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Redeemed and Mated to The Lycan King

Redeemed and Mated to The Lycan King

Seb Avril


Ashley's heart shattered when her werewolf mate cruelly rejected her upon learning of her pregnancy. Tears streamed down as she stumbled through the dark forest, ready to end her suffering. But the legendary Lycan king Dante emerged, his golden eyes filled with kindness. He vowed to protect Ashley and her unborn pup, embracing her despite her perceived sin. Though her path had been sorrowful, Ashley now had hope under the king's wing. Was this truly a new beginning? Could the fragmented pieces of her heart finally mend? Or would the ghost of her past forever haunt her?

Chapter 1 Ch. One

My heart raced in fear as Ryder's words cut through me like knives. "You're pregnant? With my child?" He spat the words out as if I had committed some vile betrayal.

"Yes, my love," I replied softly, tears welling up. "We're going to have a beautiful pup together."

Ryder's golden eyes, usually so warm and loving when gazing upon me, now burned with rage. "Don't you dare call it 'our' pup," he snarled. "I want no part of this!"

I stepped back, feeling as though I'd been physically struck. "B-but Ryder...I thought you'd be happy. This is what we've always wanted..."

He shook his head in disgust. "I never wanted to be tied down, especially not to a weakling like you who can't even control her shifts during the cycle. I don't know whose owns that , but it's not mine."

The venom in his tone pierced what was left of my shattered heart. My legs trembled, and I had to grab the wall to keep me from collapsing. This couldn't be happening...not my beloved Ryder.

"Please..." I whispered brokenly. "Don't leave me..."

But he was already gone, storming out the door without a backwards glance. Leaving me alone in our den, with nothing but the shards of my shattered future surrounding me.

I sank to the ground, violent sobs ripping through my body as the reality of Ryder's brutal refusal hit me. My hand caressed my still flat stomach, and I felt the gentle surge of new life growing inside me, a life that was to be celebrated, not cursed.

How could he think this pup wasn't his? I was with no one else...Ryder was my mate, my everything. They fully touched us under the last red moon and we fell in love with each other. But now he had abandoned me like a piece of trash, all because of the "crime" of being pregnant with his children.

Realizing that my life as I knew it was over hit me with wave after wave of sadness. The love of my life wanted nothing to do with me or our baby. What kind of future was I supposed to give to a wolf whose own father had shunned him in solitude? I had nowhere to go. I was just an orphan striving to live. These thoughts tortured me until I could barely breathe inside my throat.

I don't know how long I lay there drowning in despair. But I kept thinking of how miserable my life has become in a twinkle of an eye. Where do I want to go ? I have nowhere to go. I have always been a lone wolf without a pack until I mate Ryder who took me in.

I had to get away from this place. In the distance, there are sights and smells, an unfortunate reminder of my lost life.

I walked aimlessly through the dark forest, my mind racing with shock and sadness. Branches crashed into my face as I stumbled blindly over the hard foundation rocks, not paying attention to what was hitting me or to my fatigue. All I could hear was Ryder's voice booming in my head.

"I don't know who it is, but I don't know..."

My hands squeezed my still, flat stomach, and I felt the precious life surging inside me. How could he think these weren't his own flesh and blood? I had never been with anyone else and since dating Ryder, I have never even seen another man. He was my mate, my universe...or so I had believed.

With each step, a searing pain stabbed through my heart, and Ryder's expression of utter disgust and denial echoed. The love I had seen so many times in his eyes had vanished leaving behind an empty rage that burned straight into my soul.

Maybe he was right...maybe I didn't deserve his love, or anyone's love. What kind of mother would I be, unable to control my shifts and changes?

There was absolutely no point living at all.

Tears stream down my eyes.

I kept moving to the deepest part of the forest with just one thought running through my head.

Death Death Death

I was going to end it all, I was going to meet those people that genuinely love me. My parent

After running like forever, I halted at a cliff where I was going to end it all. I took a deep breath and threw myself down the cliff...

Waiting for the darkness to take over and finally leaving my hopeless fate. A sudden movement in the darkness made me freeze.

Glowing red eyes pierced the gloom, a deep, guttural growl rumbling forth. My breath caught in my throat , it was a Lycan, one of the rare and powerful alpha werewolves. Alpha Dante.

I felt his hands wrapped around my waist.

My eyes flew open, and I found myself staring into a pair of mesmerizing gray orbs, filled with an intensity that made my heart race. His deep, rumbling voice demanded, "What are you doing out here, little wolf? This is no place for you."

In that instant, as our gazes locked, I felt a profound shift deep within my very soul, one that would irrevocably alter the course of my life forever.

My heart pounded as Dante's piercing gray eyes bored into me. Up close, I could see how incredibly powerful he was . broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, an aura of pure alpha dominance. I trembled under his stare, struggling to find my voice.

"I...I was..." I stammered helplessly.

Dante's brow furrowed, clearly displeased with my non answer. With one swift movement, he scooped me up into his arms like I weighed nothing. I gasped at the unexpected contact, my cheeks flushing hot.

"You reek of anguish and hopelessness, little one," he rumbled, his voice a deep vibration against my skin. "What would drive a she wolf to the cliffs on a night like this?"

Were you planning on killing yourself? He asked me

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