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LOVE ME FOREVER (Mr. billionaire)

LOVE ME FOREVER (Mr. billionaire)

Quinn's pen


Help...help...help..,was the loud cry that escape a young lady mouth as she run up and down,she came back and stayed beside a man body who was covered in blood "Daddy don't leave me,please don't leave me"she cried and move to another female body who seems to be her mum also covered in blood "Mum, please don't leave me"was all she was saying but nobody came to her rescue Everyone seems not to have heard her and continue with their business. Dorris never know that life will turn against her,she was the heir to the second biggest company in the whole country,but her life collapse when her parents died. Raymond the ruthless but kind business man,who was also in need of a wife cling with Dorris,their first encounter. What happened when Raymond an orphan who was also trapped in his own nightmare met with Dorris whose life is collapsing? "Be my wife and I will make you stand again "Raymond said to Dorris who they have encountered each other for sometimes and was pressured by her grandparents to marry a wife. Join in this amazing ride in exploring the life between Raymond and Dorris

Chapter 1 Nightmare

"help...help..help"the shout for help was what a young lady could be seen crying out,as she run up and down non stop,she knelt down beside a man whose body was covered in blood, then move to the second body whose body was also covered with blood,these two body seems to be her parents body but she is helpless.

"Daddy,please don't leave me,I can't leave without you, daddy!!"she yelled and move to the second body

"Mommy, please don't leave me,I will die if you leave me,mummy please..

",She shouted again and run yo another direction,calling for help but it seems like nobody is hearing her, everyone just continue with their own business without sparing her a glance.

When nobody answer her,she returned to the bodies whose life is now slipping away.

"Mum,please don't go,no don't go, daddy please don't leave,no one will take care of me if you go, please mummy"she said as she cried heartily.

At this moment,a man who look like the man on the floor came,he looked at them and laugh out loud then he said to them..

"Nobody can save you,I will now own the world"he said with a resounding laugh.

Then he look at the lady on the floor and continue with his speech

"Danielle,who can save you now??,I told you to marry me but you did not answer instead you married this waste,now you are paying the price which is death,you two will die together "he said again as he laugh out loud

Then he snap his eyes to the side looking at the lady calling for help

"Dorris, princess since your mother refuse my advance,now it's you I will toy with,you now become my sex toy"he said as he moved to her,with a gentle step

He move to her and that is when she noticed that there is a rope in his hand,he carried her effortless and tied her up,then she placed her near her parents making her watch as life slipped away from them.

"Noooooooooooo "she screamed

"Dorris.. ..Dorris "she heard her parents faint voice and woke up oantung and sweating

It's a nightmare....she thought

"Water,water please "she demanded with a dry throat as she breathe heavily like a person who had just run a hundred metre race.

"Sorry my dear,calm down it's a dream"her mom Danielle said to her as patter her back trying to calm her down.

"Mum,dad,it's a nightmare "Dorris said as she burst into tears and hug her parents tightly.

They hug her back as her mum pat her back and her Dad pat her hair.

"Sorry my princess, nothing will happen "her dad said as he gave her words of comfort,even though he is also worried.

"Let me make a warm tea for you,you will be good,her mum said as she want to make a warm tea for her.

Her dad sat at the edge of the king size bed ,she laid and placed her head on his leg while he pat her and muttered it will be alright to her .

"Dad,it felt so real,I don't want to loose you",she said as she hiccupped

"Am going no where my princess,me and your mum will be with you till our old age"her dad reassure her.

After taking the warm tea,she slept with her mum and slept soundly.

Dorris is the heir to the second biggest company in the country,her dad Math is the president to the company and now she have been having the nightmare about loosing her parents and being tied up by someone looking like his father,she is so scared.

In another part of the City.

A guy could be seen wringing and sweating hard, muttering some words to himself,it is certain that he is having a nightmare,if you move closer to him,you will hear what he is saying

"Mum,come back,dad,don't go "those are the words he is saying as he was holding the sheet so tight to himself and sweating

"Raymond, Raymond "his friend Roman said trying to bring him back from his nightmare

With a loud breathe,he finally woke up sweating and feeling as if he had just run round the world.

He was given water and he calm down a little then he stood up and moved to the balcony with his friend following him.

Well,he is having another episode of his nightmare,that's how he always have them and the family have contacted a lot of doctors but none could find a solution to it,they could I my say that he should have someone to stay with him.

Raymond is an orphan,he lost his parents when he was just born,he was barely two years when they died in a crash,leaving him in the hands of his grandparents who had been watching over him since then even though his grandmother always portrayed that she don't love him,since he caused the death of his parents,her beloved son and his wife while the grandfather loved him darely as he saw his son in him and felt that he is a replacement of his lost son.

Raymond stayed at the balcony,letting the cold breeze beat his skin just to feel alive again.

His friend Roman just stay with him because he knew that he need to collect his thoughts together,as this had been happening since Raymond was 16 years and now he is 20years old,the nightmare did not stop but only reduce,but it seems to be more frequent these days as his sleepless night have increased.

After sometimes,Roman finally say something.

"Ray,don't you think we need to see an hypotanist,maybe they will be able to do something,I don't like seeing you in pain,or what did you think?,he asked him asking for his opinion.

"If that will help,then no problem,but I don't really have much hope as we have been visiting different doctors since the last four years and none was able to do something to it"he said as he already loose hope in finding a cure to his nightmare.

"Okay,I will contact the best hypotanist doctor in this country "Roman said hopefully

Raymond is the heir to the biggest company in the country,so he have a lot of resources to bring best doctor for his treatment.

The life of both Roman and Dorris is about to face twist they never thought will happen.

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