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The Billionaire Call Girl

The Billionaire Call Girl

Author Zee


After Anny catches her boyfriend cheating with her best friend, she is shattered. While struggling to provide for herself and her impoverished mother, fate or perhaps a mistake lands her waking up next to Harold, a wealthy billionaire, in a hotel room. Despite Harold's disbelief in love, he finds himself drawn to Anny, offering her and her mother a life she's always dreamed of. However, his offer comes with a shameful request. Anny must become his personal call girl.

Chapter 1 One


Anny's grievous steps echoed as she ran down the staircase, tears filling her eyes, threatening to blind her. She cautiously slowed down on the tile floor, flashbacks of the great days with Evan clouding her mind.

"Baby, I can explain," a tall man in his mid twenties said, holding tightly onto the towel wrapped around his torso. He gestured briefly before moving closer to Anny.

"Cut the crap, Evan, again?" Anny said, her tears seeming never to stop. She tried to walk away but was held back by Evan.

"I am sorry, this time more than before. If you really love me as you claim, then you will forgive me once again," the confidence in his tone sent a rush of adrenaline through Anny's veins. She boiled with anger, irritation boldly written in her eyes.

"I forgave your infidelity twelve times already. I never knew I would keep counting the numbers. I'm done this time. Go back to your hot chick before she turns cold," Anny uttered, summoning the tough girl in her to come out. She urged herself not to give in to this blood sucking vampire every time. As a gentle lady, she needs her tough girl power.

"If you leave, I am not gonna take you back when you come begging. You're not even special. You always act weird whenever I try touching you, ranting about keeping your innocence till you're married. Bullshit. I am not going to be responsible for this breakup if you leave now. But remember, I am done if you dare step out of here."

The words hit Anny so hard. Trying so hard to keep her composure, she lazily stared at the figure opposite the staircase, the mocking stare of someone she took like a sister, her friend of three years, sent her wailing as she finally left the house.

It's not new to her. Her boyfriend has been a cheater throughout their two year relationship. She started dating Evan on their prom night, and that night she had caught him making out with a girl in his car. She forgave him because she loved him dearly, and since then, she had caught him more times, and now with her best friend, who shockingly had advised her to break up with him before the realization of their affair...

"How's the cake coming, Anny?" Katie asked, not waiting for her response and hurrying towards the room appointed to her and her staffs. Annie followed her, getting a sheet of paper out of her pocket.

"Everything is settled, and the cake will be out at exactly 5:00 in the evening as Mrs Hill has requested."

"Well done, and be careful. I don't want any last minute problems to occur. I trust you, Anny," Katie said sweetly, earning a wide grin from Anny as she nodded. "Nothing of such will happen."

Katie returned to her department, leaving Anny to the cake preparation. Not quite long after Katie left, Anny received a message from her mother, requesting five thousand dollars to pay debt.

Amidst the turmoil going on in her life at the moment, she can't seem to forget the event that took place early in the day. She reminisced about the time she had hoped to build a future with Evan, and as he said, she had the feeling to return to him, to make things right, but she shook it off, promising not to give in this time around.


"I staked ten billion." Harold husky voice boomed across the spacious room located at the last floor of one of his company.

Harold was awarded the richest man in the whole of state, three years in a row. His young age and handsome personality earned him a more suitable position in the social sector. Most female celebrities proclaimed him as their all time crush in interviews, which always led to rumors.

The whole congregation staked their offer, making Harold stand out as the highest staker. They ended the meeting, and the businessmen left.

"The event is starting in an hour, sir," Harold's PA informed him, making sure his tone was audible and soft. He must've realized how much his boss hated going to family gatherings.

"Where is the place again?" Harold asked, his tone conceding his unenthusiastic. He never liked to treat his worker as trash or rather hurt their feelings.

"It's taking place at your mother's hotel, sir," the PA responded.

"Then let's go," Harold said, walking towards the elevator, down to his car.

On his way to the hotel, Harold's mind flashed back to when he used to love his mother dearly. Truly, he knew his father isn't appropriately a father figure. He was so obsessed with his riches and position that he barely had time to take care of him as a little child. But his mother, that woman might have been so scary now, but she made time for him, and he was thankful to her, not until she signed the divorce letter his promiscuous father sent, and his mother literally grew apart, finding solace in alcohol and the office, ruining a big part of his childhood and making it hard for him to share more bond with his parents.

He had never talked to anyone about his ordeal nor as a child or an adult. He is used to not showing his weakness, and that has shaped him into a coldhearted man. A lot of scandals tagged him as dangerous and others as a ruthless billionaire.

But it wasn't their fault, he always thought. They never really knew what he's gone through. And with his so proclaimed ruthlessness, there's that soft spot in him that respects his workers, and he regards people around him in his own little way. How else would you possibly want a man to show emotions when he has been robbed of his?

At exactly 5:00, Harold's car parked at the lobby. Having little hope to escape his mother and her socialite friends, he motioned for his PA who was standing opposite the parked car.

"Lead the way to the room reserved for me," he said, checking his wristwatch.

"Your mother said you must get down to the gathering early, sir. I fear she won't take it well if you go to your room now," the PA explained, avoiding direct eye contact.

"I see she has grown fond of you, huh?" he said, sarcasm audible in his tone.

"Or should I discuss marriage with her?" he added, walking to the elevator, intentionally ignoring his PA's defensive remarks.

"Where on earth did Annie drop her cellphone?" Kate mumbled, going up and down, dialing Annie's number. It's time to move the cake to the hall, But Annie is nowhere to be found.

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