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Guarding the heiress: Mr Donovan on duty

Guarding the heiress: Mr Donovan on duty



“Guarding the Heiress” is a tale of forbidden romance, passion, danger, betrayal, and the strength of true love. Hailey Jones, the daughter of a powerful billionaire, is torn between two paths, Tyler Donovan- a pauper who is a bodyguard with a complex history and a complicated present and her billionaire ex, Henry. As Hailey and Tyler grow closer, the threat of danger looms large. Hailey's jealous ex is out to destroy their relationship. Hailey's father digs into Tyler's past and uncovers a dark secret that could tear them apart. Will Hailey and Tyler find a way to live together or will the forces arrayed against them prove too much to overcome? Find out in this thrilling tale.

Chapter 1 The threat.

“Are you blind? Can't you watch where you are going? What if you scratch my car? This is a very expensive car worth twenty-eight million dollars. I bet you can't afford to pay for the repairs. Poverty-stricken people”. Hailey, the lady in the driver's seat cursed.

She was on her way back from a business meeting and the last thing she wanted was men of inconsequential value trying to spoil her happiness with their usual stunts. She had seen this countless times. These poor people target wealthy families and fall in front of their car, and then accuse them of knocking them over. But she was going to entertain none of that today.

The boy whom she had knocked over, lay on the ground, groaning in pain and struggling to get up, but could not due to the pains he was feeling.

A young man who knelt beside the boy on the ground, stood, his face contorted with anger.

“What? You knocked someone down because of your reckless driving and instead of you being apologetic and finding a way to take him to the hospital you are more concerned about your car. What if he had died ? Are you human at all? The fact that you’re wealthy doesn't give you the right to talk down on people”. The young man fumed in anger. They had just knocked down his cousin who was crossing the road with him. The ladies were obviously drunk and weren't in the right state to drive.

“He should have looked very well before crossing,” The other lady replied.

They were on their way back from the celebration party they held in regard to the contract worth billions of dollars that they had just signed.

“I can't waste my breath on these people. I will never apologize, I'm too big for that. I know their type, they are just after money” Hailey said. “Here. I know that this is what you want”, She said and threw a bundle of dollar notes at them and drove off, not even looking back once at the boy on the floor.

The next morning, Hailey is woken suddenly by the vibration of her phone. It was a call from her secretary.

“Hello ma'am, a man is at the office to see you”.

Hailey tried to recall if she had any appointments with anybody, but she was all blank.

“What did he say is his name?” Hailey asked.

“He won't say ma'am,” the secretary replied.

“Tell him to wait or if he can't wait, let him tell you why he wants to see me”. Hailey responded.

“Sir, my boss has asked you to wait or if you can't, you can simply tell me what it is, and I'll relay it to her.” she heard Ashley the secretary say to whoever was waiting for her at the company.

She stretched towards the bedside drawer and took her phone to check the time. A soft cuss left her lips as she realized that she was way behind schedule, which was something that she never did.

“Ugh! This is why I hate taking alcohol” she groaned.

By the time she went to other appointments that she had and came to the company, she couldn't see the person.

“Ashley” she called to her secretary who was fixing her cold coffee.

“Yes ma'am” Ashley answered.

“Where's the person who wanted to see me?”

Ashley scratched her ears. “He waited for a long time and got pissed when he didn't see you. Then just before he left, he said," I should let you know that he's the brother of the boy that got hit last night, and he wants you to come and apologize in person to his brother who is lying in the hospital, heart broken and in pain.”

A laugh escaped Hailey's throat as she listened to all that her secretary said.

“These poor people would really stop at nothing to extort money from the rich,” Hailey said and scoffed.

“Take a briefcase filled with money to the hospital, at least that will take care of the hospital bills, and they're miserable lives”

Ashley arrives at the hospital and delivers the money to Tyler, but Tyler is a principled man who is not materialistic or moved by money. He immediately rejected the money without thinking twice and told her to take it back to her self-loathing, arrogant boss. He told her that the only thing they needed was for Hailey to tender an apology personally to his brother and if she was still arrogant and wouldn't do it, he would go straight to the media to call her out for her inhumanity to a helpless boy. She would also have to face the law because it is a crime to drive while under the influence of alcohol.

Ashley tried to apologize on behalf of Hailey, but he refused, and he insisted that Hailey does this personally.

Ashley got back to the company to inform her boss about the recent developments.

They were still talking, when Hailey's father, Mister Jones, walked in on them and was curious about what they were discussing that seemed very serious.

Hailey told her father about a poor peasant she had knocked down and how the cousin had threatened to ruin the company's and family's name.

Then Mister Jones instructed that a little apology to the boy wouldn't hurt “what the heck dad? You don't expect me to belittle myself to that extent by going to apologize in person.” Hailey refused because of her pride. She couldn't imagine herself apologizing to someone who was beneath her status.

“Hailey, but you know if he follows through with his threats it's not going to look good for our company because currently we are the biggest topic in town now in regard to the huge deal we just closed, and we already have enough enemies, let's not blow this out of proportion.” Mr Jones said with a somewhat polite face.

Hailey reluctantly agreed and told her Dad she was going to do that after work.

Her father gave her a satisfying smile and walked out of her office.

Getting to the hospital, they realized that the boy had been discharged and taken home.

“Sorry, ma'am, but the people you are inquiring about left two hours ago,” the receptionist said.

“Do you have any information on them?” Hailey asked for any information on them but the only thing the receptionist could give was their names.

“They didn't drop any personal information like home address or phone number. The only thing we have here is a name, Tyler.” the receptionist replied politely.

Hailey returned home tired and pissed. The vertical line on her face was visible.

“That stupid poor rat. Why didn't he just accept the money instead of an apology? The worst part is that they even discharged them before I got there. This is a total waste of my precious time.

Hailey said angrily.


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