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The Wanted Mommy For Twins

The Wanted Mommy For Twins

Catherine Oriel


It's my first time here! Admins will approve, hehe. As soon as I entered the mansion, someone immediately threw an egg at my face. I gasped and wiped my face in disbelief. And later someone rode behind me and bit the other side of my shoulder. "AHH! Oh my! It hurts!" "Good heavens! Marcus and Maria! Let him go!" "No! She's an intruder." The children did not stop me and continued to trouble me. I almost cried. I just got my hair done and rebonded. I thought it must be required that you have a beautiful mother, I didn't know that now I'm haggard. "Enough." Came a cold voice from the top of the stairs. We all looked up at the man together. And I'm not going to lie, he's handsome! Is he the father of the children who will be my children? If it's true, he's literally daddy. yum Char. "She's your mom." "What?" Everyone with me was shocked and so was I. Everyone fell silent and we watched as the tall man walked toward us. And I just caught my breath when he came next to me and suddenly pulled me by the waist towards him. My eyes widened and I didn't know what to do. And the man made me even more nervous when he brought his lips to my ear. "Do your work properly," He said in a deep voice. I swallowed and nodded to myself. That's right. I'm gonna be a mom. I'm a mom. Even though I was nervous, I stood up straight and faced the man. And he looked like he was caught off guard when I suddenly grabbed both of his cheeks and pressed him with a kiss. "I miss you, baby." Wait.. Did I do the right thing? "Merciful heaven!"

Chapter 1 You're hired

Chapter 1

300,000 monthly? Are you serious? I feel this is one of the scams. But a lot of people are silly because of the high engagement of the post on this private group page.

That 6 digits money is dazzling. And there are many nowadays who will not pass up an opportunity like this.

Everyone wants to have money, and I am one of them.

That's why I got lost in this group page. I was already looking desperate, hoping for a miracle to happen. I need a lot of money because my shameless uncle has a lot of debt. The uncle was going to die because of drinking alcohol, he left some luggage with me.

I will be studying in the 4th college next year, there is a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I am not earning enough from my part time job. It would be good if I only feed myself. I have brothers that need to be raised. Where are you going to get 500,000 in two months? I know it's very impossible.

Maybe it's the size of my sin in my past life and I'm being made to suffer like this.

I continued to look at the post and the comment box. I'm looking for a comment saying it's a scam, but I can't find anything. Almost everyone is applying for a job. I was about to be the first to comment on the scam when I saw a pic of the first commenter sending 10,000 to gcash just to prove it was true.

'Shuta, 10,000 is still not enough. I will apply.' Jessa Lavender.

Nope. did i say scam? I did not say anything!

I need to be hired for that job. Yes, I will decide. Now all I have to think about is how I can be chosen from the crowd of people in the comment section.

Until I saw a small text of the email dress in the photo, which you can't easily see if you don't look closely.

Even though there was no certainty, I went to the email and put the email address.

"Good Evening. Are you hiring for a Mom?"

My eyes widened. Are you serious? I thought the hiring was based on the comment section. I grinned, well bad for them. No matter how much you want to have money, if you don't think, you won't get any.

I nervously filled out and gave the necessary requirements. I have to hurry, because soon everyone will know this email address. I'm back

I bit my fingernails as I waited for loading and when it was done I returned to the post. My eyes widened when I saw new comments, 15 minutes ago. They already knew that.

I quickly closed the laptop and lay on the bed nervously. I closed my eyes and silently asked.

"Lord, if I'm not chosen, we'll force it, eme."

'You're hired.'

Just one message makes my day complete. I screamed loudly and even jumped for joy. It looks like I'm going to blow people away at five o'clock in the morning. I didn't expect it. Are you serious? Or is it all just a dream? I tried to slap my face but I ended up getting hurt too.

"Sister? Sister! Sister Lily, Sister Vion is being joined."

I stopped and looked at the two children who were now standing in the doorway. One has a worried reaction while the other looks at me with concern.

"You're sisters. You're both OA." Lily said that she is still wearing her glasses.

"Hey, Lily!" I scolded him. "I'm your sister too. So we're just the same OA. By the way, why are you still awake?"

"Correction. You woke up, Sister. What happened and why do you look like a worm sprinkled with salt?"

Speaking of..

My eyes widened when I remembered why I was going crazy.

"I have good news!"

"Did you find afam?" It's hard for me.

"Not afam. But it will pay off our huge debt. I was hired! The salary is 300,000 per month."

I was surprised when Sheena suddenly started crying so I easily came to her and hugged her to comfort her.

"What's going on? Why are you crying? What's wrong, Sheena?"

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Are you leaving, Sister? Are you also going to sell your body for money?"

I gasped when I heard him. Even Lily looked surprised by Sheena's words. I stopped crying because my chest suddenly tightened. He's young but he can already say things like this.

Yes, by the way..

Because before when he was here, he worked every day at the bar for money. We used to have a good life, after all, we could eat every day, and we could buy what we wanted. But for him that is still not enough. He wants money not because we live, he makes us sell the body to brag to others. That reached the point where he neglected the three of us.

She always comes home to the man's house and performs miracles even though she knows we can see everything.

We put up with it because we love him. We are okay with that.

But the day came when he changed us to another man. To the mother fucking American that he only met for one day than to his son that he spent several years with.

He left us..

As easy as it is for him to sell his body, it is also easy for him to give us away..

"No, Sheena. I'm not him, I love you. I'm not a perfect sister, but I can do it for all of you without having to leave you in the end.

I lived very angry with him. Because I was always reminded of how insignificant we were to him. How easy we are to give away like nothing.

I will never be like her.

I hate her as our own mother.

But why did I take the job as another child's mother?

For but maybe..

I just want to say that.

But no, 'eh.

There is another reason.

I haven't even experienced being a mother. I experienced being a child. I experienced losing my mother and being deprived of love

Maybe I want the money, but I also want to be a mom.

Even if it's for temporary.

Maybe I will know or understand mom why she is struggling to be a mother to us.

"Merciful heaven!"

"No! I don't need a mom!"

We quickly separated from each other when one of his children suddenly screamed. I immediately realized what I had done earlier, so I was suddenly ashamed of myself.

But I forgot the shame for a moment when I saw that one of the twins started to cry. I stopped because I remembered something.

It's like I saw Sheena in her when she was little.

"And what if she's our mom? She clearly left us. We don't need her!" The man said twins.

"Mom, get them inside their room and calm them down first. I still need to talk to someone." The man said.

And he was looking at me while saying that.

Even though the two were struggling and struggling, the old man still climbed it.

When they left, the surroundings became quiet. I awkwardly looked at everything around me just to avoid his gaze. I kissed him earlier!

And I just realized now that he didn't order me to do that. That's not part of my job. But that's his fault because he flirted with me! He was still holding his waist.

"Follow me through my office. We will talk about you being the mom of my kids."

I followed him to his office. I couldn't stop looking around the whole house. The mansion is very spacious and big. His office is still on the second floor, shuta I'm almost out of breath.

He entered the office first and sat at his desk. The feet are square and the toes are folded while sitting on the swivel chair.

I've been surprised by the way he looked at me. He's not the kind of gaze that will thrill you. It's like you're being eaten alive and your entire being is being judged.

"You already know your task?"

"Sir. I-I don't think it's a good idea to look for a mother to carry-"

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Ms. Lavera." This coldly cut off what I was saying.

"You can just hire a nanny to take care of them."

Even if I wanted money, I wouldn't want to force someone who doesn't want me. Especially as a father, he should know what is best for his children. And because his son scolded so much? I don't seem to be able to handle it.

"Hmm.." He didn't speak and just loosened the necktie he was wearing and ran a hand through his hair.

I settled down and took a bite because I was distracted for a few seconds. Did you say that it's flirting, huh!

"I see. Mr. Hans made the right choice."

To Be Continued....

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