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Jewels of the heart

Jewels of the heart



"Jewelry symbolically carries chords of meaning as a tangible expression of our life's feelings and passages" "Abandoned by her biological family, and abused by her foster family, Jasmine is left to face the darkness alone. Fate intervenes when she escapes her torment, only to be nearly run over by a wealthy stranger. His act of kindness sparks a new hope within her as he takes her in and makes her his adopted daughter. Years later, she rises from the ashes like a phoenix and blossoms into a stunning young With a passion for designing and crafting jewelry, she builds a new life abroad, but the fire of revenge still burns within her. Returning home, she's ready to confront her past, but instead, she finds herself entangled in a love triangle with a single dad and her sister's ex. The twist? He's also the father of her sister's child. As she navigates this complex web of relationships and family secrets, will she find forgiveness, love, and redemption, or will the shadows of her past consume her once again?" In this poignant and captivating story, a young woman's pursuit of revenge and redemption collides with the complexities of love. Will she find justice for the wrongs she endured or succumb to the overwhelming desires of her heart? Dive into this gripping tale to discover the hidden truths and unexpected twists that await her.

Chapter 1 1. Trails of the past

You're a disgrace to this family jasmine, I really do regret the day I didn't listen to your father and have you adopted, it's a good thing you're finally leaving our lives.

Flash back.

The glass shattered with a deafening crash, the sound waves reverberating through the air like a scream.

My hands trembled in fear and my heart raced with anticipation for the worse.

"JASMINE!" Just as I expected there it was. My mother's scream, I froze, my eyes fixed on the door as if waiting for the storm to unleash its fury.

My mother's voice was like a crack of thunder, shaking the very foundations of my being. I knew that tone, that pitch, that raw emotion. It was the sound of her anger.

Hurtful images of past situations flashed in my head, my body trembled while I waited for the devil to unleash her fury. She waltzed into the kitchen, fire burning in her eyes, as they bore hole into my irises.

"Mother, I..... 'Smack' my face fell to the side, tears rolling down my face while i held my hurting cheek.

"You foolish child. That was the last piece from my wedding and you just broke it" she yelled. Silent sobbed creaked from my lips, while i stared at the woman who birthed me rain curses on me. "

... I knew right from the moment I gave birth to you, that I should have gotten rid off you the moment I gave birth to you, just as your father suggested. Now, look at what you've done, that cup was gifted by a very special person jasmine" she yelled at me, but this time her tone was louder.

I stood there, feeling like a wounded animal, as my mother's words pierced my soul. I couldn't bear to look at her, so I fixed my gaze on the shattered remains of the cup, the pieces seeming to mock me with their fragility.

My mind raced with thoughts of self-blame and self-doubt, wondering if I was indeed the foolish child she claimed I was.

The silence that followed was oppressive, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved issues. I couldn't bring myself to say anything because I knew it's only earn me another slap, so I remained silent.

"Hey honey, I'm home" the deep voice of my father interrupted the heated moment. I swallowed nervously, and my eyes went wide.

'No no. He isn't supposed to be home now, why's he here?' In some cases, the fathers are meant to be the heroes who'd save their abused kids from their mother, but that wasn't my case. My both parents were equally as evil as the devil himself.

Now he's is home, I'm sure going to get it from the both of them. He pulled his coat and hung it on the hook, his eyes never leaving mine, filled with a mixture of fury and toxicity.

My mother's gaze was still burning with fury, her arms crossed, and her foot tapping impatiently. I knew I was in for a double dose of scolding, and my heart sank in anticipation.

The air was thick with tension, and I could feel the weight of their disapproval bearing down on me.

"Father, I'm sorry I...I didn't mean to.....

"You're never meaning to do anything jasmine. Tell me, are you this unfortunate? You've never done anything to impress us in your life. We feed you, we clothe you, we shelter and all you do is to disappoint us." My father's words were like arrows in my heart.

A heavy sigh left his lips as he retreated his steps back wards while he rolled the sleeves of his shirt.

"Is that all Marcus? You aren't going to hit her anymore? C'mon, that glass was gifted to us by Mr Celestine, have you forgotten how much it means to us?" She tried to tempt his spirit but luck was on my side that night, my father didn't bulge.

"Let it be Emilia, the deed has been done. Hitting her won't mend the broken glass cup." My mother's nose turned red and she slowly returned her gaze to me, her cold eyes piercing through mine.

"You should thank your God today jasmine" she seethed out through gritted teeth and left the kitchen. I sighed in relief but I couldn't control the tears that rolled down my cheeks. I tidied up the kitchen and left for my room.

As if my guardian angel decided to take a break, my both parents were still up, and in the living room.

"Jasmine" my father called.

"Yes father " I replied, my tone flat and ghosted while my gaze were fixed on my feet.

"My eyes are up here young lady" he growled, and I felt the pulse in my heart race. I slowly brought my gaze to meet theirs, and as usual they held nothing but hate and fury and it made me question my existence.

"Pack your things, you'd be leaving tomorrow" my mother announced. Without thinking, I dared to question to them.

"W..why?" "Did you just question our instruction?" I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, about to defend myself, when I felt her fingers wrapped around my neck.

"How dare you? You......

"Emilia, let it be" once again, my father came to my rescue. The moment she released her grip from my neck, I took in all the air I could take, wheezing and coughing to catch my breath.

"Young lady, you have no right to question us, just do as you're told. Let's not make your last night with us a horrible one, now leave"

'Last night?' I questioned inwardly as I stared at my parents, expecting an explanation but all I got was a glare from them.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" My mother snarled. With a wavering body, I left their presence. As I drew closer to my room, I dreaded the moment that is yet to come. I was going to face my little sister, another demon, who tormented me. I slowly opened the door, to find on her bed with her colouring book and crayons.

"Ughh" I heard her exclaim and saw her eyes roll at my presence. Well the feeling is mutual sis. I thought to myself.

"Why are you here jasmine? Aren't you supposed to be doing the house chores?" She whined and I concededly rolled my eyes.

Anyone who walks into us would think Juanita is the oldest because of the way she treats me.

She always disrespects me, ridicule me and bullies me, and I dare not retaliate else I'd have it hard from my parents. She is their golden egg.

Everyday, I stay at the sideline and watch how she's being treated with love, and so much adoration while I, on the hand, I'm treated with hate and disgust.

For eight years of my life, I stayed in my room, curled up in silence and darkness, wondering what I ever did to make my family treat me the way I did, but I never got an answer.

With a heavy heart, I went towards my little closet and began packing my things.

"Hey what are you doing?" Juanita questioned arrogantly. I had nothing to say to her because she wasn't stupid to see I was packing my stuff.

Though she was only six, everyone around praised her for being a smart little girl, so I was hoping she'd use her brains.

"I'm talking to you jasmine" she pulled my hair, making a scream filled with pain emit from my mouth.

"Let go Juanita, you're hurting me" I cried out but she didn't yield to my cry, instead she tugged harder on my hair.

"I asked you a question jasmine, what are you doing?" she yelled. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of replying to question but I've been through so much today and the last thing I wanted was my angry parents intervening and giving me a beating I'd never forget, so I decided to give her an answer.

"Mom and dad asked me to pack my stuff" I stuttered. She didn't let go yet, instead she tugged harshly, until I felt some strands leave the root of my head.

"Now, was that so hard huh?" She hissed out and retreated back to her bed. I knelt on the fall crying hard while I stared at the strands of my hair that was plucked out .

I really don't know where my parents were sending me off to, but somewhere deep down within me feels a little bit of joy, that I was finally leaving my toxic home.

I finished packing my stuff into an old worn out duffel bag, then i grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom, the only place I found momentarily comfort.

As the cold water cascaded down, the tears in my eyes finally broke free, streaming down my face like a river of pain.

I let out a sob, the sound echoing off the bathroom tiles, and I slumped against the wall, feeling the weight of my despair. The water washed away the physical hurt, but not the emotional scars.

I thought of all the times l'd tried to please them, to be the perfect daughter, but never quite measuring up.

The memories swirled in my mind like a vortex, pulling me down into the darkness. I didn't know how much more I could take, how much more of their venom I could swallow.

Good thing, I was finally leaving.

I got out of the bathroom, dressed in a large night gown, my wet hair was wrapped up in my towel. I was about to get into bed when my arrogant little called my attention.

"Hey, you haven't given me my foot massage yet." She reminded me of a job that wasn't mine to carry out.

Though I was exhausted and yearned to escape into the darkness, a place where I could craft my own world and live life on my own terms, I had no choice but to obey.

I retrieved a bottle of oil from the chest and sat on the floor, beginning the massage as she rested comfortably on her bed.

My eyes drooped, heavy with fatigue, but i knew better than to fall asleep before she did. After what felt like an eternity, she finally drifted off, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I closed the oil bottle and tiptoed to my bed, careful not to disturb her.

As I lay down, a soft sigh escaped my lips, and I surrendered to the darkness, my eyes closing like a door to my own secret world.

The next morning I woke up early as usual, so I could do the chores and also get ready for the mysterious day ahead of me.

I usually don't have breakfast, and though I was leaving today, I didn't expect anything to be different.

After I was done with the house chores and preparing breakfast for everyone, I went to my room to wake Juanita up so she could get ready for school.

While she was in the bathroom,

I sat at the edge of the bed, staring into space, wondering what my parents had planned out for me for the day. Where was I going to? Could they be selling me off? The thoughts of that did sting my heart but if it were true, I wouldn't be surprised.

Tears broke out from my eyes as everything I have endured surfaced in my memory.


Juanita was ready for school, while I was bracing myself for whatever plans my parents had in store for me.

"Mom, Dad!" she called out, her school bag slung over her shoulder. In an instant, our mother appeared in our room.

"Good morning, Mother," I offered a faint greeting but as usual, it went unacknowledged. Her gaze lingered on me for a moment, before shifting to Juanita with a warm smile.

"Good morning, baby! How was your night?" Juanita beamed, embracing our mother, who showered her with affection- affection that should have been shared between us.

I stood in the corner, watching, feeling the ache in my heart and the sting of tears in my eyes.

"Come on, let's go! We have guests waiting, and we need to attend to them before you leave for school,' our mother said, playing with Juanita's hair and kissing her forehead.

"Okay, Mom," Juanita replied, slipping on her shoes and taking our mother's hand.

"Get your bag and come downstairs. Don't waste a single second, you know what that means," our mother warned, her eyes narrowing at me.

"Yes, Mother," I replied, grabbing my bag and following them closely, feeling like an afterthought in my own family.

As I made my way downstairs, I found a couple in the living room, engaged in a conversation with my father.

They were seated on the couch, sipping on their coffee from the delicate china cups.

The woman had a curly brown hair and she wore a warm smile, she was in a stylish yellow sundress with white flowers, her legs crossed elegantly.

Her husband, a tall man with a rugged jawline and piercing blue eyes, wore a crisp white shirt and khaki pants, his arm casually slung over the back of the couch.

"Oh, they're here!' my father announced, his smile a thin veil for his true emotions.

"Oh my, she's so adorable!" The woman gushed over me, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. She enveloped me in a hug, and I hesitantly reciprocated, feeling like a puppet on strings.

When she pulled away, she caressed my face and smiled, her words dripping with insincerity.

"You're pretty darling." I felt a lump form in my throat, her compliment hard to accept. She led me to her husband.

"Hi dear, I am Jonathan" he introduced while he offered me a handshake. I hesitated, my eyes darting to my parents, who glared at me with an unspoken warning. I forced a smile and shook his hand.

"Jasmine, darling," my mother called, her voice sugary sweet. "Meet Jonathan and Claire, your new parents." My eyes widened in shock as I took in the strangers, my mind reeling with the reality of my situation.

"Parents?" I echoed, my voice barely audible. My mother's expression turned syrupy, her eyes gleaming with false tears.

"Look, honey, we're sorry for being bad parents, okay? But Jonathan and Claire will be better parents. They'll give you everything we couldn't." Her words felt like a slap in the face, her hypocrisy stinging.

As we finished with the adoption papers, I felt a sense of detachment wash over me. I was leaving behind the only home I knew, I felt sad because I wasn't sure if I was escaping or getting into a worser home.

My mother's whispered warnings and fake tears felt like a thinly veiled threat. I knew she was relieved to be rid of me, and the thought stung.

As I turned to leave, my mother waved goodbye, her eyes dry and calculating. I didn't wave back, my arm feeling heavy and uncoordinated.

I slid into the backseat of the car, feeling like a stranger in a strange land.

The silence was oppressive, the only sound the hum of the engine and the soft murmur of Claire's voice as she chatted with Jonathan.

I didn't know how to feel, my emotions tangled in a knot of fear, anger, and uncertainty.

All I knew was that I was leaving behind the only life I knew, and stepping into an unknown future.

We were deep into our drive, and I wondered were we heading to. The sky was turning dark already, and my eyes felt heavy. After a long ride and deep silence, Mrs Claire finally broke the ice.

"You must be hungry, should I get you something to eat?" She turned back to look at me, her signature sweet smile on her face. I didn't know if I should be wary about that or I should accept that the heavens have finally answered my prayers.

"Y..yes ma'am, I'm quite hungry" I confessed.

"You should have said so earlier but don't worry about that, I'd get you something to eat from the nearby fast food. Nathan, stop the car" she asked her husband and he did so.

She got down from the car and through the window I watched her walked towards a small fast food built at the corner of the road.

"I didn't expect you to be this beautiful darling. It's going to be hard having my way with you, considering the fact my wife seems to have taking a liking into you already" I felt his hand on my thighs and immediately i felt a surge of terror wash over me.

I can tolerate anything but being sexually abused would ruin in me. Without a second thought, I got down from the car and ran for my life.

I heard him call behind me but I didn't care, I needed to escape from the new phase of abuse. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, my eyes blurry with tears and my body logged because of how tired I was.

I was so concentrated on escaping from my new father I forgot I was running on the high way.

My feet were starting to fail, my eyes were drooping, and my head was trying to make sense of all the street sounds and honking around me.

The last thing I heard was the screeching sound of a vehicle, before I was consumed by darkness.

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