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His little Pawn

His little Pawn



"What did you say your name was? He asked. "Sapphire. Why? "Sapphire huh" He suddenly smiled. "Marry me" What? Sapphire Richardson, a scholarship student and daughter to a poor sick mother finds herself entrapped when she comes against and defies 32 year old Lance Clawson, a multi billionaire and a son to a much vast multi billionaire empire who in exchange of her defiance asks her to marry him. He corners her till she has no other option but to accept after which she is catapulted into the Clawson family and it's many dramas. She is caught between the cruel hate and revenge filled battle for power within the family. She must shield herself from the battle field she selflessly tries to save a cold Lance from his family and also from himself. Will she turn his heart away from revenge or will he go deeper and get her caught in it also?

Chapter 1 The meeting

Sapphire's POV

I was swirling the drink in my glass as my friends chatted away. Evelyn was screaming about something her boyfriend did to her as always while Rebecca kept flaunting her new necklace. The only thing I could think about at the moment was my sick mum and also about myself who was completely useless.

You may be wondering who I am.

I am Sapphire Richardson, daughter to a struggling family but also First class scholarship students at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. People called me a truckload of nerves and pride but I pretty much felt like I was just a typical girl with typical issues and one who stayed out of trouble including men troubles. After my father ditched my mother when she got sick to elope with his female boss, I closed every possible chapter called relationships. Guys were horrible and cheats too. After all I had friends and I've seen how they always cried truckload of tears on my shoulders now and then because of the heartbreaks they got from their boyfriends. I couldn't bear them and I hated guys a bit too because they were nothing but unfaithful jerks.

"Sapphire, let's go dance! Rebecca slapped at my shoulders and I winced.

"Nah, thanks but I'm good"

I sipped from the wine and continued brooding.

"Oh come on Sapphire, loosen up! We came here to have some fun and come on the guys here are so cute!

I rolled my eyes.

"I only agreed to come here cause you dragged me here. I mean the drinks here cost a fortune, how the hell did you even afford it Evelyn?

"Well I have my ways" Evelyn said flipping her golden locks to a side and filtering her lashes.

"It's doesn't matter if they cost a fortune, we're here we might as well have some fun! Come on Sapphire" Becky who had been quiet for a while chipped in and pulled at my hand dragging me to the dance floor. I was still groaning and protesting when someone walked into the club. His presence seemed to cause a standstill cause everyone went quiet. He walked in with two body guards behind him and mehn was he drop dead gorgeous.

He was about 6"2 feet tall, broad shoulders, nice legs with a face that looked lik it had been carved by a greek God. For some reason I couldn't stop staring and then our eyes clocked. His eyes ….were cold. So cold and dark like the abyss. He had this look as if he could bore through someone's soul. Like a handsome devil. He looked away and moved away to a seat which from what I observed had already been prepared for him.

Who the hell was this guy? And why was his presence so intimidating? I scoffed. He was probably some handsome bad boy man. The types who felt they were every woman's dream.

"Oh my gawd. That guy looks like every woman's dream. He's so sexy" Becky chipped at my elbow and I frowned.

"Oh please. He's not that good looking"

Now, wasn't that a lie? I almost drooled looking at him.

The music started and everyone was strutting it on the dance floor. I wasn't much of a dancer but I gave it my all. Dancing away all my worries. Becky had already paired off with a guy, Rebecca was dancing frantically dead drunk while Evelyn was busy flirting with the bartender. Everyone seemed to be having the times of their lives until…..

The violent sound of breaking glass hit the air. Everyone paused and I heard gasps filling the room. What the hell just happened? I heard the tearing sound of someone being slapped and a terrifying cry which sounded like …..Rebecca! I tore through the crowd to come face to face with Rebecca on the ground and a hulk of a man pulling at her shirt like he would rip it. She seemed to be begging and pleading. Then I realized he was one of the body guards who had walked in with that man earlier. Then I saw him gazing down at Rebecca like an animal, his white tuxedo smeared with red hot wine. Then I understood what happened. She had crashed into him while dancing and soiled his suit.

I gasped. The hulk of a man slapped Rebecca again and my heart shook.

How could he stand there and let his men treat her like that? She was drunk and it was an accident! How much was the stupid suit anyway enough to hit a woman that way. I felt my blood boil and before I knew it, I walked to where that hulk of a man was and gave him a forceful push. He only staggered a little so it wasn't enough to free Rebecca but it was enough to catch their attention . I flared at Mr pretty boy.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How can you treat a woman this way over a stupid suit? She was drunk. It's not like she did it intentionally!

He glared at me and raised a brow.

"Stupid suit? I saw him scoff.

"I see, are you her mother?

I grimaced. Was that an insult?

"I'm her friend you jerk! Now leave her alone! I thundered and I heard some gasps behind me. He just kept glaring at me with his hands now in his pockets.

"This suit is worth more your entire family bundled together so if I leave your friend then will you pay for it or rather receive her punishment, bitch?

Did he just call me a bitch? I was almost speechless. Bitch?

"I'm a bitch? Aren't you the petty guy for crying over a suit. I mean since you're big and mighty why don't you just buy another one? I mean obviously from your get up, you're what? A big boss billionaire right?

Or are you just too broke you can't afford another suit? I can replace it for you if you're that desperate"

Sounds of 'ooh's and ahh filled the room and for once I saw his eyes slightly widen and grow darker. Evelyn who had gotten closer by now gasped and made to pull me away.

"Sapphire, you shouldn't….we should leave…

"No, this jerk needs some sense smacked into his head! You saw what he did to Rebecca. What kind of man does that? I snapped.

"But Sapphire, you don't even know who he is ……Evelyn said in naked fright and I scoffed. I looked at him and he had a strange look on his face by now. I saw him signal to his body guards who left Rebecca alone and I rushed to her pulling her away from him. Evelyn helped hold her up. His guards had begun dispersing people by now and chasing them away.

"Sapphire right? I heard him say and I looked at him dead in the eyes. He must have heard Evelyn call my name. The nerves!

"So? I scoffed at him. For some reason he inched dangerously close to me and I took steps back but then I heard him whisper into my ear.

"I'll make you eat your words" His tone sent chills down my spine and I looked straight at him again.

"Excuse me….

I saw him look at his pure wristwatch and twisted his lips but then his next words caught me off guard.

"Let's get married Sapphire"

Wait ….what? I looked at him like he was insane.

"Excuse me?

"Yes, let's get married. You and me. Delmar resort table 9 next week Saturday at 10am"

"Whoah,whoah….wait Mr…I don't even know you and after that stunt you pulled why would I even want to do that?

"Oh, I don't think you'll have much of a choice by then. I'll see you by then. I hate tardiness so be punctual if you don't want to get on my bad side. Take care of your friend by the way. She should consider you her Messiah" He said with a bitter and twisted smirk after which I saw him walk away.

What the hell?

I looked at him as he moved out of the club along with his body guards.

He was nothing but a handsome psychopath! How the hell could he ask me to marry him? Why….? But then the words he spoke before that came crashing into my head.

What did he mean when he said he would make me eat my words? Why did it make me feel fright?

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