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Love at first crash

Love at first crash

Nicki creates


Synopsis: In the bustling heart of New York City, Ava Reed, an orphan striving to escape poverty, collides-quite literally-with Andrew Harrison, a billionaire convinced his wealth can solve any problem. After a minor car accident, Andrew, seeking to fend off the relentless pursuit of his wealthy family and the scheming Claire Parker, coerces Ava into a contractual relationship as his fake fiancée. Ava, sceptical but desperate for financial stability, agrees, viewing it as a simple business deal. However, her world is shaken when she overhears rumours of Andrew having another girlfriend. Initially indifferent, Ava soon finds herself questioning her feelings. As the charade continues, Ava stumbles upon a devastating secret about Andrew, leaving her at a crossroads: take legal action or follow her heart. This revelation sets off a chain of events that uncovers deeper, darker secrets within the Harrison family, shaking the very foundation of their lives. In a desperate attempt to prove his innocence and win Ava's heart, Andrew unearths a shocking family secret that ties his past to Ava's in unexpected ways. As they confront these revelations, their relationship is tested to the limit. The climax of their tumultuous journey leads to a painful but necessary confrontation with their pasts. With many scars and unresolved issues, they find themselves navigating a complex path to love. Claire, once a formidable obstacle, finds her own resolution, allowing Andrew and Ava to finally embrace a future together, stronger and more united than ever before. "Love at First Crash" is a tale of unexpected love, family secrets, and the healing power of love that emerges even in the face of adversity.

Chapter 1 1

It was spring again. Cherry blossoms bloom along bustling street, their pink petals adorning side walks. The colour of bright green trees contrasts those of the colourful flowers in parks. People stroll in typical spring clothes, a sleeveless top and a Jean or a pretty flower coloured dress. Sidewalk cafes hum with chatter as people soak up the warm sunshine.

This would have been the perfect spring for Ava. She would have spent the days with her friends taking a walk or just enjoying the warm sun. They could go for ice cream or go to the movies. They were so many things to do during spring.

She wore her Sneakers and pulled her bike out of the sidewalk. Pretty pink petals had fallen on it. She picked them one by one.

"Will I be lucky today or unlucky" she says as she picks the flowers from the black seat of her bike that was starting to ache her butt because they were old and shrunken already.

She picks up the last petal with her dainty fingers as her lips part and whisper the word "lucky".

She didn't think much of it because she never believed in luck, she believed in hard work as grandma always taught her.

She puts the boxes of cake gently at the basket of her bike and mounts it. Pedalling away not too slowly but not too fast either.

The scent of freshly baked vanilla and chocolate cakes filled her nostrils.

"Hard work" she murmured to herself as she tried to steady her pedalling pace.

Everyday at night, after a day filled with deliveries, she wondered what hard work has gotten her or her grandparents. They owned this family bakery for a decade now and they still couldn't afford a fancy vacation.

She would often tell grandma as they whisked the butter and eggs every morning

"If I ever see a way to get rich quickly, I'd take it as long as it isn't illegal"

Grandma would often smile revealing a set of white tooth. "You'll understand why hard-work can be so fulfilling someday"

That's how the conversation went most days, today was no different.

Ava arrived at the office. The big glass doors stood like a giant in front of her face. She parks her bike at the sidewalk and the security men let her in with a smile. They knew her now.

The one on the right probably in his thirties was definitely from texas. He had the looks, the accent and most especially the charisma. Ava would often stop by for a few laughs everyday after making deliveries.

The man on the left was African American. He had dark skin, fuzzy hair and the typical African American accent. He had a more serious face but he was nice. Sometimes grandma would pack a few cupcakes for them. Today was one of those days . She handed them the box with a smile and stepped inside the office

The ambience here was starting to feel familiar. They had been ordering different types of cakes and scones for a month now. Ava always wondered why but decided it was none of her business. As long as they paid, it was good enough.

The walls were painted a deep blue. The ceiling so far away she often wondered how the light bulbs were installed. Workers sit on their cubicle always focused and clicking away at keyboards. They made a clattering sound Ava found irritating. She walked up to the receptionist. A smile was plastered on her white face as usual. Her face though was pinker than normal. Must be all the spring air.

"Good morning"

"Right this way" The receptionist said pointing to the break room. Ava dropped the cupcakes on the large mahogany table. The break room looked good enough to be used for a fancy dinner. Ava wondered what it would be like to work here, to wear a crisp suit and her hair done nicely, clicking away at keyboards and having breaks for cake and coffee. She doubted she could work here. She studied Chemistry in college and still hadn't gotten a job.

She wouldn't lose hope though. She would keep working hard like grandma said. They would soon expand their bakery. She stepped outside and took a moment to feel the warm sun on her skin. This is why she loved spring. Everything about it was perfect.

She was on her way to having the perfect day. She could just feel it. She pulled her bike from the side walk and mounted on it after waving the friendly guards goodbye. She pedalled away slowly, picking up her pace. The streets had become busier. They were always a lot of tourists in New York City during spring.

Ava pedalled away slowly, enjoying the view of the bright green trees and bright flowers. The sound of children laughing as they went to school filled her heart with warmth. It made her remember her own days in middle school. She had little worries then and her parents were still alive. They weren't rich but they never made her feels like she lacked anything. Then one fateful day in winter, everything changed. She remembered coming home from school in a hurry. Leaving her classmates behind. It was one of the few days her parents got off from work. They had promised to build a snowman with her and then watch movies in the evening. It would be a memorable day. It was a memorable day.

Little Ava opened the door to their little home just beside the supermarket in a small neighbourhood. The house was quiet. Her parents weren't home, they probably went to run an errand. She decided to take a quick nap.

It was dark when she opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes to shake off the sleep. Her parents still weren't back. It was unusual.

"Ava, Ava, Ava"

The sound rang in her ears jolting her to reality. It was too late. She tried to dodge the incoming car that had lost control.

"Ohhh no" she heard a woman scream.

It was the last thing she heard. Everything went black.

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