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Billionaire Yesterday Bride

Billionaire Yesterday Bride

Author Zee


"I wanna stay with Daddy," Little Rain cries, tugging at her mother's shirt. Celine positioned her five-year-old daughter on the bench close to the waterfall and with a cold face, she uttered to Raymond, "You got my baby but never me." After five years of Celine Murphy being billionaire Raymond Zayn's sweetheart and bride while she was in college, she returned to Illinois with her daughter, Rain Zayn, a product of her affair with Raymond five years ago. Their paths would cross, but this time, hate looms. Within the hate is a longingness which situations would force out. Raymond want her back with the joyful gift she brought along,but is Celine ever willing to retun to his home,or more less his bed? Would she give in to the gnawing temptation when she's forced to care for Raymond when he broke his leg just after he won possession of their child? Read more about how a billionaire love first,but madly.

Chapter 1 Prologue

What the hell did you do to me, girl?" Ray said, breathing hard from the previous kiss. He stood between Celine's thighs. She tried to rise on her back on the bed, but he stopped her.

"Let me fuck you, Celine!" He looked at her, emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He adored her, he had liked her since the first day. Celine blinked rapidly, she had never heard those words directly from a man before. Men had gazed at her, implying their sexual desires, but she had never wanted to reciprocate. Hearing it from a man like Ray turned her on and affected her to the core. It had been two weeks since she started messing around with Ray. He would take her on dates, drive her to her hostel floor, and then ravage her lips. He had fingered her once too, when she refused to go to a party with him. He had fucked her with his fingers, and she had cum. Ray showed her things she thought were impossible. She knew he liked her for sure, but she didn't know what she felt. Ray wasn't in her class, he was high class and superior. She was just a college girl trying to study and then earn money. But here was a man who controlled billions asking to own her.

Ray kissed her nose, bringing her out of her bushy thinking.

"Fuck me, Celine!" He looked intently into her eyes. He had controlled his hands and dick for the past weeks, but being with her in this tiny distance brought that control to a halt. He wouldn't hurt her, nor would he do things against her wish. With his thumb, he brushed her cheeks while he leaned down on her, his stomach on her stomach. The position was so intense, she cleared her throat and wiped her lips that were sore from the kisses. "I want you too, Ray," she said in a low voice.

"You want me to fuck you, Celine?" She nodded. "I have wanted to fuck you since I set my eyes on you, but I waited. Do you want to now?" She nodded again. He rose from his position and moved to a drawer to bring out a condom. "Stand up, Celine." She rose to a sitting position, staring up at him. She quickly moved her gaze away when she saw his eyes on her.

"Are you shy?" he inquired, smiling. She almost moaned from the way he looked at her.

"I'm not shy, you know. I was just..." she stopped. Ray moved closer to her. "What happened, baby? You want me to stop?" She looked up at him, his gaze inches away from her face. She shook her head.

"I want you, Ray, but I don't want to regret doing this with you."

Ray went down on his knees, tugging at her clothes playfully. "I won't hurt you, Celine."

"I know, but I am not sure if I will be okay after this. I have heard people say it's youthful exuberance. I don't know what I feel, and I don't want to give my first time away without knowing what I'm doing."

"First time?" Ray looked at her questioningly. She nodded. "You are a virgin?" She nodded again. "Oh fuck," he cursed. "I didn't know. Yeah, I felt like you were damn tight when I fingered you the other time, but I didn't know. I didn't hurt you that day, did I?"

She smiled at him, rubbing her thumb on his cheek the way he did to her. "It didn't hurt, but I felt good about it." She smiled so hard her teeth showed.

He kissed her gently at first, but when she kissed him back, his control slipped away. He used his tongue to rub her mouth, and she returned it with effect. He pulled down his tie, then unbuttoned his shirt without stopping the kiss. "Touch me, baby, all over my body," he said, stretching his tongue to reach deep into her mouth. She choked, coughing out. "Sorry, baby," he said, smiling against the kiss. He held her to him, caressing her lips with his. She rubbed his tummy down to his abs. His dick hardened, and he groaned against her neck.

"Stop, baby. I can't fuck you now, but if you are sure of what you feel, you can tell me, and I will gladly fuck you over and over again," he said, lifting her chin up to look at him.

This is their story, and only theirs to be told...

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Billionaire Yesterday Bride

Chapter 1 Prologue
