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The Agreement With The Badboy

The Agreement With The Badboy

Catherine Oriel


It's my first day of school as a simple student of MU. This school is very popular and only rich students can afford to study here. I'm also one of them, being rich is very frustrating because your parents always put pressure in you so you don't have a choice but to do what they say and meet the standards they want because of the reason they're always saying it's good for you, good for you my ass!. "Mira!" she said to me sapphire. She's my best friend since I was grade 7 "What? Is there any gossip?” I open here "It's terrible! but have you heard?" it's gossip "Which one was heard?" I answered "The 5 handsome sons of the owner of this school will be going to transfer here" This is a story that makes me frown. Why is he telling me this story? what do I care? psh! "Uh okay" I replied bored here "Okay? that's all?" it whined "Why? what do you want me to sa-" What I was about to say was interrupted by the laughter of the entire student body in the incoming black Ferrari car. 'omg they're here' 'hey, look at me, am I beautiful?' I saw their picture in there old school and they're all handsome I heard a whisper so sapphire and I stopped walking "I think they're here" said the person next to me, she looks excited like others The men got out of the Ferrari more and more because I covered my ears "oh boys, you're finally here" met immediately by the dean, I stared at them and I can't deny the fact that they really had good faces, handsome indeed huh! I was staring at the idiot next to me, so I immediately elbowed him, causing him to return to the correct posture "ses ampopogi nga" it screamed my gosh my ears hurt "do you know them?" I asked here "Of course, I'm a fan of those guys" he answered which made me wince, really a fan? It's a good thing as long as there's no mistake. And it started to teach and introduce men "That's Javier, he's the eldest among them" he pointed to the man in a white polo tucked into his black pants, he was wearing specs and his hair was brushed up and his face was emotionless. "It's hard to joke because you might be embarrassed because you'll be the only one laughing," Sapphire added "Larsen is the second one of them" he pointed to the man wearing a black plain shirt and black jogger pants with matching black shades who looked as if he had died. "That's really weird, he likes it because it's black, and it's been talked about that it's quiet, but it's the devil's behavior" he added because I seem to wince at the color of his clothes because it's all black, are you stupid? "That's Xavier, he's the third one, just be careful, he's a bad boy and it's been rumored that he's always full of guidance in the states. He's always a bully, whether it's a boy or a girl, I bet he'll find a target now." He pointed to the man who looked like anytime. puncher He's wearing a black vest and ripped jeans with black boots and also has tattoos on his shoulder "hey, I'll just pray for that next target" Sapphire whispered, he looks like a bad boy and he looks arrogant as well as it makes the blood boil. "That's Keirson" he pointed to the man wearing a black shirt with a layered leather jacket. He's also wearing ripped jeans and has Peirce in his left ear and lower lip. "That's the f*ck boy, many people have complained about states that she got pregnant and this is it! It is rumored that he raped someone because the girl didn't want to have sex with him, so I agree. Just be careful with him because he will make your life miserable when he cheats on you." "And lastly that's Keiron, keirson's twin brother they're the youngest among their pacts" he pointed to the smiling man who looked like he was wearing a shirt, he was wearing a white printed shirt dark blue jeans with matching white sneakers and specs "He's the kindest among them, that's a smile and I know what's causing his twin to panic, that's what made him so nice, he's happy to talk to me" im just looking at the five man's talking to dean and doesn't even notice that they're already walking. I'm just looking at them suddenly when the guy named Xavier bumped my shoulder causing me to look at him and mouthed "target unlock" and then he smirked that gave shivers to my spine

Chapter 1 the owner of the school

Chapter 1

We are here inside the classroom while sitting bored because no teacher comes.

After what happened earlier, we were let into the room one by one because they said they would take care of the boys, the owner of the school said special treatment because

While pondering, one of our classmates suddenly shouted into the classroom

"Guys! Jeremy was being beaten by one of Mr. Morgan's sons" I stopped and looked at the door

Who's son? And Jeremy? Fooled! I quickly approached jessa and asked this. He immediately told me where Hera and I should go right away

I just found myself approaching the field with a lot of people and there I saw Jeremy with blood on the side of his lip and Xavier, is he the one who did this?

He was about to punch Jeremy again when I intervened

"Please feel sorry for him, stop."

Please talk to me because my cousin can't fight him.

"and who the f*ck are you?" he asked in a scary voice

"He's my cousin, he's not fighting so he stopped" I looked at Jeremy, he looked miserable and his clothes were tangled

"so you're the cousin of that loser huh?"

he said and asked a student for something. I was surprised when orange juice poured on me and the culprit was Xavier of the village.

"what a perfect combination, a garbage and a trashcan" he insulted as he clenched his fist

It's not because they own the school, they just do it casually.

I glared at him because of what he said, he smirked at the sight because I was affected by what he said.

"why are you glaring like a dog? are you affected?" he said as if insulting me. That's why I looked at him even worse

"aren't you disgusted about yourself? You're more trash than us" I said here I was getting tired of what he was saying

"Are you brave?" he said and hugged me

"you? It's brave because it's your school, isn't it?" I said angrily to him but he just grinned.

I was surprised by what he did next, he let go of my collar with a bang, which is why I fell and was about to hurt me when someone said something behind his back

"what's happening here Xavier?" it was Javier with both eyebrows raised

We were just looking at Javier and the three of us had no intention of saying a word.

"I said what's happening here?" Medjo asked again annoyed and looked at me before raising an eyebrow.

"He was the first" I pointed to Xavier who looked at me badly and I looked at him the same way.

"What did you do to them Xavier?" his older brother asked, his voice calm and devoid of emotion

"I'm just playing with my dogs" he said casually as if what he said was normal

"Your brother is asking you properly so answer properly" I said here

"You're really going to notice, aren't you? Am I talking to you?" he interrupted me. I was embarrassed especially when the students around me were whispering so I kept quiet, you gossipers!

Suddenly, Javier's cell phone rang so he turned to us. "I'm going to talk to the both of you, except you" he pointed to Jeremy who had been silent while bowing

"why only us? why isn't that trash included?" Xavier said and pointed to Jeremy

"language Xavier" Larsen suddenly appeared

"Tsk..." he stammered at what his brother said.

"I need to go, tomorrow I will talk to you two and all of you"

it pointed to the students who were gathering."go to your perspective classrooms" it added

The students immediately turned around and suddenly Keirson appeared, smiling as if happy with what he had witnessed.

"both of you!" jeremy pointed at us and larsen said that

"Clean yourselves up and go back to your classrooms" he said before leaving

Xavier came to me and pulled my collar like he was mad

"we're not done yet, remember that!" he said and let go of my collar before leaving

I looked at Keirson and he was also looking at me while grinning, is he not leaving yet?

"what? you're not going to stand? do you want me to stand up for you? I'll change your clothes to whatever you want, that's okay with me. ” he said while smiling so I looked at him, what a fool!

he laughed even more before running away in front of us. I immediately helped Jeremy stand up and cleaned himself, while I went to the locker to change.

When I finished changing, I returned to our classroom and Hera immediately greeted me

"Sis, I'm sorry I left you there because I was afraid of Javier's aura" she said to me immediately

"It's okay! maybe you will feel sorry for me when you stay there" I replied to this

"are you okay? Does anything hurt?"

it asked with concern

"I'm fine, I'm fine?" I replied making him smile

We stopped talking when our prof suddenly came in with--wait, why are you here?

"everyone! eyes and ears on me" ordered our professor

We immediately followed him and waited for what he would say next

"okay! maybe you know the man next to me, right?" everyone nodded except for me because I was staring at his face

"Iho introduce yourself to your new classmates" the prof ordered here

He suddenly turned his eyes so I was nervous because he stopped me before he grinned, does this have a problem with me?

"I'm Xavier Heix Morgan 18, and don't mess up with me" he said but he was looking at me and it was as if he was conveying what he was saying.

Why is he still in our class? Why does it have to be here? Oh Elmezira you're doomed!

After that scene ended, the prof immediately left with Xavier.

It still needs paperwork

take care of it but the trouble came first so there was no class and the others did nothing but gossip Xavier

Since we weren't doing anything, Hera and I decided to go to the cafeteria.

"That's right! I'm so hungry"

The behavior of the person next to me who also agreed with me "me either, I haven't had breakfast since earlier"

We immediately ordered two burgers and two fries and also two iced coffees and started eating

While we were eating, we suddenly heard the banging of metal or should I say putting food in the cafeteria. I and the person next to me turned around and were shocked at what we witnessed.

That was Relcy, it held the metal and hit omg's head twice! that was javier. I can see the tension in his jaw but his face is still calm

"You son ot a mother fucker he yelled at Javier. "what right do you have to cancel my brother's scholarship, you f*yop?" he kept saying, what's going on? I still exist being a chismosa!

"sister, please sit down, let's leave it. Besides, they are the owners of the school, we can't do anything" her brother calmed her down

"I don't care who they are, this school doesn't belong to them, they will just be insulted by the students" he shouted still causing the murmuring of the diners

Well I can't question her even I might be angry. Her sister is still the calmest knowing Relcy she's a b*tch school headache or pain in their ass. But she's super protective when it comes to her sister that's why her reaction is normal

He was about to hit Javier again when he stopped his hand, but he stood up and looked at him from head to toe

"being a trash doesn't suit in this school" he suddenly spoke, omg I thought he was nice but he and his brother are the same, do they really think of the students here as trash?

Relcy suddenly laughed and looked at Javier from head to toe.

"That's why you don't suit here, because you also look like a trash" he said

Javier also smiled at him and spoke again.

"why don't you ask your sister what did she do," he asked and the grin on his face disappeared

Relcy immediately frowned and looked at her brother's nervous face at Javier's words

"Alice! what does it say?" he asked his brother

"I don't know what he's saying,

I didn't do anything, believe me"

we were surprised when he suddenly started crying

"You're a liar, I didn't do anything, we're just mad at each other, why are you saying that" Alice shouted and approached Javier and hit him on the chest

Immediately, someone pulled over so that we could look at the man who had just arrived and was smirking at Alice

"why don't you tell your sister that you f*cked our brother in comfort room, that's why your scholarship get's removed" he said while grinning as the whispers grew louder

To Be Continued...

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