get into trouble.

I drained out the piece of cloth and was about to leave to spread under the sun when Annie dashed into the laundry room, breathing heavily.

"What have you done?". I asked while surveying the environment.

"Made use of some little tactics." She smiled and brought out two packs of cookies and a bottle of orange juice.

"Annie, where did you get these from?". I whispered and grabbed them from her hands.

I haven't had anything to eat for three days, and my stomach couldn't bear it any longer.

I hid behind the washing machines and devoured the food while Annie watched to see if anyone was coming.

"Iza! Iza!". Annie screamed upon seeing her from afar. I quickly gulped down the last bite and dusted my mouth with the cookie particles. Of course, I knew she was coming for me.

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