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The Mafia Inlove

The Mafia Inlove

Catherine Oriel


Bang! Bang! Loud gunshots all around. I look around to find my son and my wife, they are missing, d*mn. "Daddy Zach!" I heard my son scream at their damn father. A long short story, I will explain it, but soon. "D*mn, baby come here to papa Rus!" I called the twins and they immediately came. "Where is your dad?" I'm nervous to ask here. They are crying. "Okay, shhhh papa Rus is here, don't cry baby." "Papa Rus, dada and papa Zach are missing.." cried one of the twins. "Okay, I'll find them okay?" He nodded while wiping away the tears. I really need to find them, especially my Sail. "Stay here and don't ever go out okay?" I kissed them both on the forehead before leaving. I never thought that one of our enemy's men would be able to shoot me, I was shot in the shoulder. I saw Sail on the side, he was sitting with his yellow hands covering his ears, I look at Zach who is fighting Helvet, our enemy. I first shot the gun at the person standing next to me, it hit him right. "Sail! Shhh let's go!" I tried to pull it but he didn't want to leave Zach. "No! Zach, Zach is here I won't leave him!" I sighed and carried him in a bridal style, it was struggling but I was strong, I lowered it to where the twins were hiding. "Please Rus, bring Zach back." I slowly nod even though feeling a heavy feeling inside my chest. He loves Zach. I went to the devil who was shooting a while ago. "Zach! Let's go!" I called here during the shooting, when he saw me he yelled at me angrily. "F*ck you left them?!" He responded angrily to me. "Sail wants me to go back with you so shut up!" I left there to go to Sail but then... Helvet... he was holding the twins while Sail was lying on his chin, Sail is dead... and my son in his tummy... my son.. yes Sail is pregnant with my child.

Chapter 1 His wife

Chapter 1

"Sail?" Zach slowly walked towards Sail and hugged his wife. "No Sail?!" Tears came out as he hugged his wife. "Helvet, let go of the twins." Eurus said and bit his lip trying to prevent himself from crying.

"And so, you think I'll obey you?" Helvet smirked and looked at the twins who were crying. "Let go Helvet, you are so weak and childish you feel." Eurus said and Helvet just laughed.

"Come on Eurus, they are not your children." Eurus gritted his teeth and looked worriedly at the twins. "Papa Rus.." he heard the other cried.

"I'll do everything, just.... just let them go." Eurus said. Zach was surprised by what he said and looked at him. "Really? Everything?" Helvetic smirk. "K*ll the baby inside Sail's tummy." What? I don't even know if the baby is still alive.

"Are you crazy?!" Eurus said clenching his fist. Helvet took a knife, he pointed it at the neck of one of the twins. "I'll count from 1 to 10....1.....2" it started counting, Eurus is panicking. He looks at Zach who is staring at him. "F*ck!" He cursed under his breath

"6....7....8....9...-" Helvet was interrupted by a loud bang coming from their back. "Sir! Let's go!" Their back up is here, so they have to leave. He let go of the twins and quickly ran. "I'm not done with both of you." Words that came out of his mouth before leaving.

"Papa Rus!" The twins shouted at the same time and hugged him. Zach embraces his wife while crying, their life is such a mess, and they need to fix it.




"F*ck! Please save them please!" Eurus pleads and tries to stand but her wound needs to be treated. The nurse stopped him and injected him with a sleeping pill. Zach on the other hand is sitting on the chair, he doesn't want to be treated, he needs to see his wife alive first.

" Mister Juarez, your wounds really need to be treated." Zach sighed and nodded at the doctor. He followed the doctor and they passed through Eurus room. You saw here that they treated him, he grit his teeth, 'just die.' That's what it had in mind. He hates Eurus.




"Hi doctor, are dada and my papas going to be alright?" Achlys asked one of the twins. "Yes kiddo, I'll make sure they'll be okay." The doctor smiled feeling pity to the twins.

"Achlys, Axel, come here." The three looked at the person who spoke and it was none other than Zach. Its wounds have been treated and it is carrying food. "Papa Zach, are dada and papa Rus okay now, and also the baby?" Axel asked while pouting. Zach just don't want to hear Eurus name.

"Yes, they are." He tightened his grip on the bag. Eurus is okay but, sail and the baby, He doesn't know. "The three of you should take a rest first." The doctor said before leaving.

"Dad Zach?" Axel called his dad and Zach smiled at his son. "Yes baby?"

"Do you hate papa Rus?"

'yes I do, I really do.' that's what Zach wanted to say but couldn't.

"I....Why don't you eat first hm?"

He said and ruffled Axel's hair. Zach sighed and closed his eyes. He hates Eurus for stealing his family, he hates him and that will never change.

Eurus Pov

9 months later......

"Sail....please...Sail don't leave us." I can't help but cry watching Zach kneel in front of Sail's gravel. Sail died but thankfully the baby in his tummy survived, my son survived.

"Papa Rus, is dada going back?" Achlys asked me. oh god please....

If you want to know how I met sail, well it all started when I found him on the street laying down with two children in his arms. It's raining back then, I was on my way home from work, I saw them lying on the road. Out of pity I helped them.

Sail and the twins lived in my house for almost a month. And in the few months I was with them, I fell in love with them, I start to like sail, he acts as we are married. I like him, we are happy but then Zach came, he takes them from me.

I don't want to give them to him so I fought, but Sail said it's okay. They are leaving, just like that? No way.... I can't.

But then a miracle happened, Sail is pregnant with my child, something happened to us the night I was drunk. I was so happy when I found out that Sail is pregnant but Zach is not.

That is also the reason why we live under the same roof. Zach and I often fight because of him, and that's one of the reasons why he wants to leave me. He told me that he will take good care of my son.

I got hurt, it hurt so damn much. After I hug them and love them like family, they just want me to leave. I was hurt then, but then I chose to leave and I visited them every month and week.

I also can't leave the twins, I fell in love with them. I can't forget that every time I visit them Zach will always try to push me away, but I don't budge. I even remember when the both of us fought and he blamed be like why the f*'ck? He attacked me first but Sail sided on him.

I was hoping that Sail would go back to me but no. The only thing I held was my son in his womb and the twins. Even though they're not mine. And thank God the baby survived in his tummy. I love Sail but.. he will never love me the way I love him.




It was late when we got home from the cemetery. It was so tiring, I just finished putting the twins and my son to bed. I went to the kitchen to get some water and I saw Zach in there drinking some alcohol. I ignored him and grabbed some water.

"The twins are asleep." I told him and was about to go but he said something that made my blood boil. "You mean my sons?" I turned my head to look at him. "They're my son too because I treat them like one." Zach laughed bitterly and stared at me..

"You know, I really f*cking hate you. If you just didn't enter our life I'm sure that he is still alive right now." I clenched my fist. Yes I admit it, Helvet is my enemy and if I didn't meet Sail he is probably still alive right now. "You cheated on him, that's why I met him."

Yes Zach cheated on Sail. That was also the day I saw them lying on the road.

"Stop binging back the past, I'll get the twins, they're my son anyway." He won't do that right?

"No, you're not going to take them away from me." I was angry at this and I saw his jaw tensing. "Stop acting like you care." I couldn't stop myself and punched him. I f*cking care, I love the twins even though they are not blood relatives.

He fought back causing me to fall on the shaig. Both of us were fighting like cats and dogs in the kitchen when a voice interrupted us.

"What the fuck you two?!"

Eurus Pov

"What the fuck you two?!" The both of us turned our heads at the door to see Almira, one of our friends.

"What the h*ll, the twins are crying in here and you two are just fighting?!" He looked at me angrily while hugging the twins.

I stood up and took the twins in her hands. "Shh stop crying we're just playing." I kissed them both on the forehead. "Both of you, let's talk."

Zach stood up to follow Almira. He approached the twins first and hugged them, he picked up Axel. He glared at me and went out of the kitchen.

"Papa Rus, *sob please sleep with us." I feel sorry for Achlys. "Yes baby I will." I said and carried him towards the living room.

"It's better if the twins are asleep." Almira said. I stood up and went straight to the twins' room, I could feel Zach's push. "Baby sleep now okay?" Achlys nods his head and snuggles to my chest.

Zach took Axel down and told him. "Papa Zach, are you going to sleep with us too?" Axel asked that made Zach look at me. He hates it when I sleep with the twins. "Sleep now Axel." He told her and kissed her on the forehead.




After the twins are asleep, Zach and I went to the living room. "Seriously you two, if you two are like this it won't bring anything good to the twins, and to your son Rus."

I almost forgot about my son. "I'll take the twins, after all I can take care of them maybe you two can visit them, and your son Rus."

"I... can take care of them Almira." Almira sighed and leaned herself on the sofa. "How, the both of you are mafia and so focus in work, you are always fighting." She raised an eyebrow at us. "Come on Almira." Zach said.

"Fine, I won't take the twins and the baby anymore, but when I hear from the twins that you fight often, I'll take them." He stood up and left.

I look at Zach who is sitting at the entrance and his arms are crossed. Maybe we need to fix our fight and issue. "Zach, Almira is right, also for the Children."

"Why don't you just take your son and I'll take the twins."

"You think the twins will agree to that?" I stood up and went to the twins' room, my son's crib was there. I really need to fix everything.

1 year later.....

"Papa Rus, look what I draw!" I heard Achlys call me while I was typing on my laptop. I looked at it to see what was drawn. "What's that baby?" I asked and he walked towards me showing the picture. "You see, this is dada, this is me and brother Axel, and this is you and dad Zach!" He pointed to the two men who were on opposite sides of Sail.

I smiled bitterly. I know the twins still can't accept the loss of their dada. "It's so pretty Achlys, did you work hard for this?" I asked him and he nodded. I chuckled and let him sit on my lap, I kissed him on the forehead and looked back at my laptop while he just watched what I was doing.

"Papa Rus, when I grow up, I want to be a good doctor."

"Hmm, is that so, then you should study hard." Axel and Achlys are actually home schooled, Zach doesn't want them to go to school, he's too over protective.

"Daddy Zach!!!" I looked at the door when it opened and it spit out Zach with food, behind him was Manang Helia who took care of my son. "Yeyy, Let's go to Papa Zach, Papa Rus." Achlys left by my side.

I stood up and took Cian from Manang. "It's terrible sir, he looks like he's hungry, he's been crying for a while now." Manang said and left to mix Cian's milk. "Papa Rus, papa Rus!" Achlys pulled Cian's leg causing him to cry.

To Be Continued...

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