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No Regrets

Anna saved a boy from drowning when she was younger, despite having a trauma. Now childhood friends they soon separate to further their studies but due to some misunderstandings they couldn’t keep in touch no more. Years later they return and he proposes marriage to Anna, despite haven’t seen or heard from him all this years Anna couldn’t deny her feelings and decides to accept the proposal only to find out that he wasn’t in love with her and their marriage was a façade. As the story unfolds secrets are reviewed, characters are not what they seem to be, plots are made.

Chapter 1 Accidents Happen

Chapter one: Accidents Happen.

“Anna!” “Anna, wake up!!!” I could hear a distant voice calling out to me, but I was deep asleep, and I had no idea that I was. These dreams haunting me now and then all seemed real enough every single time. I relive the torment of the day I lost my sister to the cold hands of death. The burden of guilt, a punishment I must endure, a penance I carry with me. Forgiveness seems like a distant memory, a concept I dare not seek.

Anna wakes up with a loud gasp to a blurry vision of her mum directly looking over her “it’s only a dream” Amelia reassures.

In that moment, Anna’s heart raced, and her breath was shallow. She closed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of the nightmare. Slowly, she took deep breaths, finally coming to the realization of her actual environment and relieved that it was all a dream. She hugs her mum as she cries profusely, still trembling in fear.

“The nightmares, make it stop! make it stop!” She sobs.

Amelia quickly holds unto Anna’s face.

Anna was 12 and she had the most delicate features you could ever imagine like a porcelain doll, her curly hair cascaded down her shoulders like a dark waterfall, framing her face with a touch of elegance. Her eyes held so much sadness as she looked directly into the eyes of her mother with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“It was never your fault, can’t you let it go” Amelia’s comforting voice breaks out as she rubs Anna’s cheeks softly, trying so hard to reassure and create a safe space for her daughter. She’s too young to suffer like this and it breaks Amelia’s heart each time she sees her daughter this traumatized.

Anna quickly places her hands over that of her mother’s and pulls it down away from her face to her mother's laps. “lies”, Anna blurts out as she stands up from the bed which she laid earlier on, she picks up her dress and quickly puts it over her body.

Amelia stood up standing directly behind her “What did you just say?” Amelia’s eyes were now red but not a single tear in sight.

Anna turns around to look at her in disbelief “Its not my fault? (Scoffs) funny how you say that to me and say something else behind my back! … I heard what you said to Aunt Margaret, I heard everything!” Anna moves two steps closer to Amelia and grabs Amelia’s hand.

She smacks her face with it “hit me!!!” “Hate me!!!” With each word she smacks her face continuously “just curse at me!!!” She screams.

Amelia's hand recoiled swiftly as she gazed at her daughter with a mix of frustration and sorrow. "ENOUGH! Stop it! It's not easy for you, it's not easy for me. We're both struggling, but I try to be there for you. Stop being selfish for once!".

The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, regret seeping in instantly. As silence enveloped them, she attempted to backtrack, "Anna, I didn't mean..."

Anna, unmoved, turned on her heels and fled the house.

She wandered aimlessly for hours with her mind a mess, clouded with frustration and hurt wishing things had panned out differently, perhaps she was too harsh on her mother who truly cared.

Lost in her thoughts, a sudden memory of her childhood best friend flashed in her mind, like a beacon of comfort in the midst of turmoil. With a determined stride, Anna retraced her steps, her heart yearning for the familiarity and warmth of her friend's company. “His foolish, I’ll feel better with him” she thought.

As she hurried along the familiar streets, a commotion caught her attention. A boy, not much older than herself, sprinted past her, closely followed by a group of menacing men. In a swift and unexpected move, the boy bumped into Anna, a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down her spine.

What was that? She wandered.

She turned to watch him dart away, his agile movements outmaneuvering his pursuers in a heart-pounding chase through the crowded streets.

Breathless and wide-eyed, Anna followed the unfolding drama, her heart racing in sync with the boy’s desperate escape. Just as the boy seemed to have evaded his chasers and reached the safety of a bridge overlooking the glistening river, in a moment of misfortune, he lost his footing, teetering on the edge before plunging into the cold waters below.

With a gasp of shock, Anna’s eyes widened as she watched the boy disappear beneath the surface, no one seemed to have noticed this scene before her eyes. Frozen in disbelief, she stood rooted to the spot. In that intense moment, she found herself engulfed in a whirlpool of emotions, memories of the past mingling with the urgent need to rescue the boy. Despite the haunting echos of her trauma, in a swift instance she leaped into action. She dived in, scanning through the waters and pulling the boy to safety. Almost making it out herself but unfortunately her lack of recent swimming experience threatened to overwhelm her.

Struggling to keep afloat, the weight of her fears pressing down on her, it seemed like she was destined to be consumed by the very depths she had bravely ventured into.


(The Montclair villa)

News has spread like wildfire that the esteemed Montclair family, famed for their exquisite winery, has ventured into a new province. Their arrival has stirred excitement and curiosity among locals, as the Montclairs are renowned for their exceptional wines and sophisticated taste. Rumors swirl about the family’s intentions in the province, hinting at potential collaborations and exclusive wine offerings that are sure to elevate the regions reputation in the world of viticulture.

Mrs Montclair turns off the tv, she appeared visibly irritated, her expression grew tense, and a furrow appeared on her brow. She seemed frustrated that her family's true influence was not portrayed as magnificently as she believed it should be. The descriptions fell short of capturing the grandeur and power she felt her family truly possessed, leaving her yearning for a more fitting and impressive portrayal of their stature. “Just, exquisite?” She questions in disbelief. Finally coming to the realization that her forehead was tensed, and, in a frown, she places a finger on it in a bid to massage into it, she picks up her mirror “You look so beautiful and young, let’s maintain that…” she fixed her face into having a quick yet attractive smile.

Still indulged in her captivating reflection, her personal assistant rushes in with the biggest worry on her face.

“What seems to be the matter?” Mrs Montclair questioned. Not withholding Amara breaks the news. “Mrs Montclair… your son was involved in an accident”.


Four years ago, on the day of the accident (chewan province)

It was on a Friday morning, the air was so breezy, pregnant Amelia laid there on the cold floor fast asleep with her sister Margaret while Josephine and Anna shared the bed barely spacious for two kids. Anna was fast asleep, but Josephine was unsettled, she moves over to Anna’s ears and whispers “let’s go, it’s time!”. Without questioning anything though still sleepy Anna stood up from the bed led quietly by her elder sis, the two kids hurriedly sneaked out of the house heading towards the sea. Josephine was 10 and at the time Anna was 8.

“Where are we going, Jojo?” Anna questioned still half asleep; she had forgotten the plan they had made the previous night before going to bed. Josephine quickly responds “Have you forgotten? We are going to dig up clams for mother, she loves them a lot and she would play with us again, if we get them for her”. Anna quickly giggles, they seemed to be happy at the thought of the idea. They get to the sea and Josephine starts digging for clams, she was so hellbent on bringing the smiles she grew up with back to her mum's face. Anna stood their wandering away, distracted she stared at the sea reminiscing the days she went swimming with her dad, but he was dead now and their mother turned cold. Anna quickly takes off her nighties and goes for a swim.

As Anna frolicked in the sea, her laughter echoing in the salty air “Jojo come take a swim with me, the water is sooooo cold” she dragged her words playfully. “I will shortly, Anna”. Josephine responded still focused on her task, digging up clams with determination. However, as the moments passed, Josephine noticed that Anna's joyful splashes had ceased, and an eerie silence fell over the sea. Concerned, Josephine dropped her shovel and hurried towards the water's edge, calling out for her sister.

“Anna” “Annaaaa” “Anna, where are you?” She cried

With a sinking feeling in her heart, Josephine waded into the sea, scanning the tranquil surface for any sign of Anna. The water, once inviting and playful, now seemed vast and foreboding. Panic gripped Josephine's chest as she realized Anna was nowhere to be seen. Frantically, she searched the waters, her calls for Anna becoming more desperate with each passing second. Without wasting a second more she swims in, as her cries for Anna faded into the sound of the waves.

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