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LOVE ME FOREVER (Mr. billionaire)

LOVE ME FOREVER (Mr. billionaire)


Chapter 1  Nightmare

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 23/05/2024

down non stop,she knelt down beside a man whose body was covered in blood, then move to the second body

't leave without you, daddy!!"she

ave me,I will die if yo

help but it seems like nobody is hearing her, everyone just c

returned to the bodies whos

don't leave,no one will take care of me if you

an on the floor came,he looked at them a

l now own the world"he sai

dy on the floor and co

answer instead you married this waste,now you are paying the price whi

o the side looking at t

ce,now it's you I will toy with,you now become my s

his hand,he carried her effortless and tied her up,then she placed h

ooooo "sh

d her parents faint voice an


ry throat as she breathe heavily like a pe

m"her mom Danielle said to her as pa

ris said as she burst into tea

er mum pat her back an

"her dad said as he gave her words of

ou will be good,her mum said as s

he laid and placed her head on his leg while he

on't want to loose you",

and your mum will be with you till

tea,she slept with her

e president to the company and now she have been having the nightmare about loosin

er part o

me words to himself,it is certain that he is having a nightm

he words he is saying as he was holding

d Roman said trying to bring

oke up sweating and feeling as i

ittle then he stood up and moved to the

them and the family have contacted a lot of doctors but none could find a sol

arents who had been watching over him since then even though his grandmother always portrayed that she don't love him,since he caused the death of his

etting the cold breeze beat his

this had been happening since Raymond was 16 years and now he is 20years old,the nightmare did not st

s,Roman finall

will be able to do something,I don't like seeing you in pai

en visiting different doctors since the last four years and none was able to do so

t hypotanist doctor in this

in the country,so he have a lot of resour

rris is about to face twist t

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