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Unfold Lovestory

Unfold Lovestory

Anjali Lingayat


Sachi was betrayal by her best friend Raavi and Rahil. Her life change totally when they try to kill her but someone save her, then her whole life get change. Will Sachi able to get save from her best friends?

Chapter 1 Happiness to pain

Sachi was happy on her marriage day, marrying a person who was chosen by her fake temporary family. Her friend's mother was smiling as her plan succeeded.Sachi was twenty-four years old when she completed her MBA Finance management with diploma of entrepreneurship with an internship. She is a good business women now. She is an innocent, silent, and intelligent girl with natural beauty. With her slim figure and average height, she looked gorgeous in the bridal dress.

But suddenly, news shocks her that her marriage is broken, as the guy who was going to marry her ran away with a girl who was her best friend, Raavi. Sachi listening to these got shocked and said in her mind with fear, "I am two months pregnant. He slept with me and told me he was happy with me. I gave him everything. I was so fooled that I did not understand that Raavi was using me. She stayed at his house for this."Sachi came out of the room. She took the car keys from Raavi's brother. She goes to that guy's house and walks towards his room. As she came into the room, she saw Raavi sleeping on the bed with that guy. She couldn't believe her eyes. Anger surged through her veins as she realised the extent of Raavi's betrayal. Sachi couldn't fathom how someone she considered a friend could stoop so low. The room felt suffocating, filled with a mix of heartbreak and rage. Determined to confront Raavi, Sachi mustered up the courage to wake her from her slumber.

As Raavi stirred awake, Sachi's voice trembled with a mix of emotions. She demanded answers, her words laced with hurt and disbelief. Raavi, startled by the accusation, tried to defend herself, but Sachi wasn't willing to listen anymore. The truth had been unveiled, and in that moment, Sachi knew she had to rebuild her life without the people who had deceived her. With tears streaming down her face, she walked away from the room, leaving behind the shattered remains of a friendship and a broken dream of a happily ever after. As she was going out of the house, suddenly someone took her into the corner. That guy named Rahil is one of her friends, and he said that he wanted to talk to her about something important and that he would tell her later, but now it's time for him to tell his story.

Sachi questions him about why he cheated on her, as he was in love with Raavi. He started kissing her passionately; she got helpless but, with full force, pushed him away by slapping him in rudeness. Sachi tells Raavi that she is not going to marry anyone else and that she will not leave the house until she gets married. Raavi smiled evilly and said, "I know the reason, and I will destroy that reason." Sachi was shocked to hear this. Raavi kisses Rahil aggressively in front of Sachi. Raavi saw stairs and Sachi. After kissing, she walks towards Sachi. Raavi pushed her by stabbing a knife in her stomach.

Sachi screamed and fell down the stairs. Blood gushed out from Sachi's wound as she lay motionless on the cold, hard steps. Raavi stood over her, a twisted smile of satisfaction on her face. The shock and horror of the situation overwhelmed Sachi's senses, leaving her unable to comprehend the depth of Raavi's cruelty. As Sachi gasped for breath, struggling to hold on to life, Raavi's words echoed in her mind. The realisation hit her like a tidal wave: Raavi had orchestrated this brutal attack to eliminate the one thing that stood between them: Rahil. Sachi's heart ached with betrayal and pain as she clung desperately to consciousness, knowing that her love for Rahil had led her into this nightmarish abyss.

With each passing moment, darkness closed in around her, but Sachi refused to surrender. She vowed silently that she would fight for justice and expose Raavi's wicked intentions before it was too late. Rahil stops Raavi from asking why she stabbed the knife, as they hadn't planned this. Raavi says with anger, "I am not her best friend. My mom got away because of her; she told me that Sachi is the reason... I was away from my own family because my life was in danger. She knows-her name is Sachi, not Raavi. She had the guts to marry you and sleep with you and acquire my place. I will convince your child, not her; she is just an orphan girl." Flashback, Raavi was running on the road, and Sachi her best friend came to save her. She fought goons and saved Raavi. Raavi's father and mother saw it. Raavi's mother says with an evil smile to Raavi's father, "This girl can stay as our daughter and Raavi as her best friend. This plan will save our daughter, and this marriage will save her life." They smiled at seeing each other, and Raavi thanked Sachi for helping her. Raavi's mother shared an idea with Raavi until her marriage: at her place, Sachi would stay.

Sachi met Rahil for the first time, and he got lost in her beauty. He knows the truth but thinks of cheating Raavi. He made Sachi fall in love and promise he would marry her. He spent romantic and intimate moments with her. Sachi felt his feelings were real for her and was unaware of Rahil-Raavi's evil intention.Raavi's father got a warning from his enemy that his daughter would marry his son. But everything went wrong when they tried to kill Sachi but failed. As she was locked in the room on the wedding day, she learned about Raavi's plan.

Raavi had been in love with Rahil since college days, and his father was an enemy of her father. She thought she could trap her father in these fake plans with the help of her mother.At present, Raavi has told the whole truth to Sachi, and Rahil also supports her. Rahil kisses Raavi's cheek, and holding her in his arms, he says, "Raavi. I had to sleep with her because my father told me to do it and trap her. As he wanted the business of your father and I wanted you plus I wanted Sachin's business for you to gift, as you dreamed it. You loves me. Sorry dear. But this poor Sachi... sorry, but I will give the money, and whatever you just say, take this money and go to the hospital."

Raavi throws the purse and two bags towards Sachi.Sachi cries with pain and anger. She says with anger and gets up from the ground, seeing them, "Rahil and Raavi... I curse you both. You do this for money, status, fame, and to marry each other as you love... But this money, power, fame, status, and happiness from your life will get away soon... You both will beg for help and struggle to find happiness in life. You will fail that time. Mark my words nicely!" Sachi removes her jewellery and bangles and throws them on the stairs. She walks out of the bungalow, holding her purse and bags.

Why Raavi-Rahil used Sachi?

Why Raavi was jealous and angry with Sachi?

To know the reason, stay tune to read further!

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