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Rosette Ivy


Alfred Armstrong, a young handsome man around the age of twenty nine , Looks, money , fame he had it all , he is the richest man in New York, he has Armstrong Bank , Armstrong Hospital, Armstrong orphanage home, Armstrong restaurant, Armstrong shopping mall and so on. He has a son called Drake, who he pampers and spoils a lot , Alfred and Drake's mom had a one nightstand that led to Drake. Drake is a naughty, mischievous Boy , who thinks the word revolves around him cause his dad is rich , he is rude and mannerless. Alfred is a busy man who has no time for love not to talk of a wife , has b**ches at his beck and call. Alfred’s grandfather – Grandpa Williams -- hated the fact that Alfred was still single at the age of twenty nine and was worried that he would never get married. So the old man played a trick on his grandson with a lady named Kristen. Who is Kirsten?? Kristen Steward is a beautiful and gorgeous lady , she have the right curve in the right place, her beauty is top notch . Don't judge a book by it cover, Although she is sweet and harmless , she is also a crazy and stubborn lady. She dropped out of college cause of her younger brother, her younger brother has kidney failure, so she dropped out , so she would be able to pay for his medical bills with part-time jobs, but it still wasn't enough. How did Grandpa Williams tricked Alfred and Kirsten? And how did the two strangers from different worlds get married? And what happens when Kristen and Alfred son are always at each other's throats, always annoying one and other ? And would Alfred and Kirsten love ever bloom???

Chapter 1 ✿ Young Boss ✿

✿ Young Boss ✿

Seven maids dressed in a black and white outfit could be seen standing In front of a door .

They took in a deep breath before opening the door, the seven of them stepped into the room.

The room was painted in blue and white color, everything in it was sparkling and clean, on the bed

was Drake Armstrong, the one and only child of Alfred. A blue duvet was covering his body, only his

face was left uncovered.

One of the maid's went to draw the curtain open , three went into his bathroom to prepare the

water for his bath , two went into his closet to get his school uniform and the last one went to wake


"Young boss , it’s morning already "the maid said while tapping Drake gently.

Drake opened his eyes slowly, and when they were fully opened he glared at the maid who woke him.

" I was having a really good dream , why the heck did you wake me?! " Drake shouted and the maid

shivered before going on her knees.

Her hands on the floor and her forehead was touching the floor while she kneeled down.

" Please forgive me young boss please " the maid begged even though she did nothing wrong.

"You are fired! " Drake shouted and she started crying.

"Please young boss have mercy "

" Get out !! " He shouted and she ran out of the room in tears .

The other maids couldn't help but feel pity for the maid but there was nothing they could do to help

her , if they plead for her Drake would Fire them too and nobody in their right sense of mind would

want to lose a job that they pays so well.

Drake got down from his bed and walked into the bathroom to take his bath.


Drake entered the dining room and as expected his dad was already there, he was eating his food,

looking all serious.

" Dad " he called as he took his seat beside his dad.

"Why aren't you on uniform ? " Alfred asked.

" I don't feel like putting on uniform, it not like anyone would dare to punish me " Drake said and

picked up his fork and knife.

He was right, No teacher would dare to punish him they respect him even the principal, why? Cause

his dad is the richest man in New York.

"Don't be late to school" Alfred said and stood up form the chair.

"Have a great day " Drake said and smiled.

Alfred lip curve up a bit , he bent over and pecked Drake hair , while Drake pecked his cheek.

" Love you "

" Love you too " Alfred replied on his way out.



"Sis , I can't find the other pair of my green sneakers! " Vance shouted from his room.

" Check under your bed! " Kristen yelled back from the small kitchen.

🎙️" Reporting live from NNTV Television " the television in their small living room said.

Kristen went to the living room and took the television remote, giving it more volume and she went

back to the kitchen.

🎙️" I am here with the richest and youngest billionaire alive " the report from the television said.

🎙️ " Yes the Billionaire is none other than Mr Alfred Armstrong, the hottest billionaire who won

thousands of ladies heart without even trying "

Kristen was still cooking in the kitchen when she heard a knock on the door, she stopped what she

was doing and washed her hands then dried it with a white small kitchen towel.

" Coming " she said as she walked out of the kitchen.

🎙️" Mr Alfred... "

Kristen put the television on mute as she went to open the door.

"Good morning Linda " Linda is one of the neighbors that stays with them.

" Morning Kristen, I made some potatoes " Linda said showing Kristen the potatoes that were

packed in a white food flask.

" Thanks " Kristen Said and collected it from Linda.

" Alfred Armstrong is on TV!! " Linda shouted as she got a glimpse of Alfred on television.

She ran into the house without Kristen inviting her , and sat on one of the old Couch.

She took the remote and gave the television more volume.

🎙️" Mr Alfred what do you have to say ? " The reporter said and pointed the microphone at Alfred .

🎙️" It a great honour to open another company, Armstrong hospital" Alfred said without any smile on his face.

🎙️"Mr Alfred How does it feel to open another hospital ? "

🎙️" It feels great " Alfred answered and walked away.

"He is so handsome " Linda said while giggling.

"Handsome but rude " Kirsten mumbled.

" What do you expect, he is the richest man in New York " Linda said and Kirsten. "Richest man? "

Kristen asked looking confused. "Don't tell me you don't know who Alfred Armstrong is ? " Linda said. "I don't know him and I don't care who he is " Kirsten said as she walked into the kitchen.


Kirsten ran out of her Apartment and immediately hailed down a taxi.

She was starting a new job today, Grandpa Williams offered her a job at one of the hotels yesterday,

So she was starting today. After hours of driving they arrived at the hotel , she thanked the taxi driver and paid him.

Her eyes widen as she saw the name that was written on the hotel gate .

‘ Armstrong hotel ‘

‘ Is it the Alfred Guy that owns this hotel ? ‘ she thought inwardly as she walked into the hotel .

“ Are you Kirsten , the one that we were informed would start working today ? ‘’ a woman dressed in

A red suit asked as Kirsten walked in.

“ Yes “ Kirsten answered with a smile.

“ Follow me “ the woman said and started walking while Kirsten walked behind her.

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